The Oromia militia called Qeerroo who have been attacking Somalis in Ethiopia

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@NourUgaas Dir lost Dir Dhabe to Oromo, what more can be said? Gurgura are to this day two faced and don’t know if they are Somali or Oromo.

Gurgura declared itself a Somali clan in the last referendum. They speak Oromo, that's literally the only Oromo thing about them. They all recognise themselves as Dir. Today the mayor of Dire Dawa is Dir. The first governor of Dire Dawa ever when it was turned into a chartered city was Ato Hussein Ismail who was Gadabursi.

Dire Dawa is still under our grip. The only way Oromos can claim it is dependent on the Gurgura and they all claimed Somali.

@Teeri-Alpha ’s people are the greatest Oromo karbashers of all time. Entire clans of Oromo no longer exist because of Ogaden. Warra Daya, Orma etc... Even the Boran were about to be wiped out by the Ogaden until the British showed up and created a no go zone.

Dir are being Oromized but no Ogaden ever became oromo. That is a fact.

Lets keep it real. The only Dir subclan that became fully Oromised are the Barsuug and sections of the Akisho. Lest you forget the most Western Somalis in Southern K5 are the Gurre in their three Degmos in Southern K5 and they have not been displaced unlike the Reer Xassan MX who were displaced of their land and stock by the Borans.

As for Ogaden/Darood, come on man, there are numerous Daroods that have been Oromised in the Haraghe Zones. Why do you think many Afran Qallo Warras are of Darood origin such as the Yabarres that became Oromo and other subclans that are supposedly of Harti origin among the Ala Afran Qallo. Gunther Schlee encountered numerous assimilated Daroods. The only difference between Dir and Darood Oromos is that Somali speaking Dirs and Oromo speaking ones neighbour each other and have cordial relations; they have not become completely isolated from their kin.

Why aren't the Somalis fighting back? Being defeated by Oromos will stain Somali history forever.
Some of those guns they are carrying are American. According to the Somali text below the video they are saying we defeated the Woyane regime and now plan to cleanse Somalis out of Babile.

@NourUgaas Dir lost Dir Dhabe to Oromo, what more can be said? Gurgura are to this day two faced and don’t know if they are Somali or Oromo.

Another lie. In the early 90's the IGLF defeated the Oromos in Dire Dawa and guess what, the IGLF was a combined Ciise and Gurgura militia. The Gurgura are bilingual but they are the only Somali clan in Hararghe that resisted becoming fully assimilated into the Oromo and they hold the keys to Dire Dawa. As long as they identify as Somali, Dire Dawa will be dominated by Somalis despite its cosmopolitan nature.


This guy is trying to say that Ogaden didn't become Oromo lol. We know this is a lie.

Secondly, Dir clans who became Oromised was the result of natural selection. They didn't have the will to survive. A few clans such as Akisho and Gurgura who are still proud Somalis. The laandheer Dirs like Ciise and Gadabursi were the ones who annihalated the Oromos. Terri's folks used to do the dhaanto whenever an Oromo man came for an Ogadeni chick. Sxb, we expanded all the way to Metehara which is near Addis Ababa. You guys are still stuck in Dhagaxbur.

please name me the OG clans that became oromo?

agah, marriage to gaala, war we look down on them and gave the name gaaalo

only two groups truely know how to karbash oromio, ahmaar and Ogaden are the only ones they have never assimilated in their expansion of 1500-1700s

i have manyn ancstors who died on the frontiers, fighting them,

i can recall stories as far back as 1480s fighting oromo,

no one has the experience in war like we do with oromo

Ugaas what is your race? identify your self, you dir, gadabursi?

so Og is still stuck in dagaxbuur?
how little you know the area, warya dagaxbuur is bordering idoorland,

what happened to imay, afhdeer, lagahida,

are we not bodering moyale and bale region ?

agah, agah, agah, agah, why lie bro?

agah, agah, agah, agah, agah, agahhhhhhhhhhh
a lot of the kids here dont know anything,

you have to udnertand there is a game going on,

oromo vs Oagden ( nothign changed for 700s0

Oagdne vs Tigre, rather new, 1991
Ogaden vs ahmmar, nothing new

so you have the big game, i.e where will ethiopia be in 20 years time,

smaller stuff,

*****, dir, langaabs, shekaale, karabley etc hate Ogaden, so oromo seduced them,

in short they were exporting khad by plane to somalia, somaliland,

cabdi iley banned khat but taxed the khat that was going to *****land and somalia,

oromo presdeint gets seduced by *****s (mostly sacad muuse) sheekale, karbaley to export his kgat by plane directly to somaliland with out crossing DDSI and thus no tax money for DDSI,

Mjs, marehans, ****s businessman making khad sort to save money on tax by doing the same,

so all these somali businessman moved into to oromo lands, farmed khad and married their females and yet wanted to by pass khat tax so Ogaden doesn't get any money,

its am lot more complicated than yall think,

its about khat, tax, and puntland, somaliland, xamar were all getting tax mnoney but Ogden was being by passed,

so what does Ogaden do?

see, somalis do not understand oromo the way Ogaden understands them, after all we did neighbour them for 700 years,

so we instigated a war, smashed oromos,

why war?

