Warya don’t give the tactics away.....who we gonna bully if everyone knows this?

Warya don’t give the tactics away.....who we gonna bully if everyone knows this?
Warya don’t give the tactics away.....who we gonna bully if everyone knows this?
First and foremost , I'm guessing the brothers here might have accumaled resentment and jealousy afterBro how many of you niggas buy clothes from tesco, Be honest, Apparently im gay for expanding my style, Every roadmen were this in sweden, I did not create it, Women love it yall niggas dont have style, Every nigga in the world wears skinny jeans i did not start it, Post your own pcitures or shut the f*ck up
Ask the xalimos, Yall niggas are gay, Why are you fixating on a mans style? What will you achieve by this, Im a very manly nigga, Stop saying im sus it was not even remotely gay tf
Level of disrespect i have encountred, And its all by guys i have heavily bullied on this site. They cant answer like men so they behave like women