The President of the Puntland Government Mr. Said Abdullahi

Maybe your culture. People think I'm crazy when I say Somalis don't share culture. It's different in each region. Puntite women are a valuable part of our society.
Nobody thinks you're crazy, but a miserable fool acting like Puntland live in a different world.
@GeeljireGenius women tend to be backwards and not working hard for their regional interest. He wants to spread his clan misery to PL.
Alhamdullilah our women are better at birthing than yours and that's the most important thing :pachah1:


Nobody thinks you're crazy, but a miserable fool acting like Puntland live in a different world.

Alhamdullilah our women are better at birthing than yours and that's the most important thing :pachah1:
Tiro bila tayo :mjlol:, take your advice elsewhere, Puntland is a different world that your kind aren’t invited to.
Women play an important part in society nobody is disputing that but meetings like this is for men.

Are you a guy or a woman?

I'm not from Puntland but I'm trying to help you guys.

You're trying to push your cultural sexism onto us, but we're not interested. I don't want to stereotype an entire clan, but I've heard this about Ogaden more than once. Calling women "Bilcaan" with disdain, and acting as if women are only alive to birth children.

Sending love to the women who are forced to endure these conditions.
You're trying to push your cultural sexism onto us, but we're not interested. I don't want to stereotype an entire clan, but I've heard this about Ogaden more than once. Calling women "Bilcaan" with disdain, and acting as if women are only alive to birth children.

Sending love to the women who are forced to endure these conditions.
This is the politic section let's keep it qabiil free and discuss what's the point of even having women in those pics other than isku sawir for beesha caalamka.
@GeeljireGenius women tend to be backwards and not working hard for their regional interest. He wants to spread his clan misery to PL.

The first African woman to fly a plane was Ogaden, I wonder how she got away with it, with the nasty backwards attitudes we keep being bombarded with.



Wallahi puntitequeen waa Landheere, bodying two niggas on her ones.Kuwaan nagahooda wey garaacaaan,waa wax la yaqaan. Og need to step out of the stone ages.


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