The lack of self respect and inferiority complex towards Arabs needs to be spoken about

al-Mu'tamid المعتمد

عِشْ مَا شِئْتَ فَإِنَّكَ مَيِّتٌ
It's not that deep. Everyone gets disrespected on the internet. Some of you are too emotionally attached to nonsense.

I disagree with Webiqua Somalia is not at the bottom of every metric, it has the highest internet speed in Africa, 2nd high electricity rate in East Africa, holds the regions nr 1 university, most advanced mobile banking and telecommunications, is the richest country in East Africa if you take the estimate of 2.8 billion mobile transactions a month would equal 93 billion GDP and per capita of 5-6.200 making it a upper middle income country, with one of Africa's most vibrant private sector.

So Somalia has lots of opportunities and most of the country is safe and governed , its not only the reason why many Ethiopians flock to Puntland and Somaliland (Mogadishu is a bit difficult to cross border into due the tight security)

But it's also the reason why you have Syrians, Yemenis, Sudanese coming to Somalia as refugees and integrating smoothly

Palestinians are all welcome, it doesn't matter what they believe about us , as long as we know the truth about ourselves and our country its what matters. We don't discard our values and humanity to play bigot racist warfare over keyboards, it doesn't mean we worship or see any group as superior.

Arabs have a reputation for racism and indifference , Somalis have a reputation for being friendly, kind, charitable and generous. Somalis are more steadfast and unapologetics with their religion, Arabs will move out of their country tio discard their religion in the west so they can be more accepted by Islamophobes. We are not the same mindset wise.

I bet all the displaced groups i have mentioned had the same pre-concieved media induced beliefs about Somalia before they went there. So let believe and say what they want.
You're a breath of fresh air. One of the most insightful people here. We need more of you and less of everyone else.
Honestly just clap back. Its not like you have to compromise having a spine with supporting palestine against the jews.
Loving Arabs is not part of Islam, just as much as hating them is not part of Islam. And yes, Somali language and ethnicity is as important as Arab language and culture.
as important? its more imoprtant brother, we were somalis long before we came in to contact with arabs and we will be somalis long after aswell. This whole arab craze is a temporary thing that will go over one day.
These types are extremely critical of their own people and country. They think that they’re keeping it real. Telling it like it is when it comes to their own and have zero tolerance for any excuses.

They believe that this makes them look like no nonsense, straight shooters who won’t tolerate any victimhood.

However, when it comes to other certain demographics and especially Arabs, they turn into poodles. Quick to make excuses for them and recognise Western interventions/destabilisation/propaganda. A courtesy that they would never extend to their fellow Somalis or Somalia.

It’s almost like they get a high from self flagellation and being submissive to certain demographics.
All non white groups tend have these types of people(despise their own, while glorifying others typically whites or a lighter skinned people), the good news is they tend to marry out leaving the pro nationalistic ones to carry on spreading their genes within the community. It's darwinism at play.
Fob Somali men and millennial Somali guys talk to me easily, but Somali guys my age (early 20s so Gen Z) just stare for too long without speaking. My millennial siblings and the Somali men and women they grew up with are close and communicate effortlessly. I wonder what changed after the 2010s to make things so awkward.

I've noticed this. Adeers always smile and seem friendly. People my age not so much. It confused me a lot when I was younger.
Imagine being this deluded

Him being an Andrew Tate fan says it all really. Just another incel.

This is coming from a person who has previous tweets saying this about Madows, the hypocrisy.

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Three top threads crying about Arabs? What kind of inferiority complex is this ? May Allah cure you all
Most people on this forum suffer from inferiority complex, that's why your seeing many in tears when they get a reality check that arabs simply see Somalis as worthless. Our ancestors were brave warriors compared to this jileec generation.
I doubt they're ana carabs, they're most likely just trolls who enjoy stirring the pot and causing mayhem. Don't give them entertainment, keep your peace and ignore them. Swinging to the other side of the pendulum and going on a hate-spree against Arabs is insane, that definitely betrays an inferiority complex and lack of confidence in one's self.
My issue with Arabs is not that they hate us. They can hate us all they want. Couldn't careless. My issue is stupid Somalis who want to destroy our identity by trying so hard to associate us with them. I can't stand these effing Ana Ayrabs bastards and mentally colonized salafi Somalis.
Imma just say one thing, keep an eye on any Somali or "Muslim" who shows extreme Arab hatred. As much as people may disagree.

There is a link and connection between Arab hatred that is extreme and becoming a murtad. Another thing to watch out for is if they start arguing the fact that Somali Langauge is better then Arabic. That is another key sign as well.

To all my Muslim brothers and sisters I would advise you guys to stay far away from this Arab hatred. Yes Arabs have good and bad people but when you start hating Arabs extremely the next step is hating the prophet PBUH and the Qur'an as the prophet was an Arab and the Qur'an is in Arabic.

I've even seen some people say they pray I'm the Somali Langauge simply based on how much they despise Arabs and Arabic. Trust me it's dangerous path.
Why is it wrong to oppose Arab culture slowly eroding your identity?

Senegal, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Indonesia are all Muslim countries.

But they have their own Identities. They're not like many Somalis who are subservient to Arabs.


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
i always do tf. i've never worshipped arabs in my life. I'm just saying it's too late to stop the arabisation.
None of us are arabised its just these ana arab clowns pushing for it

