The Kaffir Has Chosen The Dunya Over The Deen


@haramcadd @PirateJosper @Cilmi-doon

Even if Allah sends you to hell, this is perfect judgment. Why you fear Allah judgment. If god makes a decision your best place is hell and burning, you should be happy, Allah is the best of decision makers, why would you want to go to heaven if allah didn't decide this for you. So there is no point fearing hell, even if you go, allah is the best decision maker, you will enjoy hell because if allah makes a decision it is always perfect.

There is no bad decision that allah can reach since he is perfection. Heaven and Hell are basically perfect, nothing can be 'bad'. How can allah be perfect and create a 'bad place'? this will go against his nature of perfection because you are saying some parts of his creation are not perfect. That isn't the true god. I am testing you guys philosophically on your positions of god, not scientifically anymore
@PirateJosper @Cilmi-doon none of your two have answered my question. You went into a 'tangent' about how the earth is created in structures and order or you went into a tangent about 'disbelievers will be punished in the fire'. The question was simple, are u believer because u fear 'punishment'? it's not a hard question to answer, why u dodge it? are you scared your 'faith' will come crumbling down and you will leave Islam and realize all your belief is centered around not being punished in the fire. Hell is 'creation'. Allah told you never to fear the creation.

So why u fear hell, even if it's big fire, you should never fear it, illahi ba ka wayn inaad tirahdo weeye hadad 'believer dhab tahay'. But if your weak believer of hypocrit, you will actually fear the fire itself and hell. See I am true believer, I don't fear hell, illahi ayaa abuurtay, illahi ayaa mar walbo ka wayn wax kasto.

@haramcadd just dodged the question all together, maybe the reason is, his faith is shaken or he is in denial and blocking it out. Don't worry we know when faith is about to collapse, it goes through 'blocking stage' you want to block the truth out and then finally it goes thru the 'shook' stage where u start to attack the poster or atheist.

Practicing Islam in order to avoid the wrath of Allah, is in accordance with the Quran.... as I mentioned in my previous post.

I personally am a Muslim because I believe in the Prophecy of Muhammad bin Abdullah PBUH.
Just look at the circumstances some people are put in. They're raised by gaalo parents with no muslims around and when they die they never even heard anything about islam. Does someone like that deserve to go to hell when its clearly not their fault?

For those people who were raised by Non-Muslims and who were never exposed to Islam, Allah will decide their fate. Allah is the All-Knowing and the All-Hearing.

My friend, in the court of Allah عزّ وجلّ everyone receives a fair hearing. Allah is The Most Just and The Most Merciful.


For those people who were raised by Non-Muslims and who were never exposed to Islam, Allah will decide their fate. Allah is the All-Knowing and the All-Hearing.

My friend, in the court of Allah عزّ وجلّ everyone receives a fair hearing. Allah is The Most Just and The Most Merciful.

My friend you have been destroyed on many posts, there is no-one to help you. Your used to the Somali govt to help you or Somali culture to defend you, but when you come to an open space where there is no preferences given to you, you collapse, your belief is all made up to satisfy your EGO and Desires.
My friend you have been destroyed on many posts, there is no-one to help you. Your used to the Somali govt to help you or Somali culture to defend you, but when you come to an open space where there is no preferences given to you, you collapse, your belief is all made up to satisfy your EGO and Desires.

You can have Charles Darwin....I have Allah عزّ وجلّ on my side.


You can have Charles Darwin....I have Allah عزّ وجلّ on my side.

Charles darwin brought u fossils, missing links, and showed you your fossil and the animal fossil is very similar. You only responded with an 'ayah', he responded with FOSSILS. You can never match his truth, your just 'words', he has PROOF. You are crying because you cannot produce the same evidence as Charles Darwin to knock down Evolution. You just run around with 'ayah' of quran, nothing else. I can quote an 'ayah' from the bible or Torah or the Vedas or any book, it's not evidence. It's just your wishful thinking and opinions to satisfy your desires to go to jannah and have another life after death. You desire more life and rewards so you created a religion to support this idea and brain wash people with it. When you die you will never have another life, you will become fossil and eventually break down to dirt and elements and join mother nature and the eco-system. That's all you ever be, but your desires take you away from this, your desires for rivers and wine and sex is simply your desires, just because you desire something, doesn't mean you will get it.

