The main reason Puntlanders are obsessed with Somaliland


There isn't a single product that is made expensive in SL, PL has a boat manufacturing warehouse, that alone has a final product worth far more then SL shitty drinks and milk farms looooool. SL is low level economy and circulates around 'consumables' very cheap consumables mind you. The margin they grow at is very minimal. U just need to walk around their market place to see what their trading in. At least in PL we give the low end economy to rahanwayn and even @Abdalla can vouch for this. NO MJ in his world would enter such low margin industry.

PL is targetting large scale production of chairs, tables, furniture to supply Somalia offices and residential markets. Final products that are worth at least $100 with a population of 10 million. We just expanded our GDP to another 1 billion dollar extra just implementing this simple measure and why I am crying daily for the PL investment forum to discuss what type of industries do we want our locals participating in.

We already have a far larger livestock market and fishery market and frankincense market and our mining sector is slowly growing. We are targeting all the big end products while SL is handling the shipping in the minor rahanwayn products.

Like I said if we increase our boat facilities making to produce supplies to all coastal areas in Somalia, if we can increase our capacity to the point we can make 'vessels' and not just 'dhows' that is very large final products. I am sure we can increase our GDP by 2 billion just with concentrated investment into boat manufacturing and opening up a market place for them and furniture plants. 2 billion extra dollars will flow thru our economy just thru that.

While this essential item trading c*nt like @SirLancelLord is producing products that are worth 1 dollar. He has no market either in Ethiopia their dreaming, every large transaction is done at Djibouti. Burco-Erigavo report to Bosaso. All they have is hargeisa-awdal market.


Can you imagine the cost to run the electricity of drink factory? the land and property cost? the salaries of employees and then transport and packaging cost. Your already in the 'red zone' in terms of expenses and to add insult to injury your wasting your time/effort on creating a 1 dollar product? What is your production rate daily? It won't be more then 10k bottles. That's 10k turn over a day. Plus he needs to set aside wages daily, electricity cost, renting cost, or paying his 'loan' back if he got a loan, UFFFFFFFFFFFFFF.

This shit is for rahanwayn is understandable it would be a trend upwards from farming bananas another low cost product with lot's of time and cost involved. I can understand rahanwayn joining the 'small items' sector. But if Isaaq is doing the same, their wealth GDP wise must be exactly the same as rahanwayn or else no1 would waste their time in such things. Isaaq is poor as f*ck wallahi at a population level no different to rahanwayn. They are doing the same occupation producing and trading small items. Infact u will find an Isaaq at the airport rushing to carry your luggage, this is another thing Majerten will never do is carry people luggage at the airport. We have vehicles that do the laboring.

U can entice Isaaq into small commodity industries and that's a good thing, if they ever reach a deal with Somalia promise them 'small manufacturing plants' waa doqomo, they will think their getting rich but don't understand economics is about the product u produce.


Reformation of Somaliland
Can you imagine the cost to run the electricity of drink factory? the land and property cost? the salaries of employees and then transport and packaging cost. Your already in the 'red zone' in terms of expenses and to add insult to injury your wasting your time/effort on creating a 1 dollar product? What is your production rate daily? It won't be more then 10k bottles. That's 10k turn over a day. Plus he needs to set aside wages daily, electricity cost, renting cost, or paying his 'loan' back if he got a loan, UFFFFFFFFFFFFFF.

This shit is for rahanwayn is understandable it would be a trend upwards from farming bananas another low cost product with lot's of time and cost involved. I can understand rahanwayn joining the 'small items' sector. But if Isaaq is doing the same, their wealth GDP wise must be exactly the same as rahanwayn or else no1 would waste their time in such things. Isaaq is poor as f*ck wallahi at a population level no different to rahanwayn. They are doing the same occupation producing and trading small items. Infact u will find an Isaaq at the airport rushing to carry your luggage, this is another thing Majerten will never do is carry people luggage at the airport. We have vehicles that do the laboring.

