The Land of Punt and Ancient Egypt


hatsheput went to punt, she went to modern day nothern somalia, this alone tells you who ruled punt. Ain’t no way in hell that an Egyptian pharaoh is visiting some lords, she went straight up to north somalia to stay with the rulers of punt.
We need aerial 3d scanning. If there is no proof of temples or palaces being built, then the whole theory goes out the window. Herodotus claimed puntites were more advanced than AE and that they originated from punt, so their archaeological strictures should be similar.

But i wouldn't get my hopes up. We need to prove it with valid evidence before we claim such things. I'm a man of science and principles above all else. We would have similar culture if it were true and our practices, from building to ceremonial would have been similar if they did indeed visit that land they claimed was the land of their gods and forefathers.
Before we became Somali and we were still in Kush, there is evidence to show that Kush at some point adopted the religion of the ancient Egyptians, traded with them, and at one point overran them and even provided some 5 pharoahs.

Check out the documentary by Zeinab Badawi for BBC.

Punt was in Eritrea. There are many varieties of Frankincense and the kind found in Ancient Egyptian tombs is Boswellia papyrifera, which is found in Eritrea, Ethiopia, Uganda and Sudan.
On this map I've identified the site of Adulis, you'll notice from the map it is right in the middle of the coastal region of Boswellia papyrifera production. Egyptian flat bottomed triremes also would not be able to navigate beyond the Bab al-Mandeb as the sea becomes much rougher beyond that point and requires more advanced ships like Dhows to navigate.

Somali Frankincense is superior in quality and is the best kind though, after the Dhow trade began merchants preferred Somali frankincense purchased from Malao, Mundus, Aromata and Opone which dot the Boswellia frereana cultivation area. In the Christian era in Egypt the dominant Frankincense became Somali rather than Eritrean.

The entrepots are described incorrectly as towns but they were just trade ports. The Periplus even says the tribes that dominated each port actually lived inland from the ports where the frankincense was cultivated. Each port probably corresponds to a different clan as their trade entrepot to trade the goods from their respective territories far inland from the coast.


Before we became Somali and we were still in Kush, there is evidence to show that Kush at some point adopted the religion of the ancient Egyptians, traded with them, and at one point overran them and even provided some 5 pharoahs.

Check out the documentary by Zeinab Badawi for BBC.

Title of Boqor was used by Kush kings too.
Punt was in Eritrea. There are many varieties of Frankincense and the kind found in Ancient Egyptian tombs is Boswellia papyrifera, which is found in Eritrea, Ethiopia, Uganda and Sudan.
On this map I've identified the site of Adulis, you'll notice from the map it is right in the middle of the coastal region of Boswellia papyrifera production. Egyptian flat bottomed triremes also would not be able to navigate beyond the Bab al-Mandeb as the sea becomes much rougher beyond that point and requires more advanced ships like Dhows to navigate.

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The high grade Frankincense (‘ntiyw) found in the tombs of Egyptian royals has been identified as Boswellia Frereana. The low grade Frankincense (‘Sntr) prevalent in Egyptian society came from northern Ethiopia/Sudan (Boswellia papyrifera).

Punt was a collection of autonomous city states stretching from Eritrea to the northern Somali peninsula. It was inhabited by Lowland East Cushitic people and hypothetically even remnants of South Cushites. Some Somalis have tested positive for South Cushitic Y-DNA markers.

Diaspora ambassador

''Dagaalka gala'' Garaad Jaamac Garaad Cali
We need aerial 3d scanning. If there is no proof of temples or palaces being built, then the whole theory goes out the window. Herodotus claimed puntites were more advanced than AE and that they originated from punt, so their archaeological strictures should be similar.

But i wouldn't get my hopes up. We need to prove it with valid evidence before we claim such things. I'm a man of science and principles above all else. We would have similar culture if it were true and our practices, from building to ceremonial would have been similar if they did indeed visit that land they claimed was the land of their gods and forefathers.

Everything matches up though, we only need excavations done in the north for this specific kingdom. From the traded produce to the languages to the culture and the fact that we always have been outgoing people who used the winds in our favour.

Even when ancient Egypt fell a lot of ae migrated to our region.

Once excavations are done we can flex this to the future tourist
The high grade Frankincense (‘ntiyw) found in the tombs of Egyptian royals has been identified as Boswellia Frereana. The low grade Frankincense (‘Sntr) prevalent in Egyptian society came from northern Ethiopia/Sudan (Boswellia papyrifera).
This hasn't been proven it's a theory proposed by Abdalmonem Sayed in 1989. It could be true but the two grades can also just be literally low and high quality Boswellia papyrifera.
Punt was in Eritrea. There are many varieties of Frankincense and the kind found in Ancient Egyptian tombs is Boswellia papyrifera, which is found in Eritrea, Ethiopia, Uganda and Sudan.
On this map I've identified the site of Adulis, you'll notice from the map it is right in the middle of the coastal region of Boswellia papyrifera production. Egyptian flat bottomed triremes also would not be able to navigate beyond the Bab al-Mandeb as the sea becomes much rougher beyond that point and requires more advanced ships like Dhows to navigate.

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James your map is leaving out a huge part of gums and resins which were equally highly prized - Commiphora.

Commiphora molmol (malmal in Somali/myrrh in English) and other species of Commiphora were also used in religious ceremonies as far as Jerusalem.

The best are again found in the lands of the Somalis, to this day, as far as northern Kenya, and exported to Arabia and beyond.

Remember the Magi took gold, frankincense and MYRRH to Jesus.
Somali Frankincense is superior in quality and is the best kind though, after the Dhow trade began merchants preferred Somali frankincense purchased from Malao, Mundus, Aromata and Opone which dot the Boswellia frereana cultivation area. In the Christian era in Egypt the dominant Frankincense became Somali rather than Eritrean.

The entrepots are described incorrectly as towns but they were just trade ports. The Periplus even says the tribes that dominated each port actually lived inland from the ports where the frankincense was cultivated. Each port probably corresponds to a different clan as their trade entrepot to trade the goods from their respective territories far inland from the coast.

This hasn't been proven it's a theory proposed by Abdalmonem Sayed in 1989. It could be true but the two grades can also just be literally low and high quality Boswellia papyrifera.

It's not just a theory it's been proven by botantist Frank Nigel Hepper from the royal botanical gardens.

F. Nigel Hepper of the Royal Botanical Gardens reports that botanists have identified this ‘ntiyw variety with Boswellia frereana. Along with Boswellia carteri, he indicates that these incense are only found in northern Somalia. Both species of frankincense have also been found in actual ancient Egyptian tombs.

