The Farmajo honeymoon is already over. Somali-Canadian calls for WAR!!

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Duchess is playing the old Bermuda triangle Elitist isku-dir tactic that worked to perfection when Hiraab collided in the 90's.

However what she doesn't realise nor factor in is the rapid psychological change the residents of Mogadishu went through since all the wars, there is zero appetite for this, Qabiil is totally dead in the city at the grass root levels for more then a decade and none can resurrect this again

If there was such a thing as Abgaal unity, the 8 years of presidency would have showed it and Amisom would not be needed, the same thing for HG, AbdiQasim was opposed by his own clan and this is more then a decade ago and he and his body guards couldn't leave their zones of influence.

Mogadishu is split by 3 parties, the most powerful right now is Daljir (every Qabiil is in it former Ahla sheikh group), then you have Damul Jadiid we all know & every Qabiil is part of it including Kulmiye, then you have Islah an offshoot of Muslim brotherhood type, same story there as well.

The only places were Qabiil politics is relevant is S/land and P/land, everywhere else it's dead, P/land has a 3.5 system, you will never see anyone other then the bermuda triangle take power there, 18 years of Mohamoud Saleeban unrivalled power since it's creation, at least S/land gave it to a minority for 8 years.
Bro I agree with what ur saying but I think if he chooses a good qualified Abgaal, that's definitely gonna Solidify his unity and show everyone at home and abroad that qabiil is definitely dead, it's a very good measure and the rewards are far greater.


HRH Duchess of Puntland, The Viscount of Garoowe
yup, its their time sis


There's a line and 0.5s are at the back. You should advocate for a female PM not a Bantu one. :susp:


If any one focked up, its these abgaal mofos wallahi. You can never share anything with them. Wallahi, if you have been to Mogadishu, you will know what I am talking about.

Some times, when you think Somalis have moved forward, theirs always those who fock up the mood.
There's a line and 0.5s are at the back. You should advocate for a female PM not a Bantu one. :susp:
id be happy either way. i want the .5 system to die out so a Madow president might make that happen. or maybe that lawyer lady currently fighting to get our land back form bantus, or fadumo dayib. i want qualified patriots. as long as their not male from a big clan. f*ck men
Who or how am I "isku diring"?
I don't get what point, if any, you're trying to make here. :drakewtf:
It's clear as day you are trying to create conflict between Hiraab and fellow Mogadishians but it's not going to work.

Mogadishu is theirs and they make up majority of the population, another fact. I don't get what point, if any, you're trying to make here.
Mogadishu is the capital belongs to all Somalis, but clan wise it belongs to the whole of Mudulood, Murusade, Duduble, Sheekhaal, Habargidir and many other clans.

join Shabaab

Xamar will only go forward, Insha'Allah.

Keep dreaming of an AS takeover.

@AceofSom Don't fall for the bait.
There is no beef between Habargidir and Mudulood. We are one and the same.
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Your superior
Duchess is playing the old Bermuda triangle Elitist isku-dir tactic that worked to perfection when Hiraab collided in the 90's.

However what she doesn't realise nor factor in is the rapid psychological change the residents of Mogadishu went through since all the wars, there is zero appetite for this, Qabiil is totally dead in the city at the grass root levels for more then a decade and none can resurrect this again

If there was such a thing as Abgaal unity, the 8 years of presidency would have showed it and Amisom would not be needed, the same thing for HG, AbdiQasim was opposed by his own clan and this is more then a decade ago and he and his body guards couldn't leave their zones of influence.

Mogadishu is split by 3 parties, the most powerful right now is Daljir (every Qabiil is in it former Ahla sheikh group), then you have Damul Jadiid we all know & every Qabiil is part of it including Kulmiye, then you have Islah an offshoot of Muslim brotherhood type, same story there as well.

The only places were Qabiil politics is relevant is S/land and P/land, everywhere else it's dead, P/land has a 3.5 system, you will never see anyone other then the bermuda triangle take power there, 18 years of Mohamoud Saleeban unrivalled power since it's creation, at least S/land gave it to a minority for 8 years.

qabiil politics in Somaliland kkkkkk

the reason why mudane @Inquisitive_ is angry at Somaliland when they told his qabiil to stop trying to take biyomaal land simple.

if you have gotten past qabiil politics I want to see a non hawiye/darod president or pm in mugadisho..


HG, Mudulood, Duduble, Sheikhaal = Same

Don't fall for the bait, they want to label the capital as "unstable" so they can move it to their regions.

Sxb, if you have been to Mogadishu, you would know what I am talking about. Its very diffuclt to share anything with Abgaal.
Even today, they if another Hawiye was to get the PM position they will kick up a storm, especially if hes HG, even tho they had the Presidency for 2 terms, mark my words.
They wouldn't even let each other run for the Presidency, their was 5 abgaals running for the same position.
They have a similar mentality to those Mahmoud saleeban in Puntland.


HRH Duchess of Puntland, The Viscount of Garoowe
It's clear as day you are trying to create conflict between Hiraab and fellow Mogadishians but it's not going to work.

Mogadishu is the capital belongs to all Somalis, but clan wise it belongs to the whole of Mudulood, Murusade, Duduble, Sheekhaal, Habargidir and many other clans.

Xamar will only go forward, Insha'Allah.

Keep dreaming of an AS takeover.

