Wait didnt Caydiid start his USC movement outside Mustaaxil armed by Ethiopian Derg regime?

Wait didnt Caydiid start his USC movement outside Mustaaxil armed by Ethiopian Derg regime?
Why were you hiding?Sxb this thread was entertaining, everyone turned tribal, walle waa lays bartay.
@Samaalic Era you held it down sxb. Hats off wallahi. Jananka HG noolow
There is a saying
"When someone speaks, listen thrice. Once to hear what is said, twice to hear from whom said it, and thrice to hear who it is said to". Qaxaabada xun ee threadka furatay cidaha ey ka dhalatay iyo godobka ay tirsanayso waanu naqaan.
Why were you hiding?
Secondly adiga qaxab ah, gabadha Ka fuq.