I desire billions of dollars, doesn't mean I will get billions of dollars. Stop your desires and it's time to review your beliefs and atheism
Charles darwin brought u fossils, missing links, and showed you your fossil and the animal fossil is very similar. You only responded with an 'ayah', he responded with FOSSILS. You can never match his truth, your just 'words', he has PROOF. You are crying because you cannot produce the same evidence as Charles Darwin to knock down Evolution. You just run around with 'ayah' of quran, nothing else. I can quote an 'ayah' from the bible or Torah or the Vedas or any book, it's not evidence. It's just your wishful thinking and opinions to satisfy your desires to go to jannah and have another life after death. You desire more life and rewards so you created a religion to support this idea and brain wash people with it. When you die you will never have another life, you will become fossil and eventually break down to dirt and elements and join mother nature and the eco-system. That's all you ever be, but your desires take you away from this, your desires for rivers and wine and sex is simply your desires, just because you desire something, doesn't mean you will get it.

I desire billions of dollars, doesn't mean I will get billions of dollars. Stop your desires and it's time to review your beliefs and atheism

You can have Galápagos Islands..... for what it’s worth. I hope you like tortoise. :)

I choose Jannah Insha Allah
Me turning up to hell wondering where my niggas are at
@PirateJosper @Cilmi-doon none of your two have answered my question. You went into a 'tangent' about how the earth is created in structures and order or you went into a tangent about 'disbelievers will be punished in the fire'. The question was simple, are u believer because u fear 'punishment'? it's not a hard question to answer, why u dodge it? are you scared your 'faith' will come crumbling down and you will leave Islam and realize all your belief is centered around not being punished in the fire. Hell is 'creation'. Allah told you never to fear the creation.

So why u fear hell, even if it's big fire, you should never fear it, illahi ba ka wayn inaad tirahdo weeye hadad 'believer dhab tahay'. But if your weak believer of hypocrit, you will actually fear the fire itself and hell. See I am true believer, I don't fear hell, illahi ayaa abuurtay, illahi ayaa mar walbo ka wayn wax kasto.

@haramcadd just dodged the question all together, maybe the reason is, his faith is shaken or he is in denial and blocking it out. Don't worry we know when faith is about to collapse, it goes through 'blocking stage' you want to block the truth out and then finally it goes thru the 'shook' stage where u start to attack the poster or atheist.

And fear the Fire, which has been prepared for the disbelievers (3:131)

Someone answered your question.
Why dont you burn your hand with a little fire.:yacadiim: if you cant handle it, imagine thrown in hell, being surrounded by fire everywhere, eternally...


And fear the Fire, which has been prepared for the disbelievers (3:131)

Someone answered your question.
Why dont you burn your hand with a little fire.:yacadiim: if you cant handle it, imagine thrown in hell, being surrounded by fire everywhere, eternally...

You don't understand the logical fallacy, because your mind isn't logical. If you fear the 'fire' and we know 'fire' is creation, your an idolater because Allah told you to fear nothing but him and not creation. You really don't understand the serious logical implications of this do you? I am showing your god cannot even be consistent to his own 'laws' and 'teachings'. So there is no expectations he has from me. I want to put Allah on trial and 'read' out his 'logical fallacies' and convict Allah lol.

Your god shouldn't encourage in one verse that you fear creation like 'hell' because hell is a creation unless of course it's second god then please go right ahead and call hell a second god, you won't be a monotheist but a pantheist religion lol.
You don't understand the logical fallacy, because your mind isn't logical. If you fear the 'fire' and we know 'fire' is creation, your an idolater because Allah told you to fear nothing but him and not creation. You really don't understand the serious logical implications of this do you?

No. In the sense, we should fear the punishment of Allah, which is the fire itself.
No one know of our results in day of judgment except Allah SWT.


No. In the sense, we should fear the punishment of Allah, which is the fire itself.
No one know of our results in day of judgment except Allah SWT.

I thought Allah was perfect, surely his punishment and decision should be perfect right? Even if he sends you to this big blazing fire(which is silly of course) but lets say for argument sake he does. There is no better place for you because Allah is perfect in his decision and creating. You are so stupid. You can't argue there is punishment and fire and allah is perfect at the same time.