NB: somali

its easy, geri koombe was ttacked and so were hararis

dont foregt geri was tatcked by akish and jaarso, harraris and oadgen waa allies,

in fact 4 Oagden presdeints have become presdient of harar in the past 20 odd years,

so we used this as an excuse, back in the 90s DDSI dirs lost 240 kebeles to oromo, dir have been land raped,

so we attacked all romo lands,

to most yal it seemd random for Ogaden to be attacked oromo in shewa oromo, moyalle, bale and even gondar oromo non muslims,

it was not rndom,

it was to turn the oromo against the somalis who thought they were playing a smart game,

so oromo does what best they do, they massacred and the khat farmers who planned to starve us off were exterminated and thus puntland, somaliland, xamar all lost free tax khat

thats it chaps, somaliland send her best khat famrers so did pubntland, so did ****s and marehans and played a dirty game, we played a dirtier game,

then after they were killed oadgen pretend to be the "hero" and welcoemd the khat famres to DDSI

the karbaley sultan is hald dea din hipistal after he was tatcked, his poor daughter raped,

all we wanted was a share of tax money, like we used to get,

its abut khat, khat famrers who got greedy, osmaliland supported as they got s share so did puntland and xamar haweiyes

so we simply reminded yall were guests in oromia

NB: somali khat farmers were not only stravingn us of tax money, they were giving oromo money to buy weapons to fight us,

You are one delusional Nigga.

The Kebeles that voted to join the Oromos were not Dir; they were Karanle Hawiyes and Afran Qallo clans of mixed Somali/Oromo heritage. Heck I wouldn't be surprised if the Warra Absame Jarso subclan and other assimilated Afran Qallo Absames also voted to join the Oromos during that referendum.

Secondly, you claim that only non Ogadens were killed in the recent massacres. Nigga, who you fooling, the Somalis killed in Western Oromia included Ogaden too. As a matter of fact, y'all are probably the majority of the Somalis that sought pasture deep in Oromo territory.

Qaybta 4aad – Taariikhda ay deegaankaas tageen & Qabaa’ilka ay ka kooban yihiin
Soomaalidan oo taariikh ahaan dhulkan yimid hal qarni iyo badh ka hor ayaa ka kooban qabaa’il kala duwan oo Soomaaliyeed, oo isku xidhiidhiya magaca soomaalinimada (Waa meesha kali ah ee ay Soomaalinimadu hal qabiil ka tahay, iyo far kali ah dhinaca midnimada).

Balse waxaa loo qaybiyaa labo qaybood oo waaweyn oo kala ah beesha Camarka oo ah jilib Ogaadeen ah oo asalkoodu ka soo guuray degmada Fiiq & nawaaxigeeda, islamarkaana ka mid ah beel-weynta maalinguur iyo qaybta kale oo loogu yeedho Shiinaha oo isugu jira qabaa’il kala duwan oo ay ka mid yihiin Abaskuul, Hawiye isku jir ah, Ciise, Maxed Subeer, Ree Sacad, Abraahiim – Makaahiil, Bartire, Gurre, Sheekhaash, Harti, Mareexaan, Ajuuraan, Biyo-maal & qabiilo kale.
Qaybta 5aad – Shaqsiyaadka Caanka ah ee ka soo jeeda deegaankaas
Dadka caanka ah ee aaggan ka soo jeeda waxaa ka mid ah Sh/Cali Suufi Sh/C/raxmaan oo muddo dheer barista diinta ka waday meelo ay ka mid yihiin Fiiq, Dh/buur oo uu madarasooyin taariikh leh ka yagleelay, iyo Magaalada Muqdisho oo uu . Sheekhu wuxuu aabbo u yahay rag culimo ah oo uu ugu horreeyo Sh/C/rashiid Sh/Cali Suufi oo ah sheekha dawlada Qatar, culimada Soomaalida ugu magaca dheerna ka mid ah. Sida oo kale Dr. Suldaan Weli oo ahaan jiray Madaxweyne kuxigeenka deegaanka Soomaalida, iyo kuwo kale oo deegaanka xilal ka haya oo ay ka mid yihiin Miig Bile oo ah wisiirka dhallinyada & sports-ka & Dr. C/casiis Ibrahim oo ah Madaxweynaha Jaamacada Jigjiga iyo horin kale oo deegaanka xilal & shaqooyin muhiim ah ka haysa ayaa laga xusi karaa dadka dhulkaas ka soo jeeda, ee ku dhex bar-baaray deegaankaas.

