The horn of Africa and Lucy(Australopithecus)

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Do any of you believe in ethiopians, eritrean and somalis when they say humanity began in horn, we are the 1st people and everyone evolved from us. and why is this question alway racial charged. people of Geeska Africa are an old race of people, our people like have been in horn since the Neolithic (10,000) year ago. like all people we are the result of mixing people who came from the north and older hunter gather culture in the region. but we didn't appear fully actualized and we did't sprout out of the ground like ears of corn. we look the way we do partly through mixing and partly through adaption. we need to accept that rather than deflecting, when ever we are question about our origin. we are an older breed long before the Bantu emerge from the forest of the congo and indo-European emerge out of the steppe of central asian people like us and carrying out DNA settle in southern Europe and central Africa. it only over the last 3000 yr that other people out competed us and reduce us to north and north east Africa.
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