The need to merge Islam and Somalinimo into ethnoreligious identity

No, Islam as revealed by Allah swt, does not assimilate people to become Arabs. Current Somalis, through teaching Arab history and total neglect of their own history, are obsessed with a satanic people aka Arabs.

We are Muslims and Somalis and we must ensure we preserve both at any cost

There is an overlap between Arab history and Islamic history. It just happened that way. If you feel like Somali history is neglected or overshadowed, it's on Somalis to teach it. And let's be honest, 'teaching Arab history' is definitely not the reason Somalis are supposedly ignorant of their history.

What is obsessed? Wearing a hijab and jilbaab? Using loans words? Being Sunni? What?
I do encourage Pan-Arabism amongst Arabs as it's the essentially the stepping stone nto Pan-Islamism. I also promote Pan-Islamism, regardless of ethnic or cultural background. Somalis are Muslim, therefore we are obliged to unite with our Muslim brothers under Pan-Islamism.
I don't have a qashin rating button so I hope this will do.:susp:


I do encourage Pan-Arabism amongst Arabs as it's the essentially the stepping stone nto Pan-Islamism. I also promote Pan-Islamism, regardless of ethnic or cultural background. Somalis are Muslim, therefore we are obliged to unite with our Muslim brothers under Pan-Islamism.
sahib you are now resorting to using the term pan arab islamist thats essentialy wahabi salafism who are you trying to fool:siilaanyolaugh:

Why don't you promote Pan-Arabism to Arab people. Somalis aren't Arab so what use do we have for it?

hes probz a paid wahabi agent
i think he exposed himself by admitting to being a pan arabist ie a wahabi salafi, salafis are known to just focus on arabs

thats why they force people to support palestine and syria and never help the muslims of chechenya pakistan and afghanistan or somalia infact
they pay and fund salafi terror groups to kill muslims their like the taliban in afghanistan and pakistan and alshabab in somalia and dont forget ibn khattab who killed inncoent muslims in chechenya and aided in their suffering

may allah subahana watala protect us from these evil salafis

Samaalic Era

There is an overlap between Arab history and Islamic history. It just happened that way. If you feel like Somali history is neglected or overshadowed, it's on Somalis to teach it. And let's be honest, 'teaching Arab history' is definitely not the reason Somalis are supposedly ignorant of their history.

What is obsessed? Wearing a hijab and jilbaab? Using loans words? Being Sunni? What?

Then that Arab history has to be deleted in order to protect Somalinimo. All it takes is for an Arab to say the Qur'an is Arabic to make people drop their native language when Allah swt said in the Qur'an he made us into nations and tribes


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Salafism (which has nothing to do with the Salaf) aka Wahabism is the result of Saudi Arabia funding mosque construction and assigning curriculums to those mosques further spreading it. This is why suicide bombings and other disgraceful acts are being promoted by this idealogy search their main sheikhs Ibn Uthaymeen justifying these type of acts.

Sufism is just zuhd and one Sahabi Abu Dardaa used to only use wool as his clothing fabric wool in Arabic is suuf. This is where it came from, tawassul or intercession is fully established by hadiths such as the blind man who was instructed by the Holy Prophet (SAW) to make dua through his name.

This was also established by Umar bin Khattab in another hadith,

This dangerous cult of Wahabism was started by a man Muhammad ibn Abdulwahab from Najd, where Satans horns lay according to another hadith. He slaughtered fellow Muslims and made their blood halal to enforce his interpretation. his own brother and father both scholars condemned him and most scholars rejected him at that time. He has been revived by the 20th century British alliance the Saudis made which betrayed the Ottoman Caliphate, their religious class (Aala Sheekh) are sons of Ibn Abdulwahab!!!

Learn your religion and follow your madhab Shaafici-Sunni Islam.

Yes and Mawliid is permissible celebrating the birthday of the Holy Prophet was never ever disputed until recently. Many Imams like Nawawi and Ibn Taymiyya consider it permissible.


”And hold fast all together by the rope which Allah (stretches out for you) and be not divided among yourselves; and remember with gratitude Allah’s favor on you; for ye were enemies and He joined your hearts in love so that by His grace ye became brethren; and ye were on the brink of the pit of fire and He saved you from it. Thus doth Allah make his signs clear to you: that ye may be guided." (Verse 013, Al-i-Imran).

