The myth of the great replacement

Although I don't like Europeans. I don't like liars It's not a myth, it's real. The average birthrate for Europeans is 1-2. And the globalist elites are flooding Europe with migrants, mainly men. London in the 1960s was 90% White now it's 30% White. The globalists want a melting pot where they can effectively control the population through all the racial divisions. Also this youtuber is a retarded communist which was made by Jewish globalists.
I support the great replacement. Just like how Native Americans, Aboriginals and Pacific Islanders were replaced by manifest white supremacy destiny.

What goes around comes around.
I support the great replacement. Just like how Native Americans, Aboriginals and Pacific Islanders were replaced by manifest white supremacy destiny.

What goes around comes around.
You can't blame White people for everything bad, also there is no such thing as 'white supremacy'. Without White people the world would be shit, they invented many great things.
Although I don't like Europeans. I don't like liars It's not a myth, it's real. The average birthrate for Europeans is 1-2. And the globalist elites are flooding Europe with migrants, mainly men. London in the 1960s was 90% White now it's 30% White. The globalists want a melting pot where they can effectively control the population through all the racial divisions. Also this youtuber is a retarded communist which was made by Jewish globalists.
I want to one day in sha Allah have slavic slaves when all goes into shit in Europe and me my militia raids the lawless lands of Eastern Europe
I support the great replacement. Just like how Native Americans, Aboriginals and Pacific Islanders were replaced by manifest white supremacy destiny.

What goes around comes around.
I dont, cause the supply of cute white girls gonna drop. Do you want to replace cute Astrid with ugly Shaniqua?
I dont, cause the supply of cute white girls gonna drop. Do you want to replace cute Astrid with ugly Shaniqua?
Ok Mr Coconut.

kids children GIF by PlayKids

You are a thoroughly indoctrinated slave, well done.

Simon Cowell Wow GIF by America's Got Talent
You can't blame White people for everything bad, also there is no such thing as 'white supremacy'. Without White people the world would be shit, they invented many great things.
You are a lost soul, who needs help. I grieve for my people and the state they are in, how sad.

Imbeciles like you spread self hate like a wild fire.
Instead of their replacement. I ask Allah to guide them to Islam. Isnt that much better? At some point every ethnicity has been kafir
Yes indeed we pray for that.

You have to remember there are rules in place, Allah created everything in truth. If you violate his people and remain obstinate and unwilling to accept and then repent for your wrong doings. The divine consequences are on their way big time.


teetering in-between realities
Although I don't like Europeans. I don't like liars It's not a myth, it's real. The average birthrate for Europeans is 1-2. And the globalist elites are flooding Europe with migrants, mainly men. London in the 1960s was 90% White now it's 30% White. The globalists want a melting pot where they can effectively control the population through all the racial divisions. Also this youtuber is a retarded communist which was made by Jewish globalists.
I'm guessing you didn't watch the video...
You can't blame White people for everything bad, also there is no such thing as 'white supremacy'. Without White people the world would be shit, they invented many great things.
They did replace and completely wipe natives on all 3 continents out of 7

Also “without white ppl the world would be shit” you do realise just 100 years after the death of the prophet the golden age began for Islam and while Muslims developed in medicine, mathematics, science, poetry and so on; the same Europeans that you idolise were living in much worser conditions than the poorest countries today and it stayed like this for centuries

Europeans aren’t pioneers nor are they some mythical entity the world wouldn’t survive without; Almost all of Europe’s breakthroughs were directly and indirectly from the developments of Muslims
There is a great replacement but not in that sense. Most peopel today regardless of if their black or white who live in the West Are having less than 2 kids. The people who are having 3 or 4 kids will in a centruy replace them. Although you should definitely control immigration so that it doesn't pass a certain percentage of the pouplation ( i think it was about maybe 15% in one study?). because when it does racial tensions become incredibly difficult to stop. But The really big mistake they made though was being lenient on crime. Since it makes easier for people to target immigrants or their chidlren


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