The Gulf career method might be over

Keep it a boqol

“Live as if everything is rigged in your favour”

A good setup in my humble-opinion would be having a western (i.e. American) passport, living in the DSA, having a remote well-paid western job, signing up for a freelancer or small-business visa in the DSA to keep you there, having the right qualifications or hitting the investment requirements for a golden visa and just chilling in the cheaper, warm and luxurious gulf with whatever net-pay you get from your western job not being touched in the Gulf. It's very westernized and English speaking so you wouldn't feel out of place but you'd get to hear the call to prayer everyday with every neighborhood having at least 1-2 masjids. Long-term just save and invest your lacag into Somalia and setting yourself up like a Boqor over there once you retire.
That’s my next move as a Canadian. Either move to the states or get an American remote job and live in Dudabi and stack up. Very doable
singapore and malaysia are trying to create new industrial city together, that part of asia is where the next highest growth in economic output is taking place
I heard about that. Singapore is still growing 5-6% some years they’ve even done 10%. Both countries are ran well. If only we didn’t have an retards as our neighbour

