The offensive against Al-Shabaab in Central Somalia



XOG: AS oo laga qabsaday magaaladii ugu muhiimsaneed, xubno katirsan kooxdu oo go’doon ku jira oo la amray in lalaayo ama is dhiibaan

Lawadaag asxaabtaada kale



Director of Data Protection Mohamed Royal explains HSM’s victory.

Most interesting part

>waxaa intaas dheer ciidamada isbaheysiga Sacad, Saleebaan, Saruur yo Dir ayaa bilaabay Gorilla war oo Shabaabku awal ciyaarayeen, o ay habeen kii meelaha lagu tuhmayo weerar ku qaadaan waana tan keentay in shalay Cayr ku goryo badan ka furtaan Shabaab kasoo cararay dhankaas.

Cayr in Dumaaye-Dabagalo-Jowle start taking weapons from Shabaab firxad. I reported here that Cayr miyi was fighting Shabaab and killed 14 taking their guns. Good war booty, also refused to house them as they fled from Camaara
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New tactics to stop VBIED

"Gaarigii ka yimaada dhinaca Cadawga Halkiisa halagu Gubo Ciidamaduna Amar ayey u haystaa" Wasiirka Wasaarada Amniga Galmudug Gaboobe...

Brutal but we can’t take risks!

minimum 400 Saleebaan at camaara rn just from this video. alkebab love to retake this town, but we're deep now, no more deals with them.
I made a good guess with the 400 from the pictures, now I can confirm this too from the video 😂
when will cayr front push east from ceel gras and laheley? I think we should meet up in galhaarerri. saleebaan + sacad will soon move on jowolo iyo dabagalo. i think we should take a break tho for like a week or 2 in order to reassess and solidify our gains. I also assume alshabaab will do another hit and run on a base again.


when will cayr front push east from ceel gras and laheley? I think we should meet up in galhaarerri. saleebaan + sacad will soon move on jowolo iyo dabagalo. i think we should take a break tho for like a week or 2 in order to reassess and solidify our gains. I also assume alshabaab will do another hit and run on a base again.
We are moving to Mudug now that y’all have reached Caad I’ve read

Entering from there and connecting to Ceel Garas it looks like. Idea is all the SNA+macawiisley of the other clans will join us to Jowle