The Melbourne woman who saved a Somali bride from life in a brothel

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She can leave the Somali community altogether and that would be better for her. Allah swt forgives all sins but one must live with consequences of their actions

Says who?

If Allah is the most forgiving then who are you to oust people from communities ect.

Lack of naxaaris is cancerous and is an indication of your arrogance. Subhanallah.

Samaalic Era

Says who?

If Allah is the most forgiving then who are you to oust people from communities ect.

Lack of naxaaris is cancerous and is an indication of your arrogance. Subhanallah.
Because Allah swt is most forgiving, the Children of Adam pbuh are not. Whatever you do in dunya can be forgiven by Allah swt but that has nothing to do with people and that forgiveness is in the akhirah
Because Allah swt is most forgiving, the Children of Adam pbuh are not. Whatever you do in dunya can be forgiven by Allah swt but that has nothing to do with people and that forgiveness is in the akhirah

The child of Adam will be judged for his mercy as that is a character trait of a true Muslim. Not someone hateful.

Furthermore, many people with crazy and bad pasts have become god fearing Muslims with high eman and many who have started off well, have ended up dying in unfortunate and immoral predicaments. Hence, we should judge ourselves before we are judged and make Dua that we die in a state of Iman.

You should learn about the story of Barsisa.
She can leave the Somali community altogether and that would be better for her. Allah swt forgives all sins but one must live with consequences of their actions

why should she leave , who decides that, your bunch?
you see those people helping her r somalis so why should anyone care what you say.
there r prostitutes,alcohol,drugs,bars in almost every muslim country and those leaders and populations tolerate,maybe they know theres nothing they could do. its even in somalia today, why dont you come up with a better solution than kill kill kill.
you'r a minority with that lunatic view. you need some help with ur misplaced righteousness.


North-West, London
I advise all Somali woman back home or in Africa not to marry men from abroad. Marry a Faarax from back home you know he wont leave you, a Faarax from Europe or America sees you as less anyways most of the time.


Ragna qowl baa xira, dumarna meher baa xira.
Under Qur'anic Law, a prostitute is to face the death penalty. You want to make an excuse for something Allah swt did not give an excuse for

Capital punishments are not carried out simply for the sake of it there are conditions that must be met before they are carried out. One of the conditions deals with why the individual did the haram act ie causal factors are looked at, if the action was due to a necessity or not etc. In the case of necessities, doubts etc the punishments are waived and there numerous examples from islamic history to prove this.

There are also hadith in which the Prophet (peace be upon him) turned away some people a number of times when they came to confess their actions of zina before He eventually ordered the hadd punishment to be carried out on them. Ask yourself this , is your understanding of this deen better than the Prophet and His companions ?

I find it very hard to understand what's so difficult in being kind and understanding towards this sister who is less fortunate than you ?

Samaalic Era

Capital punishments are not carried out simply for the sake of it there are conditions that must be met before they are carried out. One of the conditions deals with why the individual did the haram act ie causal factors are looked at, if the action was due to a necessity or not etc. In the case of necessities, doubts etc the punishments are waived and there numerous examples from islamic history to prove this.

There are also hadith in which the Prophet (peace be upon him) turned away some people a number of times when they came to confess their actions of zina before He eventually ordered the hadd punishment to be carried out on them. Ask yourself this , is your understanding of this deen better than the Prophet and His companions ?

I find it very hard to understand what's so difficult in being kind and understanding towards this sister who is less fortunate than you ?

She wanted a ticket out of Africa to the west but things backfired. Also,theres no excuse for prostitution in Islam. What is excused is stealing out of hunger.
Finally,there is no trace of this girl's family.That is a red flag in of itself


Ragna qowl baa xira, dumarna meher baa xira.
She wanted a ticket out of Africa to the west but things backfired. Also,theres no excuse for prostitution in Islam. What is excused is stealing out of hunger.
Finally,there is no trace of this girl's family.That is a red flag in of itself

Where do you get the information that she wanted a ticket out of africa ? cases of necessities are not simply limited to stealing it applies to any action that can be taken by an individual ie it covers a broad range of issues/actions

Even if we are to assume that she eloped how does this negate showing compassion towards her ? people make mistakes and fall into sin just because their sins may differ than yours does warrant transgressing the limits in how we should deal with them.
She wanted a ticket out of Africa to the west but things backfired. Also,theres no excuse for prostitution in Islam. What is excused is stealing out of hunger.
Finally,there is no trace of this girl's family.That is a red flag in of itself

So now you have an insight to her nafs?