I encourage everybody to read this article by the Islamic Supreme Council of Canada about the importance of unity between the Muslim ummah and how gaals have always been so desperate to divide us. Division has always existed amongst the ummah, what with the battle of Hunain, the battle of Khayber, the agreement of Hudaibiyah. We argued and we fought internally, however, then we had the Prophet (PBUH) to unite us--now we do not.

One small snippet from the article that describes religious "scholars" manipulating the diin in order to push their own tribal agenda.

"Some Muslim scholars intentionally used Qur’anic verses and misinterpreted their meanings. Those verses which Allah had revealed in Qur’an to inspire Muslims to fight against Kuffaar, these scholars used those verses to create animosity among Muslim brothers. They made a Muslim an enemy of another Muslim by using Qur’an and Hadith."

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People in here are legit obsessed with arabs :ayaanswag: now y'all saying we shouldn't follow the sahaba:noneck: yall are on a dangerous slippery slope


@Samaalic Era
sahib one last thing thier is no arab history dont listen to the fake salafist lies only the initial spread of islam during the rashiduun caliphs
after about 150 years the arabs became opressive the seljuk turks and other turkish dyansties like the ottomans ruled until salafis ousted them,

what we need to do is to teach the people about our cushite ancestors and how they gave rise to somalis about kherma kush punt and even aksum sorry sahib but even the habesha are our cushite relatives also about the hegira and the spread of islam to somalia and our noble scholars like yusuf ibn al kawneyn and how we defeated the portoguese

dont limit our history to just somali history,


Bruv the guy that said nationalism is one hell of a drug was right walahi this ain't only about Somalis all muslims have this disease even arabs
lool the guy got exposed hes hipocracy is in full display sahib

he admited to bieng a pan arabist islamist ie a wahabi salafi at this stage he is clearly a nationalist himself :siilaanyolaugh:

what a complete hipocrite am saving what he said for future reffrence that wahabi agent got exposed fully what a fucking hipocrite :siilaanyosmile:


Bruv the guy that said nationalism is one hell of a drug was right walahi this ain't only about Somalis all muslims have this disease even arabs

That's true, wallahi. I'm not even arguing that Arabs are immune to valuing their countries over their religion, because they definitely aren't. However, if we as an ummah can learn to stop thinking about our tribes and countries and start focus on unting as Muslims and only Muslims, wallahi we could be a world super power.

Samaalic Era

@Samaalic Era
sahib one last thing thier is no arab history dont listen to the fake salafist lies only the initial spread of islam during the rashiduun caliphs
after about 150 years the arabs became opressive the seljuk turks and other turkish dyansties like the ottomans ruled until salafis ousted them also the berbers ousted them during the berber revolt

what we need to do is to teach the people about our cushite ancestors and how they gave rise to somalis about kherma kush punt and even aksum sorry sahib but even the habesha are our cushite relatives also about the hegira and the spread of islam to somalia and our noble scholars like yusuf ibn al kawneyn and how we defeated the portoguese

dont limit our history to just somali history,

Even during the Crusades, it was not arabs who fought and re-took Jerusalem but Non-Arab Muslims


Even during the Crusades, it was not arabs who fought and re-took Jerusalem but Non-Arab Muslims
That time Arabs where kicked out the Turks ruled
The Turks where the ones fighting the Christians the seljuqs fought them and the kurdish sallahudin who succeeded the zengids who were also turks

And liberated Jerusalem
Since 850 until 1920 turks ruled and united the ummah while the Arabs destroyed it


If history has taught us anything it's that caliphates don't last. I want a more secure future for Somalia.

Caliphates start failing when they no longer hold on to their Islamic roots. I can't remember which one exactly, whether it was the Umayyad or the Abbasid Caliphate, but one of them began to discriminate against non-Arab Muslims by favoring Arabs when it came to political positions and thus ended being ousted by angry non-Arab Muslims. Racism is not Islamic, and thus against goes against the very foundation of an Islamic empire.
lool the guy got exposed hes hipocracy is in full display sahib

he admited to bieng a pan arabist islamist ie a wahabi salafi at this stage he is clearly a nationalist himself :siilaanyolaugh:

what a complete hipocrite am saving what he said for future reffrence that wahabi agent got exposed fully what a fucking hipocrite :siilaanyosmile:
Where did I say any of that why do you assume everything sxb it ain't healthy and trust me sxb you ain't gonna stomp me lol many tried before you and failed

