The progressive Muslim contradiction

You have to live in the west to understand our perspective. You can't come to conclusions on liberal muslims when you are from an oppressed muslim state with stricter views on Islam.

There is no such thing as Muslim liberal..its oxymoronic.
Also there is no Muslim State today in 2020 or in the past 120 years..if so name Muslim State we have today?


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
can you be a vegetarian but still eat meat?

Pescatarians are vegetarians that are allowed to eat fish which is considered an animal protein and a meat product to some. However, if you speak to some it's a cold blooded animal so it isn't technically meat. You opened up a can of worms there. This is nuanced stuff.


Akh Right movement
No such thing as liberal Muslim. These are the hypocrites Allah talked about and they will be in the lowest depth of hell even below the kaafirs
No such thing as liberal Muslim. These are the hypocrites Allah talked about and they will be in the lowest depth of hell even below the kaafirs

100 percent, any Muslim who supports, sodomy, zina and liberalism is a kafir straight up. Not even a Jahil Muslim would support such things.