The Imams Who Are "Navigating Differences" with Qawm Lut

They did condemn LGBTQ+ and preach against it in their mosques and among the Muslims? This document explicitly cndemns it. What more do you want the Muslim American minority to do?

Whether we like it or not, LGBTQ+ have a legal right to practice their lifestyle in this country and we as a tiny minority of 1% have no legal right or even the power to impose our laws upon others. We can preach against their lifestyle and condemn them for trying to infiltrate Muslim spaces but that’s about it. As a 1% minority living in America you should know your limits and not act irrationally, we are left with no choice but to coexist.

It sounds like you did not listen to any of the criticisms and are arguing against something else. You should listen and then respond to it.


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
They did condemn LGBTQ+ and preach against it in their mosques and among the Muslims! The document explicitly condemns it. What more do you want the Muslim American minority to do?

Whether we like it or not, LGBTQ+ have a legal right to practice their lifestyle in this country and we as a tiny minority of 1% have no legal right or even the power to impose our laws upon others. We can preach against their lifestyle and condemn them for trying to infiltrate Muslim spaces but that’s about it. As a 1% minority living in America you should know your limits and not act irrationally, we are left with no choice but to peacefully coexist.
Facts, the delusional Neo Salafis would prefer the days of persecution in 9/11.


Maqal herder | Burco boodhweyn.
Whether we like it or not, LGBTQ+ have a legal right to practice their lifestyle in this country and we as a tiny minority of 1% have no legal right or even the power to impose our laws upon others. We can preach against their lifestyle and condemn them for trying to infiltrate Muslim spaces but that’s about it. As a 1% minority living in America you should know your limits and not act irrationally, we are left with no choice but to peacefully coexist.

@AMusee ⬆️

Hijra is always there for Muslim minorities, you either follow the law of the land and learn to peacefully co-exist or go somewhere else where you feel safe and welcomed. There are no shortage of Muslim countries with high living standards.
Habibi, here are my reflections. I express them with a dedication to everyone's wellbeing. It comes from a place of brotherly love.

Notwithstanding the perceived positives of the recent statement, we also need to be honest.

Many of the Muslim leaders, imams, scholars and preachers in the West, particularly in the US, sided with the liberal left.

They made terrible, weak, short-term and uninformed decisions. There was hardly any direct da'wah to these ideologues and any attempt to show the ideological, intellectual and moral superiority of Islam was not prioritised.

In an ideological context, if you are not giving da'wah, they are giving "da'wah" to you. Unfortunately, due to relative silence and a passive strategy, they succeeded.

The recent statement is not a huge success. It is damage limitation. It is an attempt to pick up the broken pieces created by a failed strategy that has been implemented for over a decade. The very fact that it was needed is a huge sign of strategic and da'wah leadership failure.

It also has a lacuna. There is no direct da'wah and it does not challenge the false, incoherent assumptions of their worldview. It lacks ideological rigour. It is morally and intellectually subservient to a dominant evil worldview. This is not Prophet leadership.

We just have to look at the backlash from many fans and supporters. We need to ask: why are many of the fans and supporters of the signatories upset? What does it say about what they thought the signatories actually believed in?

Self-reflection is very important.

We have to admit failures and strategic mistakes. This is a blatant case of "reap what you sow".

A sign of good leadership is to accept responsibility and take ownership over the awful moral and intellectual state that many young Muslims are in. There was a failure to take moral and intellectual leadership, and it was done in the name of maslaha.

Frankly speaking it was a deviation from key Quranic and Prophetic values. It was unprincipled and weak.

I pray the lessons have been learned and I pray it is not too late.

As always, I am at anyone's service. We are brothers and we need to help each other.

I stand in the possibility I am wrong and I am happy to engage and be advised on any errors I have made.
