The offensive against Al-Shabaab in Central Somalia



Dagaalkii Galhareeri oo bilaawday, dhimasho, dhaawac iyo burbur durba la gaarsiiyay AS, MD Xasan Sheekhna war ayuu soo saaray



Both HSM and QQ mention Galmudug troops operating in the South and helping out clans under Shabaab after Ceelbuur. Very interesting

I would only support this if we have a similar set up to Shabellaha Hoose. We need to have Gudoomiyaha amniga of all the degmos/gobol and also plant a significant amount of population to lock in these gains

El Nino

Cabsi cabsi
View attachment 286949 Waceysle

View attachment 286950 Sacad

View attachment 286951 Saruur

I think he met some other clans tonight but I can’t recognise them, likely Dir and Mareexan

HAG coming to reality, what a beautiful sight

happy will smith GIF



Reer Dhuusamareeb sidey ugu diyaar-garoobeen dagaalka Khawaarijta? Axmed Faafaale oo ka mid ah siyaasiyiinta deegaanada Galmudug oo marti ku ahaa Barnaamijka Kulanka Toddobaadka ayaa xog cusub ka bixiyey.

Yaa hubeeyey ciidamada is-abaabulay ee deegaanka? Axmed Faafaale oo ka mid ah siyaasiyiinta deegaanada Galmudug oo marti ku ahaa Barnaamijka Kulanka Toddobaadka ayaa xog cusub ka bixiyey.



Guddoomiyaha Hay'adda Maareeynta iyo Musiibooyinka Qaranka Maxamuud Macalin CAbdulle ayaa faah-Faahin ka bixiyay Kaalinta Hay'adda Maareeynta ee xoreynta Dalka.

Maxaa maanta ka dhacay Galhareeri? Axmed Faafaale oo caawa marti noogu ahaa Barnaamijka Kulanka Toddobaadka ayaa nooga waramay.


View attachment 287286
Colonel Shaahmacabe and Taliyaha Macawiisleeyda Waceysle, Khaliif Cumar Macalin Nuur aa qabteen hilowle gaab from masagwaa. Kas ugu reebtay sawirkaan lol dadka inaa xaqirtid aa bilawday waa yaab
It was in a SNA telegram without any names. But I was sure you’d quick to provide the update so didn’t bother searching :manny:

Meesha maxaa la xaqiraa. Hada baa la galey
It was in a SNA telegram without any names. But I was sure you’d quick to provide the update so didn’t bother searching :manny:

Meesha maxaa la xaqiraa. Hada baa la galey
Yeah you probably meant no harm but there are others who will try deny or lie who captured it. @Jungle just wants to make it clear it was colonel shahmacabe + Waceysle Macawiisley who left masagawaay led by khaliif cumar macalin nur.

Even prior to today there was no Shabaab there since December 2022. Just stranded dadka Deeganka
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Yeah you probably meant no harm but there are others who will try deny or lie who captured it. @Jungle just wants to make it clear it was colonel shahmacabe + Waceysle Macawiisley who left masagawaay led by khaliif cumar macalin nur
I didn’t even know macawiisley went in. This was the first thing I checked this morning. I can see news broke 3 hours ago so surprised no one posted


I didn’t even know macawiisley went in. This was the first thing I checked this morning. I can see news broke 3 hours ago so surprised no one posted
Waceysle macawiisleey wear army uniforms and have green technical abdi biles nobody will be able to tell difference between them and SNA from pictures
Waceysle macawiisleey wear army uniforms and have green technical abdi biles nobody will be able to tell difference between them and SNA from pictures
This is waceysle SNA/Macwiisley troops capturing Ceeldheer back in January. They wear army clothes and green teknikos but they don’t come under a specific SNA unit



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