The new Acting UN Special Representative for Somalia, James Swan, arrives in Mogadishu


Dhib marku wah nokdo, Isku tiirsada
Since Deni had a good relationship with Carolina and probably this guy and the Uan as a whole wtf can HSM do?
I don’t think he’s leaving if deni asks him to stay, but the news is saying he’s only there until the UN office closes. We haven’t gotten an official date for the UN leaving, if it’s before election, Hassan will get his way and it’s up to Somalis to do what former nisa spy chief said, if it’s after, Hassan is gone.
the Somalis back home I’ve spoken with don’t have bad view of the UN. Some don’t like amisom though. They think of halane as just IC spectating how somalia is running.
That makes sense. The people are uninformed and the Somali misleadership class makes sure it remains that way.


True Puntlander
I don’t think he’s leaving if deni asks him to stay, but the news is saying he’s only there until the UN office closes. We haven’t gotten an official date for the UN leaving, if it’s before election, Hassan will get his way and it’s up to Somalis to do what former nisa spy chief said, if it’s after, Hassan is gone.
Qoslaya will not get his way inshalla.
I don’t think he’s leaving if deni asks him to stay, but the news is saying he’s only there until the UN office closes. We haven’t gotten an official date for the UN leaving, if it’s before election, Hassan will get his way and it’s up to Somalis to do what former nisa spy chief said, if it’s after, Hassan is gone.
If he gets his way to it's been nice knowing Somalia


Dhib marku wah nokdo, Isku tiirsada
Will war break out if that happens?
Inshallah that’s not the case, but I can see the central government attempting to exert control over PL forcefully since it’s not working financially, which could lead to war. With the turk navy, the first place they may go is PL coast.
Inshallah that’s not the case, but I can see the central government attempting to exert control over PL forcefully since it’s not working financially, which could lead to war. With the turk navy, the first place they may go is PL coast.
Only reason I'm against balkanization is somalis are too retarded and go by subclan subclan weirdos. Then again I hate the south so...
Only reason I'm against balkanization is somalis are too retarded and go by subclan subclan weirdos. Then again I hate the south so...
Balkanization isn't happening since the world doesn't want multiple little Somalias that will beg for aid. And of course war will still happen between these hypothetical clan states since as you said, Somalis will continue fighting on the sub sub sub clan level. Literally impossible to properly demarcate qabil borders without someone being pissed off.


This is an interesting choice. He is much more experienced in the region than Catriona Laing, who had previously served as UK's Ambassador to Zimbabwe and High Commissioner to Nigeria.

In 2007, James Swan was Deputy Asst Secretary, Bureau of African Affairs, U.S. State Department and Observer of Somalia. He then went on to become the US Ambassador to Djibouti from 2008 to 2011, so his experience goes back nearly 20 years.

I think Catriona Laing was probably not experienced enough in the region to take on a case like Somalia.


Dhib marku wah nokdo, Isku tiirsada
James swan touches down following Catrina Lang’s departure on may 20. In his statement, he mentions nothing about drawing down the UNSOM.


Dhib marku wah nokdo, Isku tiirsada
you’ll hear this statement soon during election

“Mogadishu is not Somalia and Somalia is not mogadishu”:mjlol:



Happy Leonardo Dicaprio GIF by Bombay Softwares

The FGS thought they were going to centralize political authority but they quickly backed down. The status quo is all there is and all there ever will be.
This American.
They are killing muslims in Palestine.
Do you think they wish you well in Somalia?
They want you dead and destroyed.
This American.
They are killing muslims in Palestine.
Do you think they wish you well in Somalia?
They want you dead and destroyed.

