The Kacaan was the best thing that happend to our country

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Would you believe me if i told you the USA the most rich and powerful country in the world is a 1 party dictatorship, yes the worlds biggest “democracy” is a facade in all truth the best form of governance is with Allah’s law but with righteous leaders every system in the world will fall if the leaders are corrupt and don’t take care of the people so essentially what you want is a hidden dictatorship sorry to break to you but it’s all the same shit:manny:

India is the worlds biggest democracy:mjpls:


Would you believe me if i told you the USA the most rich and powerful country in the world is a 1 party dictatorship, yes the worlds biggest “democracy” is a facade in all truth the best form of governance is with Allah’s law but with righteous leaders every system in the world will fall if the leaders are corrupt and don’t take care of the people so essentially what you want is a hidden dictatorship sorry to break to you but it’s all the same shit:manny:

free and fare elections is more to the fact of representing the people not party alignment per say,
if a nation has corruption free elections that can represent the pulse of its people and only provides what business can't i.e. military, police, public roads, jails, and dosent stick its head into what bussiness can do better ex telecom, banks, factories, (free markets) than you will be among the economically rich countries,
Somalia currently has the free's markets in the world(thats why our business out compete other African nations) however our government isn't providing the services business can't and we don't have free fair elections which reflect the people.
I dont even consider Indians human ffs they shit in the water they drink from I’ve totally erased them from my mind as a civilized people of this earth:chrisfreshhah:
but India will be superpower by 2020:mjlol:

Hassan Garguute Buldanana

Majeertentitis Research Institute
Would you believe me if i told you the USA the most rich and powerful country in the world is a 1 party dictatorship, yes the worlds biggest “democracy” is a facade in all truth the best form of governance is with Allah’s law but with righteous leaders every system in the world will fall if the leaders are corrupt and don’t take care of the people so essentially what you want is a hidden dictatorship sorry to break to you but it’s all the same shit:manny:

Yeah Absoultely, but the point is the public know in 4yrs, they will have an election.


Seeker of knowledge and truth
Yeah Absoultely, but the point is the public know in 4yrs, they will have an election.
Election or selection? if the policies of every government that takes office is virtually identical what is the point of elections literally nothing changes it’s just to brain wash people to think they have a choice :mjohreally:


Lol death to communism and the wicked ultra secularist society that was Somalia, Puntlanders been living well since 91 the true victors alhamdulillah.

"The Irish Times

December 14, 1992, CITY EDITION

The other Face of a nation in crisis
In the north-east of Somalia there is another land of peace, fat sheep and a booming economy

SOMALIA is portrayed as a nation of crisis, looting and famine. This image is of the south and, to a lesser degree, the northwest. In the north-east there is another Somalia of peace, fat sheep, a booming economy, no begging and community self-help. The north-east is a strip about 900km long by 200km wide, running up the Indian Ocean coast- line to the very tip of the Horn of Africa. It is occupied by the Majerteen clan which is principally nomadic. There is one tarmac road and a handful of towns. The area was largely ignored by the development programmes under the old Siad Barre regime. These were focused in the south, around Mogadishu and its agricultural hinterland. The northeast was termed the "Forgotten Land". If your career failed in the capital you were sent to the north-east. The absence of development, investment, infrastructure and the nomadic pasturalism has helped save the north-east. There is nothing much to fight over, and most of the assets are literally moveable on the hoof. The Majerteen is strongly protective of its area. When the illegal Somali Salvation Democratic Front (SSDF) came back during the fall of the old central government and the civil war, and its leaders were released from Barres jails they immediately sought power with, and through, the old system of traditional clan leaders. King (Bogor) Abdullahi Musa is a member of the cabinet or council run by the SSDF leader, Mr Mohammed Abshir, in Bossasso. Through the Bogor and the hierarchy of Islans, Nabadons (peacemakers) and their deputies, the Samadons, and the village elders they have controlled inner divisions, created peace, withstood an uprising of Islamic fundamentalists and got on with a self-help administration by consensus. Everywhere the village elders start talking to strangers by saying: "Security is not a problem in our village. You are free to move and see what you want." There are guns around but they are not openly flaunted. The Majerteen has refused food aid for the north-east and is wary about outside involvement. The planned arrival of 900 Canadian UN troops has been discussed for five months and the approach is "softly, softly". The absence of the dead hand of central government that dragged all trade and decisions down south to the capital has liberated the natural entrepreneurial instincts of the Majerteen. Bossasso is booming. One company exported 350,000 sheep and goats to Jeddah for the Hajj pilgrims last spring. The normal night stillness and gentle sound of the waves on the beach is banished at the coastal villages of Eyl and Banderbeyla. Behind the dunes there is the hum and thump of compressors on five tonne refrigerated trucks loaded with langouste/lobster tails bound for Dubai at $ 25 per kilo. In the spirit of self-help, the fish-dealers pay $ 1 per tail to a local fund to reopen the school and hospital and help feed the fractured families displaced by the war in the south. inland, the nomads divide their flocks to provide animals for kinsmen who lost everything in the looting of Mogadishu. Nobody has received a salary for over two years, yet during 30 days among the people I was asked for only one thing. A small boy asked me for a pencil, but was immediately chided by an elder for being so bold! The Majerteen's attitude to the south is phlegmatic and cynical: Aideed is a madman, and "the clan elders were fools not to have found peace when they had the chance". The Majerteen thinks there should be a small UN force in the south with powers to act like firm policemen and support the diplomacy of people like the former UN special envoy, Mr Mohamed Sahnoun, the clan elders and aid agencies that work through the people. Irish organisations such as Concern, GOAL and Trocaire do not have active programmes in the north-east, yet their work is known to the Majerteen and has the reputation of being in the first league For those who may feel that Somalia is a bitter quagmire or bottomless pit, the peaceful industriousness of the north-east is an example and a cause for hope. David Ball is a hydro-geologist and development worker who has 20 years' experience in Africa and the Middle East. He has just returned from a 33-day assessment and planning mission in north-east Somalia for UNICEF and the British organisation, Vetaid."


@DR OSMAN check this sxb

The difference between the civilized and the barbarian.

If it was just us Somalia would have been back on its feet in 91
so what did siad improve on the government :faysalwtf:
politicians are supposed to be driving better cars then the populace :mahubowtf:
he changed the country from a peaceful democratically elected government to a strongman communist revolutionary dictatorship like Kim Jong il which caused the clan tensions leading to the civil war:farmajoyaab: yes he was better than the aidiids of the world but that isn't saying much:noneck:
The government's before were still attached to colonialism. Im Harti. Siyaad Barre AUN. Was the best Government we had and probably the last great one.
We were advanced in everyway possible.
There is no such thing as democracy. Only capitalism
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