The Ikhwaani Obsession With Politics & Current Affairs | Ust Abu Salma Mohammad Aideed

Garaad Awal

Former African
I think it's kind of funny that resisting the NGOs is being "programmed," "bootlicker," "sellout," and traitor to Islam supposedly. All these things you supposedly are- if you resist the NGOs. If you refuse to march in step with these tentacles of colonialism which are the NGOs and the Western propaganda machine.

It reminds me of something Malcolm X said "you bite when the white man says bite; and you bark when the white man says bark."

you are to bark and bite at Saudi Arabia when Western NGOs, propaganda outlets, liberals and feminazis say to bark and bite or you are every insulting name they can think of. and to bark and bite at their command is being a real true defender of Islam, a modern-day Khaled ibn Walid supposedly.

let people come up with the worst insults and false accusations they can come up with, I reject the Soros-backed anti-Saudi thing just like I rejected the vaccine, climate hysteria, liberalism, feminism and pretty much all the other things funded and backed by Soros and the forces he represents.
That’s a long essay just to say you’re a loyal servant of his highness crown prince MBS Aal Saud. Good boy, we are temporary allies akhuy


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