The Horn of Jahanam as Balkan countries


Trudeau Must Go #CCP2025

@Khaemwaset @Kizaru


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
Its too late huuno. Qabilism has taken HOLD. It used to be the Daroods were the Toxic ones- claiming to be Arabs. Now In tik tok- Suddenly i see Hawiye people claiming "Landheerniimo" and being arabs.

Its the case of the snake eating itself
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Trudeau Must Go #CCP2025
"Larger diaspora than home population"

Lmao someone wrote this without checking Somalia's population. We are not nearly as langaab as Albanians are
part of it was trolling not to be taken fully serious kkkk ik diaspora is nowhere near somalia's population. I should've clarified that the post was half kuftaan
part of it was trolling not to be taken fully serious kkkk ik diaspora is nowhere near somalia's population. I should've clarified that the post was half kuftaan
I see. Its somewhat surprisingly accurate tho. Where do you think Tigray and Djibouti play a role in this?


Trudeau Must Go #CCP2025
I see. Its somewhat surprisingly accurate tho. Where do you think Tigray and Djibouti play a role in this?
I didnt include them because they have no balkan equivients tbh.

Djibouti does its own thing. Its the most developed country in the horn with a GDP per capita of 3k which is pretty good for continental standards let alone this cursed region. They are bing chilling while occasionally funding their cawaan Dir cousins in Somaliland to do fuckery to Harti with SSC & suppressing Warsangeli in sanaag.

Tigray was the former big enemy in the region turned miskeen. TPLF had a hard grip on all of us from the conclusion of the Ethiopian civil war in 1991 until 2018 when Abiy Ahmed took power. From 2018 - 2020 TPLF said they don't recongize Abiy Ahmed's authority over Ethiopia. When they wouldn't back down Abiy Ahmed basically said f*ck you niggas & bombed them into the stone age. From 2020 - 2022 600k people were killed in Tigray.

The population is 6 million.

6 million divided by 600k is 10.

10 percent of the entire Tigrayan population wiped off the face of the world. Insane genocide but nobody talks about it because waa dad madow. The world can care less about black conflicts just like they don't care about the Congo, Sudan, or us in Somalia rn.

For these reasons I dind't include these niggas in my meme. Their situation is waaaay too fucked to even have a balkan comparison which really says something.

Maybe the best rep for Tigray is Bosnia? Given their shared genocide.

Tigray was way worse tho obviously.


Trudeau Must Go #CCP2025
We're like the Balkans but even poorer and more warlike how is that possible
When ethiopia eventually collapses expect Yugoslavia 2.0. Cadaans though thr Yugo situation was bad wallahi we'll be making chapters of history when everyone starts coming for each orhers necks after collective taking abiy Ahmed out 🤣

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