Yes it is somewhat depressing but it's not all negative. These people are building up capital and technical knowledge. They will bring back all of this capital and expertise to somalia. That they wouldn't otherwise have if they didn't go overseas. In a twister way somalias civil war unlocked opportunities to build up capital and expertise and connections that would have never materialized if we were just another African country and not a global diasporaOur private sector takes the initiative to do things and are self-reliant because they have no choice but to be, we barely have a functioning state. Just look at what Somali entrepreneurs are doing across East Africa. Hass Petroleum is a multi billion dollar Somali company that's based in Kenya.
Uganda uses Somali investors to build factories that can't be financed in Somalia due to our pathetic governments incompetency.
Other countries are taking advantage of our peoples enterprising spirit and business acumen while in Somalia all of our businesses have to operate with one hand tied behind their backs because of our lack of effective governance.