Si kastaba ha ahaatee, Soomaalidan ayaa ah kuwo is jecel oo isku xidhiidhiya Soomaalinamada, taas oo ka dhigaysa in dhulkaasi uu yahay meesha kali ah ee ay Soomaali degto ee ay Soomaalinimadu hal qabiil ka tahay.

This guy is trying to say that Ogaden didn't become Oromo lol. We know this is a lie.

Secondly, Dir clans who became Oromised was the result of natural selection. They didn't have the will to survive. A few clans such as Akisho and Gurgura who are still proud Somalis. The laandheer Dirs like Ciise and Gadabursi were the ones who annihalated the Oromos. Terri's folks used to do the dhaanto whenever an Oromo man came for an Ogadeni chick. Sxb, we expanded all the way to Metehara which is near Addis Ababa. You guys are still stuck in Dhagaxbur.

Why are you masquerading as a Samaroon?

Saalax Bidaar

Truthfulness so often goes with ruthlessness

Oromos have a right to defend themselves and even attack. To be fair it was the Somalis who started the beef and kept on massacring Oromos.

Not all Somalis. Gadabursi didn’t attack, Ciise didn’t attack, Isaaq didn’t attack, it was fcking cagdheers so Oromo’s need to fight Them
@Teeri-Alpha ’s people are the greatest Oromo karbashers of all time. Entire clans of Oromo no longer exist because of Ogaden. Warra Daya, Orma etc... Even the Boran were about to be wiped out by the Ogaden until the British showed up and created a no go zone.

Dir are being Oromized but no Ogaden ever became oromo. That is a fact.

Don't give them a heart attack with those historic facts:damn::damn::damn::damn: No Ogaden land or clan have ever been anexed by Oromos. We didn't even allow to annex them into our clans but only married their women while their men in Waamo went extinct like the Oromo clans you mentioned:damedamn:
The confused Oromo Somalis are usually Dirs. Even Dire Dhawa is a majority Somali town. Name me one Ogaden town That's majority Oromo? Lol Get over it and face your situation. Fight the Oromos instead of focusing on Ogaden who know how to handle these savages like their ancestors have done for the past 700 years.
cagdheers, ree emotional ictiraaf , The oromo Warra diru , hutus and all other minor stupid clans need to unite or perish.

If Ethiopia falls only the strong somali clans survive

But blindess prevents these retarded qabiils from uniting


I could agree with you but then we’d both be wrong
Without Ogaden these weak Somali clans in reserve area would have been assimilated by the Oromos long time ago.
Without Ogaden these weak Somali clans in reserve area would have been assimilated by the Oromos long time ago.

More like if it wasn't for Ciise and Gadabursi, Ogadens would have been dancing for the Oromos just like they used to dance for the Amxaros


I could agree with you but then we’d both be wrong
More like if it wasn't for Ciise and Gadabursi, Ogadens would have been dancing for the Oromos just like they used to dance for the Amxaros
KKKkkk seems like you're desperately trying to make a name for your weak clan. Gadabuursi are second class citizens in every region they reside whether it be Djibouti, Somaliland or DDSI.
Darod act all mighty
KKKkkk seems like you're trying to make a name for your weak clan. Gadabuursi are second class citizens in every region they reside whether it be Djibouti, Somaliland or DDSI.

We were President of DDSI before, since then all the vice Presidents are Gadabursi and we were the first governor of Dire Dawa and the first leader of Djibouti when it was called French Somaliland, Xaaji Diide.

Gadabursi are twice big as your clan MJ. Your only good at giving your women as sex toys to score political points.

Don't hate coz we are richer than you. Your history is Amina Boqorad. That's yall


I could agree with you but then we’d both be wrong
Darod act all mighty

We were President of DDSI before, since then all the vice Presidents are Gadabursi and we were the first governor of Dire Dawa and the first leader of Djibouti when it was called French Somaliland, Xaaji Diide.

Gadabursi are twice big as your clan MJ. Your only good at giving your women as sex toys to score political points.

Don't hate coz we are richer than you. Your history is Amina Boqorad. That's yall
All vice presidents are Gadabuur?? Currently there are four Vice presidents in DDSI two of 'em are Ogaden, the other two are Ciise and Gadabuursi kkkk. Imagine bragging about a shared title that has zero influence whatsoever lmao.

You said we were the first governors of DiraDiwa and Djibouti... Dude stop talking about what happened 100 years ago.. you're just a passenger that eats off the leftovers of Ciise in Djibouti and Ogaden in DDSI, most of the major Somali clans look down on you wlhi.

A Laangaab mofo like you don't have the audacity to compare his little uninfluential clan to the aristocrats of the Somalis... Laangaabow, you've never had a PM in Somalia let alone a president... You've been in HA pockets since 1991 when they massacred you in your little villages and you couldn't avenge for your fallen brethren coz you're too pussy and scared of HA's retaliation lmao.
I got my own cities my own State my own ports awoowgaa cune unlike you boi. You're not at my level.. and you'll never be.
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