Jacfar sends off Murusade ciidan deegaan from Xamar
I think it is because twitter changed name to X. @Admin needs to update it
Are Twitter links broken now,
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Interesting to see Shabaab resort to such blatant qabyaaladNabadoonka khawariijta representing beesha Waceysle talks to HSM and HG saying hg shouldn’t and won’t provide macawiisley to fight ‘mujaahadiinta’ and that HSM failed to get Waceysle, Murusade, duduble. Also mentions Ceyrow like usual when they talk about HG
They are terrified of Ethiopia.
They wer always qabiiliste they used to their advantage.2008 during alshabab vs ahlu sunah. Most of shabab side atleast 90% were murusade the famous commender called timi jilac who later died in guriceel . At that time alshabab used murusade tendency of anti habargidirimo to recruit walahiInteresting to see Shabaab resort to such blatant qabyaalad