The last hope for Somalia

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Since isaaq are out of the union, and have taken somaliland with them. The last hope for Somalia are MJ. Majeerten are the only politically savvy individuals in Somalia. They're the Kings of Darood and know how to keep hutu moryans at bay. MJ should be given a 5 year period to take every political position in Somalia and also have the capital moved from Mog to Bosaaso.

I might not like puntland but in reality they're peaceful neighbors and they have the wits to bring Somalia back on its feet:yacadiim:

No offense to hawiye, or other southerners. You guys lost the dhaqan of obeying elders.:mjdontkno:

No sxb, its best the way it currently is. Leave us to ruling puntland and the 2 horse race sub sub tribal presidential election spectacle between omar and cusman maxamud. Maanta qof walba regionkisa ayu kataliya. The solution has to be fair to fair and include all major tribes and smaller ones such as tumaal.


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
Ley me make you a deal you cant refuse. Allow MJs to have a monopoly on Somali politics for a mere 5 year period. I'll set the bar high for them and say they have to turn Somalia into oil producing state in those 5 years. I mean they almost pulled it off with Puntland. If they fail to meet those objectives, the MJs should retreat from Somalia for a period of 50 years. If they meet the objectives they will get a new aim like among top 10 african gdp and so on.

Its a win win situation for everyone, specially hutus.
You're speaking to one of them. Jubbaland should go its own way or join Kenya, Puntland should join Socotra. We don't recognize the legitimacy of Somalia.
the hawiye and sade in jubbaland wont allow such thing/move,we will keep the kenyans at bay.
I read one those silly click bait articles "Signs of a great leadership" but then again
it ain't that stupid especially when you consider Somali's only take in one factor
when electing a leader, his tribe.
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