Regardless of what she wanted, a man has no right to marry just so that he can marry a girl for sex and then divorce her straight after he got what he wanted. This is an epidemic.

If you cared about Somalis as a whole you would care about 50% of its people.

Men with everything are taking advantange of women who hardly have anything and many here have the audacity to behave as though the two parties are equal when girls back home have so much to lose rather than the men who have money, western passports, wives and kids.

The driving force for these men is lust, the driving force for these women is basic necessity and a chance to help their parents and siblings financially.

Anyone with common sense and compassion can see who are the victims in this scenario.
Some of these guys should see how the downtrodden poor Somalis survive in places like Nairobi. @Suldaanka mentioned she should see social services? In Nairobi? It’s good to be empathetic and sympathetic towards these kinds of people. Kenyan prostitutes in Isley now wear the hijab, why? Their clients, Somali men prefer to dress them like that and these girls are doing a roaring trade than those who are wearing skimpy clothes. Let’s not forget these Somali Muslim men are why prostitution is available. No demand, no supply. If there is help available, none of these girls will choose to sell their bodies. Imagine if there was no welfare in the diaspora? There are Somali prostitutes in places like Saudi Arabia just to survive and help those they left behind. A desperate degrading job. Be empathetic to their situation.


Some of these guys should see how the downtrodden poor Somalis survive in places like Nairobi. @Suldaanka mentioned she should see social services? In Nairobi? It’s good to be empathetic and sympathetic towards these kinds of people. Kenyan prostitutes in Isley now wear the hijab, why? Their clients, Somali men prefer to dress them like that and these girls are doing a roaring trade than those who are wearing skimpy clothes. Let’s not forget these Somali Muslim men are why prostitution is available. No demand, no supply. If there is help available, none of these girls will choose to sell their bodies. Imagine if there was no welfare in the diaspora? There are Somali prostitutes in places like Saudi Arabia just to survive and help those they left behind. A desperate degrading job. Be empathetic to their situation.
so whats your issue with this aren't you an atheist feminist, why would you be against prosituition isn't it in your world view empowering women and their body their choice, I think its not good due to coming from a muslim perspective but why is an atheist trying to morally police people on things that aren't wrong from there perspective

My mission is to end prostitution in the village of Tukraq, to do so requires creating a peaceful environment between Somaliland and Puntland and no soldiers (men) stationed there. Join me to eradicate prostitution in Tukraq


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
This video made me cry, Im glad someone helped her!

Some of you men are insulated to the harsh conditions of Africa, god bless the woman that helped her.

Poor thing, probably wont ever get married again


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
She was rejected by her family for hiding the marriage, her baby needed to be fed, her clan elders also rejected her so no social net was available. Her community outkasted her and she was left with no choice just to feed her child.

This is reality of Africa their aint cayr in Islii.


Crowned Queen of Puntland. Supporter of PuntExit
It's astonishing how some of you are blaming the woman, yes she's partly to blame, why marry a man who you don't know his family, clan and he even told her a fake name. He only wanted sex but how come nobody is blaming the loser who took a plane to Africa to sleep with these kind of women?

No self respecting man would take advantage of a woman back home. It's only the losers who couldn't get a woman in the country he lives in.
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It's astonishing how some of you are blaming the woman, yes she's partly to blame, why marry a man who you don't know his family, clan and he even told her a fake name. He only wanted sex but how come nobody is blaming the loser who took a plane to Africa to sleep with these kind of women?

No self respecting man would take advantage of a woman back home. It's only the losers who couldn't get a woman in the country he lives in.
Ninkaas iinu qaldanyahay la iiskuma haya. Waalashiisa baa laga gooyn doona.
Lakiin people are parading her and wont accept that she caused this BS upon herself.
No wali was present. She didn't know him. Then she chose that life.
Women are women. Whether in America or Zamibia or dalkii.
They should be taken advantage of period. And women shouldn't take advantage of men either.
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