the more i learn about Siyad Barre, the more i

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Prince of Lasanod

Eid trim pending
• Silenced, imprisoned and murdered dissidents (usually clans he hated)
He silenced all those that opposed his rule.

• Made us join the Arab League
Which was a good thing.

• Dragged Somalia, a young country with high prospects into a disastrous war with Ethiopia. A war that was needless and was used as a cover to further purge Somalia's most talented top officials/commanders.
It was a hit or miss, if we won that war we would have been an African superpower.

• Turned a self-sufficient, young country with high prospects into a basket-case, aid-dependent banana republic.
Losing the war did that.

• Failed to listen to the USSR and Castro on the Ogaden issue
Castro wanted to unite Yemen, Somalia and Ethiopia into one country.

• Again showed the lack of political intelligence that plagued his regime by not stepping down and allowing for reconciliation.
There was like 10 rebel groups, who is to say that they wouldn't fight among themselves if he stepped down? Aideed fought against Ali Mahdi who had the support of the Manifesto group. He didn't speak to any of the rebel groups when he announced his government, and he is the one that destroyed Somalia.

• Revised Somali history to exaggerate, and in some cases, completely fabricate his clan's achievements.
Absolutely false.


Siad Barre


*Note: This was largely during the first years of his regime

• Galvanised Somalis into one cohesive state
•Took over a highly corrupt Somali democracy
• Invested in some big infrastructure projects like roads and docks
• Launched a nation-wide campaign to improve literacy
• Instilled a strong sense of communalism and nationalism


• Illegally seized power without any mandate
• Silenced, imprisoned and murdered dissidents (usually clans he hated)
• Made us join the Arab League
• Dragged Somalia, a young country with high prospects into a disastrous war with Ethiopia. A war that was needless and was used as a cover to further purge Somalia's most talented top officials/commanders.
• Lacked the political intelligence to rule the country.
• Oversaw wholesale corruption and clan nepotism
• Turned a self-sufficient, young country with high prospects into a basket-case, aid-dependent banana republic.
• Fought a bitter war against his own people after years of sidelining major clans and letting his kin loot the country.
• Failed to listen to the USSR and Castro on the Ogaden issue
• Again showed the lack of political intelligence that plagued his regime by not stepping down and allowing for reconciliation.
• Ordered, directly and indirectly, the indiscriminate murder and rape of the Northern Somali Republic. To this day, mass graves are still being found in the Somaliland.
• Singlehandedly, deepened the rift between Somali clans and caused a level of mistrust and suspicion of one another which I don't think will ever be healed.
• Revised Somali history to exaggerate, and in some cases, completely fabricate his clan's achievements.
Interesting that you only mention what he did in Somaliland as a weakness and you mentioned indiscriminate rape and murder without making a mention of atrocities of the same fashion in Mudug and elsewhere. Yaab. You prove that Siads clan nepotism is still alive and well today.
Interesting that you only mention what he did in Somaliland as a weakness and you mentioned indiscriminate rape and murder without making a mention of atrocities of the same fashion in Mudug and elsewhere. Yaab. You prove that Siads clan nepotism is still alive and well today.

To be fair to Isaaqs, despite the mudug massacre us MJs had many warlords protecting us, General Morgan protected the Harti in Kismayo and Abduallhi Yusuf protected the MJs in Puntland, but Isaaqs on top of the federal government massacre, they were also killing each other in the famous Habar wars in Ceerigabo area during the same time, i think they took the most damage in the kacaan era
Interesting that you only mention what he did in Somaliland as a weakness and you mentioned indiscriminate rape and murder without making a mention of atrocities of the same fashion in Mudug and elsewhere. Yaab. You prove that Siads clan nepotism is still alive and well today.

I'm not from those regions, so excuse my ignorance. What did he do in Mudug?
I've never heard that. Sorry to hear, are you from there? I thought only Hawiye lived there.

Let me educate you, Hawiye live in small part of southern mudug, south Galkacyo area, this Hawiye area is inhabited by Sacad Habar Gidir, however pre 1991 Hawiye lived in all of Galcayo with Daroods but during the kacaan era were the Hawiye killed thousands of MJs, Abdullahi Yusuf imposed the famous green line separating Hawiye and MJs to avoid massacre, this is why Hawiyes only live in southern Galkayo, anyways apart from that, the rest of mudug (majority) is inhabited by many Darood clans, MJs, Carab Salax (related to daroods), Lelkaase, Ogadens who live together in the Puntland side of the green line.
I'm not from those regions, so excuse my ignorance. What did he do in Mudug?
In the early 80's the Kacaan officals met with all clans in mudug excluding MJ and offered them the chance to use all necessary force to crush Ethiopian forces and Ethiopian-backed militias:“waa idiin bannaan tahay naf iyo maalba, inaad dishaan oo dhacdaan oo naagahooda meher la’aan guursataan Cumar Maxamuud”.

Sacad military commanders & elders at the time, vehemently refused and this was the response of Caaqil Jaamac Seed “nooma bannaana, waa Muslim, waa Somaali, waa deris, waa xigto iyo xidid”.

In the late 1980s, when USC was formed and after SSDF-Kacaan peace agreement, Siad Barre out of desperation gave MJ the same offer; they came and slaughtered masakiin women, odayaal & schoolchildren in Dagaari, Gowlalo,Sadle-Higlo, Bandiiradley, Galinsor, Wargalo, Do'ol, Halimo, Go'ondalay and Galkayo, which led to Nus Qiyaamo as retaliation in 1991.
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