Why are you so butthurt? Why does my love of and support for Abgaal offend you so much? How can little old me from the comforts of my home in Toronto "create conflict" between two clans I have no relation to thousands of kms away? :fantasia2:

I am one of the biggest anti-Islamists on this forum. To now accuse of me supporting Al-Shabaab just shows how crazy you are. All I did was post a video. I don't recall mentioning you or your clan, but here you are acting like a psycho ex. Please, get a grip.:drakewtf:
Bro I agree with what ur saying but I think if he chooses a good qualified Abgaal, that's definitely gonna Solidify his unity and show everyone at home and abroad that qabiil is definitely dead, it's a very good measure and the rewards are far greater.

It doesn't matter who it goes for, whether it's Murursade, HG or Abgaal, there wont be any rebellion or anything to unify because there are no Qabiil blocks in Xamar it's totally dead, each of these is with a religious movement that I listed

the PM post will go with Daljir whom Farmaajo promised after they switched last minute allegiance with Shariif because he failed to promise them the PM position, they had influence on 80 or so MP's, it won him the election, these religious groups don't care about Qabiil

The Daljir candidates will be Fiqhe, C/Nasir, Ossoble and whoever else they present to him, hence my prediction it will likely go with Fiqhe or C/Nasir, the latter has paternal relations with Farmaajo and they were good friends in America.

The demographics in Xamar has changed a lot over the last few years, there is a huge Raxanweyne population there and minorities that have moved in. 500.000 IDP's alone in the last couple of years.

I honestly believe if a count was done today, Hiraab all together would be a very slim majority in the city like 55-60% ranges, never-mind Abgaal on it's own who will be a monitory group, so even if hypothetically there was qabiil groups, it would result in a stalemate, this is not the Xamar of 1991-2008.
Sxb, if you have been to Mogadishu, you would know what I am talking about. Its very diffuclt to share anything with Abgaal.
Even today, they if another Hawiye was to get the PM position they will kick up a storm, especially if hes HG, even tho they had the Presidency for 2 terms, mark my words.
They wouldn't even let each other run for the Presidency, their was 5 abgaals running for the same position.
They have a similar mentality to those Mahmoud saleeban in Puntland.
I've been to Mogadishu numerous times, especially Warta Nabada and Hodan.
Whether a Mudulood, HG, Duduble, Murusade or even a Xawaadle is appointed PM, it doesn't matter, Mogadishians are united to rebuild their city.
No Mogadishian is willing to destroy their city and "return to 91".
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It doesn't matter who it goes for, whether it's Murursade, HG or Abgaal, there wont be any rebellion or anything to unify because there are no Qabiil blocks in Xamar it's totally dead, each of these is with a religious movement that I listed

the PM post will go with Daljir whom Farmaajo promised after they switched last minute allegiance with Shariif because he failed to promise them the PM position, they had influence on 80 or so MP's, it won him the election, these religious groups don't care about Qabiil

The Daljir candidates will be Fiqhe, C/Nasir, Ossoble and whoever else they present to him, hence my prediction it will likely go with Fiqhe or C/Nasir, the latter has paternal relations with Farmaajo and they were good friends in America.

The demographics in Xamar has changed a lot over the last few years, there is a huge Raxanweyne population there and minorities that have moved in. 500.000 IDP's alone in the last couple of years.

I honestly believe if a count was done today, Hiraab all together would be a very slim majority in the city like 55-60% ranges, never-mind Abgaal on it's own who will be a monitory group, so even if hypothetically there was qabiil groups, it would result in a stalemate, this is not the Xamar of 1991-2008.
We're just gonna have to wait and see bro, all it takes is a little bit of dissing which turns into resentment and then you have a new (islamist jihaadis) that start causing problems. And all that can be prevented now.
I don't know the reason for all these hostility. farmaajo will be the president for 4 years in that time, let him do his work with out any pressure of violence/civil war threatens. Meanwhile the Abgaal, HG, isaaq, MJ, Dir, D&M candidates must work on their future plans, solutions and bring new ideas to sell themselves to the Somali people. It is just 4 years and you will have your chances in one man vote system. Also we will remove 4.5 system inshallah. other candidates must work on rejuvenating themselves. Take easy and stop the hate.
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Sxb, if you have been to Mogadishu, you would know what I am talking about. Its very diffuclt to share anything with Abgaal.
Even today, they if another Hawiye was to get the PM position they will kick up a storm, especially if hes HG, even tho they had the Presidency for 2 terms, mark my words.
They wouldn't even let each other run for the Presidency, their was 5 abgaals running for the same position.
They have a similar mentality to those Mahmoud saleeban in Puntland.

I thought you were Abgaal :damn:


Your superior
I don't know the reason for all these hostility. farmaajo will be the president for 4 years in that time, let him do his work with out any pressure of violence/civil war threatens. Meanwhile the Abgaal, HG, isaaq, MJ, Dir, D&M candidates must work on their future plans, solutions and bring new ideas to sell themselves to the Somali people. It is just 4 years and you will have your chances in one man vote system. Also we will remove 4.5 system inshallah. other candidates must work on rejuvenating themselves. Take easy and stop the hate.

isaaq isn't involved in it, thank you
I don't know the reason for all these hostility. farmaajo will be the president for 4 years in that time, let him do his work with out any pressure of violence/civil war threatens. Meanwhile the Abgaal, HG, isaaq, MJ, Dir, D&M candidates must work on their future plans, solutions and bring new ideas to sell themselves to the Somali people. It is just 4 years and you will have your chances in one man vote system. Also we will remove 4.5 system inshallah. other candidates must work on rejuvenate themselves. Take easy and stop the hate.

Only Hawiye and Darood can run for presidency. I call all my Dir, Isaaq, and Rahanwyn brothers to arm themselves and get what's ours.:fittytousand:
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