U can entice Isaaq into small commodity industries and that's a good thing, if they ever reach a deal with Somalia promise them 'small manufacturing plants' waa doqomo, they will think their getting rich but don't understand economics is about the product u produce.

You still don't understand manufacturing you're aiming like PL is a first world nation with to class infrastructure.

You're whole state is 2 large Selene's that don't go above a million and know spending power.

We're working on self sufficiency of we don't need to import food items from abroad we save that money to spend and re invest in other things. That's why you lot buy from us everyday. All manufacturing nation start by producing the small stuff then slowly move on too larger things.

We're all interacting to this news because we see how foolish it is, the business community will not accept it, they're not gonna spend more money to ship from Dubai because you're politicians are butthurt.

"Somalis are free to do business wherever they like" a true free market economy


You still don't understand manufacturing you're aiming like PL is a first world nation with to class infrastructure.

You're whole state is 2 large Selene's that don't go above a million and know spending power.

We're working on self sufficiency of we don't need to import food items from abroad we save that money to spend and re invest in other things. That's why you lot buy from us everyday. All manufacturing nation start by producing the small stuff then slowly move on too larger things

No they calculate your rural and inject investment to ensure co-existence and not have the rural flood out. In your case rural isn't a problem since SL isn't rural society but settled. All you will get is 'low items' since you got no rural class to judge your economy against. Rural economy stronger then a urban economy is a big no no in economic philosophy. Because it's rural community who become urban not the other way around and there needs to be an economic incentive. If their making 100k a year herding camels and goats, you better make sure they can earn 200-500k in the city before transitioning over. But this won't be a problem for you since you lack a rural population in SL. They all live within a xafaad abkow to abkow level lol within throwing distance.


You still don't understand manufacturing you're aiming like PL is a first world nation with to class infrastructure.

You're whole state is 2 large Selene's that don't go above a million and know spending power.

We're working on self sufficiency of we don't need to import food items from abroad we save that money to spend and re invest in other things. That's why you lot buy from us everyday. All manufacturing nation start by producing the small stuff then slowly move on too larger things.

We're all interacting to this news because we see how foolish it is, the business community will not accept it, they're not gonna spend more money to ship from Dubai because you're politicians are butthurt.

"Somalis are free to do business wherever they like" a true free market economy

Don't compare yourself to majerten you naabnaab, your even poorer hawiye who doesn't work as chefs waryaa, you work in the low industries in all somali towns YOUR POOORRRRRRRRRR. My aunty has restaurant in Garowe and she clears 100 USD after paying her workers and and rent. She doesn't do the cookin but supplies the office workers. She is clearing the same money as America in a day.


@SirLancelLord I walk u thru Puntland restaurants and I bet u the owners are Majerten but workers are Madow, isaaq, rahanwayn. Isaaq is the cook and waiter, Madow the builder, and rahanwayn the small item trader. That is puntland society stop acting like u better then us when not a single majerten will work in hargeisa as frickin cook or picking up people luggage at airport. This guy is insane wallahi he lives in another world. You will get the small time factories. While our education sectors can cope with the in the SKILLED trades. That's how Somali will be geared, not based on tribe BUT ON ECONOMIC PRINCIPLES AND IF YOU DON'T LIKE THAT ECONOMIC PRINCIPLE TAKE IT UP WITH HARVARD UNIVERSITIES. They apply the same mechanism to all societies.

U become rich in Puntland as an Isaaq and u know it, we have high paying customers, we have rich rural class with 200k assets. We are now building our city class thru economic planning and pitching it to the west to support our economic policy. Tune into Puntland Investment Forum coming up this month.
There isn't a single product that is made expensive in SL, PL has a boat manufacturing warehouse, that alone has a final product worth far more then SL shitty drinks and milk farms looooool. SL is low level economy and circulates around 'consumables' very cheap consumables mind you. The margin they grow at is very minimal. U just need to walk around their market place to see what their trading in. At least in PL we give the low end economy to rahanwayn and even @Abdalla can vouch for this. NO MJ in his world would enter such low margin industry.