Make up your find before you fall down to logical inconsistencies. These sort of logical inconsistencies show your religion is inspired by a simple man from a simple society in time in history who only understood the world as good and evil lol and heaven and hell. The world is far more complex then good and evil and heaven and hell, trust me if you knew even an 'iota' of science, you would know how complex the planet and universe is and everything within it. You would disregard this simplistic outlook of good and evil automatically, you would flunk every test in science if you still hold onto such thought processes.
I thought Allah was perfect, surely his punishment and decision should be perfect right? Even if he sends you to this big blazing fire(which is silly of course) but lets say for argument sake he does. There is no better place for you because Allah is perfect in his decision and creating. You are so stupid. You can't argue there is punishment and fire and allah is perfect at the same time.

Make up your find before you fall down to logical inconsistencies. These sort of logical inconsistencies show it is inspired by simple man from simple society who only understood the world as good and evil lol and heaven and hell. The world is far more complex then good and evil and heaven and hell.
:farmajoyaab:You keep insulting me while I dont insult you but hey that's okay.

The simple logic is that we are living in the world, making choices according to what we believe in. That's what "free will"means. Islamically, what happens in afterlife is our consquences of choices which will give us two results aka Paradise and Hell. If we believe in Allah SWT, we should enjoy good and forbid evil.
The reason why Allah SWT sends disbelievers in Hell, it's disbelievers' faults due to denial of existence of Allah SWT in the the dunya, which is the CHOICE disbelievers made. It's simple and understandable. Allah SWT often remind us to fear Him in the Q'uran because if we ended up astraying in the dunya and die before have the chance to repent, there is nothing we can do. Thus, we must remind to fear the punishment of Allah SWT which is the fire because it's scary to think about it. If we fear Allah SWT and his punishment of Fire, we can avoid the evil and enjoy goods which Allah SWT brought upon the humanity. Allah is perfect and he will judge justly according to our deeds. Seek the refugee in Allah and do the righteous deeds in Dunya before day of Judgment arrives.


:farmajoyaab:You keep insulting me while I dont insult you but hey that's okay.

The simple logic is that we are living in the world, making choices according to what we believe in. That's what "free will"means. Islamically, what happens in afterlife is our consquences of choices which will give us two results aka Paradise and Hell. If we believe in Allah SWT, we should enjoy good and forbid evil.
The reason why Allah SWT sends disbelievers in Hell, it's disbelievers' faults due to denial of existence of Allah SWT in the the dunya, which is the CHOICE disbelievers made. It's simple and understandable. Allah SWT often remind us to fear Him in the Q'uran because if we ended up astraying in the dunya and die before have the chance to repent, there is nothing we can do. Thus, we must remind to fear the punishment of Allah SWT which is the fire because it's scary to think about it. If we fear Allah SWT and his punishment of Fire, we can avoid the evil and enjoy goods which Allah SWT brought upon the humanity. Allah is perfect and he will judge justly according to our deeds. Seek the refugee in Allah and do the righteous deeds in Dunya before day of Judgment arrives.

I am not sure if this guy is trolling and totally skipping the points I raised and reverting to 'dawah' techniques. War heedhe waxani iska gabta way idin ceebayan haday bananka la kulman the kaffireen. @General Asad @Cilmi-doon waxani iska gabta niyahow, he hasn't a single point I raised and reverted to Islamic talking points. What clan are you may I ask, cause I can tell it's definitely not a 'hormuud' clan of any leadership. I can tell how you revert back to Islamic talking points, that you are definitely not 'leadership' clan in Somalia, because that's all the mediocre clans do in Somalia, they go back to talking points of 'Somalinimo' and Sing Somali too soo anthem at events. These are mediocre clans, these are clans who will never invent a thing in they're life or ever lead they're nation or people into the future. They will always revert back to quoting the SYL, SAYID, OR something about Somalinimo because that is the talking point in Somalia. You are identical, all you do is revert to Islamic talking point and 'dawah' techniques, you think we don't know what you 'believe'? why are you repeating it.

Fadlan believers waxani hadi aadan iska gaban, you will lose far more believers who will be forced to side with disbeleivers who are sophisticated, intelligent, higher IQ, and stronger points.
I am not sure if this guy is trolling and totally skipping the points I raised and reverting to 'dawah' techniques. War heedhe waxani iska gabta way idin ceebayan haday bananka la kulman the kaffireen. @General Asad @Cilmi-doon waxani iska gabta niyahow, he hasn't a single point I raised and reverted to Islamic talking points. What clan are you may I ask, cause I can tell it's definitely not a 'hormuud' clan of any leadership.

Ah I see, you have different beliefs. Allah SWT is our Creator and its He who decide our fate.


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