The president of Awdal state of Somalia rejects somaliland somalidiid agenda

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Bernie Madoff

Afhayeenka SL
We are not on the same level Majeerteen are the backbone of Somalia which is internationally recognised while somaliland which Is an unrecognised tribal enclave Hailing from just one clan Isaac who only occupy three cities of burco berbera & hargaisa whereas Majeerteen live in Puntland & jubaland.
If were not on the same level then are you so obsessed with us? Why don't you worry about your own region and not others which you clearly know nothing about.

Stay in your lane sxb.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
If were not on the same level then are you so obsessed with us? Why don't you worry about your own region and not others which you clearly know nothing about.

Stay in your lane sxb.
This thread is about Awdal wanting nothing to do with Isaac bugs bunny & why wouldn't I care about reer awdal don't you see the flag of Somalia behind the president of Awdal state of Somalia in the video?

Bernie Madoff

Afhayeenka SL
This thread is about Awdal wanting nothing to do with Isaac bugs bunny
You moron it has to do with somaliland clearly. Look at your fucking title dumbass. I can't count how many threads you made of the same topic like this. Its getting pathetic it shows how much you think about somaliland 24/7 on your mind sad :drakelaugh::drakelaugh:


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
You moron it has to do with somaliland clearly. Look at your fucking title dumbass. I can't count how many threads you made of the same topic like this. Its getting pathetic it shows how much you think about somaliland 24/7 on your mind sad :drakelaugh::drakelaugh:
It's about awdal you mumbling buffoon samaroon not Isaac now f*ck off back to narnia:hahaidiot:


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Dumbass alot my family is samaroon i have every right to be here. But keep making threads about somaliland showss how insecure you dumb f*ck looks.:mjlol:

Stop acting like a hoe :mjlol:
The thread is about AWDAL STATE you idiot samaroon not maamulka Isaac somaliland get it?

You can't speak on behalf of samaroon you're Isaac but this wise old samaroon man can listen to what he's saying then muse ponder & reflect & respect his wishes

Bernie Madoff

Afhayeenka SL
You guys make countless threads about Puntland but you can't handle threads exposing sland?
Say wallahi bro have you not seen how many threads you morons make? Shut the f*ck up you idiot look at the first page of politics dont be so stupid

I never go into puntland threads cause thats not my region i have no people from there nor do i give a shit yall so obsessed its crazy


Puntland Youth Organiser
FKD Visionary
How we insecure when most of threads about us is made from you guys that dont even make sense but ok :cryinglaughsmiley::cryinglaughsmiley::cryinglaughsmiley:
and how many siilanders made threads about Puntland last couple of months :mjlol:

You're triggered because you can't handle peopel speaking out against SL, and we will continue to make 100s of thread exposing you

Bernie Madoff

Afhayeenka SL
and how many siilanders made threads about Puntland last couple of months :mjlol:

You're triggered because you can't handle peopel speaking out against SL, and we will continue to make 100s of thread exposing you
Lol you go do that buddy



Guusha ya leh?
The thread is about AWDAL STATE you idiot samaroon not maamulka Isaac somaliland get it?

You can't speak on behalf of samaroon you're Isaac but this wise old samaroon man can listen to what he's saying then muse ponder & reflect & respect his wishes

Isaaq obsession has truly mind fucked y'all :pachah1:

Here are Reer Awdal celebrating May 18 as proud Somalilanders, and there's f*ck all you can do about it.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Isaaq obsession has truly mind fucked y'all :pachah1:

Here are Reer Awdal celebrating May 18 as proud Somalilanders, and there's f*ck all you can do about it.
An Isaac is the deputy prime minister of Somalia and the upper House of Parliament speaker of Somalia is also Isaac & what can you do about that?


Guusha ya leh?
An Isaac is the deputy prime minister of Somalia and the upper House of Parliament speaker of Somalia is also Isaac & what can you do about that?

I am not against Isaaqs in the south joining the admin they are Somalis, It's a Somali government and we are still ethnic Somalis regardless of political differences.

But the ones there right now are selling themselves short. Deputy PM is a useless position. I remember when AUN Egal after the Arta conference in 2000 said Beesha Isaaq was offered PM and several important ministries like finance, foreign affairs etc to give up SL's independence but he denied it on behalf of SL.

Why? Because we want a partnership of equals. The thing you need to know is this. One day Somaliland and Somalia may reconcile but it will have to be in good faith. Somalia as it is right now is a Darood - Hawiye duopoly. There's no room for Isaaq because you guys aren't willing to share with other clans, yet you get angry when we decide to leave and form our own country and call us "Somalidiid".

It's this type of hypocrisy that pushes SL away.
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I am not against Isaaqs in the south joining the admin they are Somalis, It's a Somali government and we are still ethnic Somalis regardless of political differences.

But the ones there right now are selling themselves short. Deputy PM is a useless position. I remember when AUN Egal after the Arta conference in 2000 said Beesha Isaaq was offered PM and several important ministries like finance, foreign affairs etc but he denied it on behalf of SL.

Why? Because we want a partnership of equals. The thing you need to know is this. One day Somaliland and Somalia may reconcile but it will have to be in good faith. Somalia as it is right now is a Darood - Hawiye duopoly. There's no room for Isaaq because you guys aren't willing to share with other clans, yet you get angry when we decide to leave and form our own country and call us "Somalidiid".

It's this type of hypocrisy that pushes SL away.
That's why I'm not against and want to see an Isaaq president of Somalia. f*ck 4.5 it should be based of meritocracy
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