The Neo "Traditionalists"

Are There Hypocrites Hiding Behind "Traditionalism"

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Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
There’s gheerah and then there’s being controlling and abusing that concept to the point of over-possessiveness. Men should look out for their women yes, but it shouldn’t be like “you’re not allowed to leave the house but I’ll be out here freely mixing with ladies and being in inappropriate situations with them”.
Remember that a marriage is built on mutual respect for each other.
I had a neighbour he refused teaching his wife how to drive a car cause he wanted her to be reliant on him


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
See that’s not even gheerah, that’s just a gateway for abuse.
some gheerah is fine you should be protective over your wife to some extent but some people taking it too far even saying I wont allow her to work cause she gonna have male coworkers
Lets be honest, of the guy posters who larp as traditionalist, all of them free mix with women irl. Its just fun to pretend to be a saudi online. We're wind up merchants.


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
Lets be honest of the guy posters who larp as traditionalist free mix with women irl. Its just fun to pretend to be a saudi online. We're wind up merchants.
you're bound to at some point meet the other gender wether at the bank,grocery shop or the dentist otherwise might aswell live in a desert
Nah you are no mercy. He is consistent and polite. You are on the level the people you criticise and a level below me.

huuno my job was to make this place more female friendly. It’s not my fault you couldn’t score. Next time try not to bully them that tends to put women off.
What if you slowly morph into a traditionalist from westernised liberal.
For the past 12 years i have been living a clean and wholesome life, more or less some would see me a s a wadaad. :ftw9nwa:.

before that for most of my life its been like a split personality, for example
in my uni years , i would attend a muxadara in a mosque, in the afternoon while also teaching arabic inside the masjid. by the same evening i would clubbing and banging any female with a pulse.

but i never put down s though i always found it hypocritical and it just never made sense.
Why would i hate on s when they are the ones i sought out, i had zero interest in a good girl.
too much drama.
but i never understood so called wadaads and traditionalists who be dissing s while perving on them at the same time.

just strange.


Certified Liin Distributor
**** shaming is fun my nigga you starting to sound like a hater op:drakewtf:
Bro you can do that but then you can't be posted up on NSFW and act like a Sheikh at the same time.

You don't pretend to be a Sheikh but its the niggas who do that I'm going after

Odkac WRLD

جندي صومال
@Mercury you are the only gentleman in this forum. I cannot state how many times a farax has told a xalimo to fear allah in the general section only to see him posting how sexually frustrated he is in the NSFW section. They are sheikhs in the general section but Hugh Hefner in the DMs. These men are the biggest hypocrites, if they were like @Shmurda no one would care but it's the labo waji that gets me. :comeon:

Btw welcome back to the general, your absence has been felt :kendrickcry:
I’m Hugh basically everywhere. :mjkkk:
Of course islamic laws apply for men and women, faraxs committing zina is just as bad as a xaalimo committing zina but ever wondered why its amplified when a female does it ? cause they are the core of society, they are the core backbone of the family unit without a mother present the family structure will collapse this is a very high status higher than a man.

So when a women is promiscuous, she suffers for life, she can develop some sort of addiction to zina, she finds it hard to marry, her father is disgraced some families even completely fall apart. All because she fell for the liberal jewish propaganda that men and women are equal.

Women have a high status in islam its just that jewish liberal propaganda knew to target muslim women and turn them against their mahrams and come up with bullshit like feminism because it would break the family structure and corrupt society so they can profit and have their lifelong goal established to "destroy" islam, it's a war of the minds.

Men commiting zina is just as bad they aren't excused and have same punishments applied but like i said because of the high status of women in islam it is amplified.

Nope, it's because men hold the most power in this world. This is the same reason why it's amplified when Black men commit a crime as opposed to cadan men. Nobody thinks it's because Black men are the core of society, so stop this BS we are not children.


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