You're absolutely correct, but you have to end things with a constructive way to counter it, otherwise you're demoralizing your own people, thereby doing their bidding. This process was invented by tavistock institute to counter any real change amongst formerly colonized people. That's why I always used to say to you "don't be defeatist, that's what they want you to be."
Be positive, and use your intelligent mind to come up with ways to outmaneuver your enemy.
For example, Djibouti is about to become one of the biggest exporters of potash which will be mined in Djibouti and exported through their new Doraleh port. Potash is a major global fertilizer.
See how easy that was brother?
My friend even the average whites are going off the grid composting their own organic and manure waste which they use as fertilisers to grow their own food in their back gardens, my parents are already using similar methods back home, this whole stuff is exploding all over YouTube with more and more people coming up with creative ways.
But again this is mostly for the family or the individual, hence not scalable without serious money/investment, the Djibouti example is great and I read about this before, these ideas have been around since the dawn of time and a lot of people know this.
I have spoken to Politicians that know about it, just recently I met a man that attended UN sponsored conferences on this which this time was held in Hargaisa, he himself is in the Sudan grass growing business which is exploding in Somalia now.
The non existing infrastructure is the major issue after the western backed terrorist groups that are strategically based in all the fertile hot spots and strategic choke points, the farmer/trader in Afgooye cannot even bring most of his fresh produce next door to Mogadishu never mind places much further away.
This is the number one reason why the Bantu countries are developing much more rapidly then we are, they have that basic infrastructure already in place to build upon, this was a massive missed opportunity during the kacaan era.
Don't for once think I am defeatist sxb, it may come across that way, but I am very optimistic, so optimistic in fact I plan to move back permanently within 18 months inshaallah, it's just the lack of intelligence of most of our buffoon leadership that can be very frustrating.
I once asked a former minister about major regional road constructions, and he said the money and will is there, but no one will drop a dime until the terrorists are cleared from those areas and no worker will risk his life, these terrorists can only be cleared once we have a strong capable SNA, and that can only happen through massive foreign funding, training and equipping of the army, which in return requires the arms embargo to be lifted (which as we have seen they have no interest of doing)
These are the sort of hurdles they put in place for you by design and only a skilled operator can navigate through them, this whole 4 year term with election along with the PM farce are part and parcel of these destabilisation plans, any president that makes some progress will be removed this way through bribing MP's in the coming elections.
Guelleh who had none of these traps set with a far more diversified capital income, is nothing short of an utter failure, Djibouti should have been the Somali Dubai, instead much of the population is hooked on khaat like their fellow neighbours spending billions annually on it enriching others and putting their kids into the best schools.
We are collectively a lazy disgraceful type of people if we are honest with ourselves and you and I alone beyond the individual have no hope to change the collective until a sizeable number of them decide to change their own condition.
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