PL is targetting large scale production of chairs, tables, furniture to supply Somalia offices and residential markets. Final products that are worth at least $100 with a population of 10 million. We just expanded our GDP to another 1 billion dollar extra just implementing this simple measure and why I am crying daily for the PL investment forum to discuss what type of industries do we want our locals participating in.

We already have a far larger livestock market and fishery market and frankincense market and our mining sector is slowly growing. We are targeting all the big end products while SL is handling the shipping in the minor rahanwayn products.

Like I said if we increase our boat facilities making to produce supplies to all coastal areas in Somalia, if we can increase our capacity to the point we can make 'vessels' and not just 'dhows' that is very large final products. I am sure we can increase our GDP by 2 billion just with concentrated investment into boat manufacturing and opening up a market place for them and furniture plants. 2 billion extra dollars will flow thru our economy just thru that.

While this essential item trading c*nt like @SirLancelLord is producing products that are worth 1 dollar. He has no market either in Ethiopia their dreaming, every large transaction is done at Djibouti. Burco-Erigavo report to Bosaso. All they have is hargeisa-awdal market.
the investment forum is coming soon dr


True Puntlander
You still don't understand manufacturing you're aiming like PL is a first world nation with to class infrastructure.

You're whole state is 2 large Selene's that don't go above a million and know spending power.

We're working on self sufficiency of we don't need to import food items from abroad we save that money to spend and re invest in other things. That's why you lot buy from us everyday. All manufacturing nation start by producing the small stuff then slowly move on too larger things.

We're all interacting to this news because we see how foolish it is, the business community will not accept it, they're not gonna spend more money to ship from Dubai because you're politicians are butthurt.

"Somalis are free to do business wherever they like" a true free market economy
Our traders dont buy from you. they Just bring their staff to your port, for there to PL. Now PL said used bossaso otherwise any goods will be double for PL traders and SL.


Reformation of Somaliland

Exactly what I thought about is averaging happening - a logistics facility in Burco & Laascaanood to manage goods to PL


Reformation of Somaliland
PL Fanboys constantly shout about how rich their system is that they own us economically despite staying facts - here's your state officials literally saying the opposite.

Firstly the state asks people to donate money for the soldiers salaries & now they want business people to donate £52m for a port

The states sooo rich it can't spend money on basic infrastructure


What a nut job. Imagine going on twitter and posting/watching videos of a parliament that has nothing to do with you, and posting it here with fake analysis about it. Talk about obsessed, the same Sland that doesn’t have running water in hargesia can keep their water they clearly need it.

Also damn I didn’t think this tax would trigger landers like this.


Deni is off to a great start.
Wow the difference between the puntlanders on this site and on ground are huge.

Puntlanders sspot we are the richest and have the richest port, while their mps are telling the truth of their port which are losing money and it’s shit compare to Berbera.



Bantu Liberation Movement
What a nut job. Imagine going on twitter and posting/watching videos of a parliament that has nothing to do with you, and posting it here with fake analysis about it. Talk about obsessed, the same Sland that doesn’t have running water in hargesia can keep their water they clearly need it.

Also damn I didn’t think this tax would trigger landers like this.


Deni is off to a great start.
200% tax ruined their "export market". Even this clown @SirLancelLord says products are 1/2 in "Wajaale" true or not, those are their Ethiopian imports, so it's daddy habesha that is being taxed and that's a no no.


True Puntlander
LoooL delusional
To invest in what - nothings there
Case your infrastructure its way back from PL you wouldn't notice difference between us. we have three airports and SL till today has two from kacaan era loool. Soon it will open on mid August. Keep sealing your lands and let others create jobs for their country and real Investment.


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