The offensive against Al-Shabaab in Central Somalia


Strong attack in Ceel-Lahely, updates later still nothing reliable as no antenna after it was turned off
First comment from someone there

Gudoomiyaha Heliwaa
I have never seen alshabaab this desperate before, they are doing everything possible to try and demorlize SNA mujahideen.

Alshabaab bots on twitter are working overtime.
I thought so
Khaire is H & H. Hiigsi and Horumar. Different party. This langaab @Hafiiid is too low IQ to understand this lakin. 🤣 In fact it was HSM that send pm Hamza to see farmaajo. Shareef and Farmaajo also met each other not that long ago. Khaire is dealing with Russians and Norwegians. No time for Farmaajo. We funded him and without us he is nothing.


how does that hodan girl get whoever she wants on twitter? tf.
Abdi Rashid and Hodan I think are like the link between Somalia and diaspora. They help convey HSM message in the west and garner support by putting out positive social media posts. They also setup these live meeting which also helps garner supprort


Ceel-Lahely got gurmad from Guriceel and Dhusamareb, this is different to Cowsweyne.

Hopefully we’ll see tomorrow morning, fog of war doesn’t allow for accurate reporting



Osman Farah who’s from Ceel-Garas reports on Ceel-Lahely, says the gov was aware Shabaab would focus their attacks on it and so pulled out for airstrikes and are now back there