The myth of the great replacement


Because they respect themselves and look after each other which Somalis don’t do with the clan hate we currently have. They fund for each other and for other Jewish businesses. They respect themselves. Somalis should become that. And look up to that.

I don’t know why this sounds controversial.
Other groups do this aswell soooooo:ooh:

Internet Nomad

Are you retarded or do you just grow up around gaalo? Because Somalis do exactly this and more
Somalis are running amok in kenya out pacing them economically and there is a dozens of videos of testimonies from bantu kenyans saying so. But somalis still don’t have a culture of business apparently


Coping through the 1st world
If he was a true Somali he wouldn't want to emulate the daqhan of foriegners. But since he's an infidel he already wants thr somali population to become smaller than it already is and for us to emulate the culture of Godless nations like Jews or Japanese. So that he could do whatever he wants without backlash.

I don’t know if you’re mentally dense or playing like a buffoon. What does this have anything to do with me being a gaalo? So it’s okay when Somalis look up to Arabs and bootyclap for them. But it’s not okay when I say Somalis should look up to Jewish and East Asians demographics? I’m not saying Somalis should hate on their cultures. I’m saying Somalis as a demographics should emulate their socio-economical status.

Every demographics looks up to them because they have a higher earning than most demographics. This is a fact. Surly you know what I mean by mean by this. I don’t need to show you any statical information because it’s already there.

It’s not self hate. To say this kid. Somalis should become like that and work hard. And stop mimicking Madow culture and Arab culture.


I don’t know if you’re mentally dense or playing like a buffoon. What does this have anything to do with me being a gaalo? So it’s okay when Somalis look up to Arabs and bootyclap for them. But it’s not okay when I say Somalis should look up to Jewish and East Asians demographics? I’m not saying Somalis should hate on their cultures. I’m saying Somalis as a demographics should emulate their socio-economical status.

Every demographics looks up to them because they have a higher earning than most demographics. This is a fact. Surly you know what I mean by mean by this. I don’t need to show you any statical information because it’s already there.

It’s not self hate. To say this kid. Somalis should become like that and work hard. And stop mimicking Madow culture and Arab culture.
Typical infidel a Somali insults his cadaan overlords "b-b-but the Arabs"

And no one looks up to Jews


Coping through the 1st world
We don’t need to look up to other cultures to value these things. Instead we need to be introspective about ourselves and who do we want to be. Things like cleanliness and orderly behaviour is not inherently to east Asians but something they groomed themselves to have. Same way kigali is the most cleanest city in SSA. Rwandans are in a pursuit of grooming a culture where cleanliness is a value they admire. They created mini holidays about cleaning and are educating their young on the values of cleanliness.

The biggest mistake is to look at your current snapshot of reality and think things are this way because the people from each different culture are inherently that way.
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Perceptions change and cultures evolve and devolve.

Saxib. Every civilisations are influenced. They’re not self taught. They’re influenced around the world. They learn from each other cultures and become better than the culture they once look up to. This is pure humility.

For example: Roman culture learns from Greek cultures, Greek cultures learns Mesopotamia civilisation. And so on. Somalis should succeed and become like the Jews and East Asians by learning to emulate their success. Never said they should adopt to their traditions but rather adopt behaviour cultural traits and how they succeed. This the socio-economic success Somalis should look up to.


Coping through the 1st world
I already made a point several posts ago

And they’re all shit. In your first post you said: “Asians are
Killing each other” and “Jews are hated”. What kind of argument is that?

What’s ironic is Somalis fits to these words you just used.
Somalis are hated and they’re killing each other which contributed our down fall as a nation. My comments were merely based on statical facts and truths. Somalis needs to become like them as a successful socio-demographics. By emulating their cultures. Not saying we should abandon our language and culture we have.

But since you’re different I’ll go easy on you.


And they’re all shit. In your first post you said: “Asians are
Killing each other” and “Jews are hated”. What kind of argument is that?

What’s ironic is Somalis fits to these words you just used.
Somalis are hated and they’re killing each other which contributed our down fall as a nation. My comments were merely based on statical facts and truths. Somalis needs to become like them as a successful socio-demographics. By emulating their cultures. Not saying we should abandon our language and culture we have.

But since you’re different I’ll go easy on you.
I said Asians are killing each other off. And I guarantee you 90% of Americans don't have anything to go off on Somalis apart from movies same with everyone else in the world except east Africa and the few cities somalis immigrated too.

What about their culture must we adapt? If you grew up around Somalis like I have you'd know Somalis help and fund each other's businesses this has been replicated by people who cane from nothing in refugee camps that ended up dominating major sectors of the economies in east African nations.

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Coping through the 1st world
I said Asians are killing each other off. And I guarantee you 90% of Americans don't have anything to go off on Somalis apart from movies same with everyone else in the world except east Africa and the few cities somalis immigrated too.

What about their culture must we adapt? If you grew up around Somalis like I have you'd know Somalis help and fund each other's businesses this has been replicated by people who cane from nothing in refugee camps that ended up dominating major sectors of the economies in east African nations.

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Adapt by saying: inspired by other cultures. Not replacing other cultures against ours. It’s good Somalis are improving in Africa. Somalis do make the best business in Africa. Which I’ve been hearing about. But not in the west. It’s why I said: Somalis should be like Asians and Jews in the west since they have something we don’t and that’s stronger community and securing by helping their people.

I have good opinions towards Somalis in Africa but not the ones in the west diasporas.
I support the great replacement. Just like how Native Americans, Aboriginals and Pacific Islanders were replaced by manifest white supremacy destiny.
The great replacement of europeans wont make anything better for Somalis. Why do you care for exacting revenge on behalf of people who mean nothing to you?

Honestly I think it would be in the best interests for everyone for European country's to stay at current demographics level or slowly become "more white" peacefully over time. Non-Whites in europe are kicking the hornets nest watch when Hitler 2.0 comes and xasuuqs all non whites in europe, and this time he won't even be focused on slavs :lolbron:


Anti Qabilist - Somali Patriot
You can't blame White people for everything bad, also there is no such thing as 'white supremacy'. Without White people the world would be shit, they invented many great things.
adult swim GIF by The Boondocks


you’ve made Uncle Ruckus proud.


Anti Qabilist - Somali Patriot
They did replace and completely wipe natives on all 3 continents out of 7

Also “without white ppl the world would be shit” you do realise just 100 years after the death of the prophet the golden age began for Islam and while Muslims developed in medicine, mathematics, science, poetry and so on; the same Europeans that you idolise were living in much worser conditions than the poorest countries today and it stayed like this for centuries

Europeans aren’t pioneers nor are they some mythical entity the world wouldn’t survive without; Almost all of Europe’s breakthroughs were directly and indirectly from the developments of Muslims
During the golden age of Islam, it is actually documented that Europe sent their best and brightest to Spain to seek knowledge.
The great replacement of europeans wont make anything better for Somalis. Why do you care for exacting revenge on behalf of people who mean nothing to you?

Honestly I think it would be in the best interests for everyone for European country's to stay at current demographics level or slowly become "more white" peacefully over time. Non-Whites in europe are kicking the hornets nest watch when Hitler 2.0 comes and xasuuqs all non whites in europe, and this time he won't even be focused on slavs :lolbron:
If another Hitler rises among them, then that will be the final nail in their coffin.

What on Earth does stating facts have to do with "exacting revenge". Get some comprehension before you engage others in conversation.


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