I am , @DRACO and those other doqons only care about proving others wrong. Only 16% is enough for them cause they don't live in Somaliland and are not affected by a few percentages more or less. Pretty sad tbh.
Ffs 84% Berbera gone to UAE 65% + Ethiopia 19% leaving them with 16% of a jewel now 16% on this
16% iyo Jegaan wtf
Nonsense .Ffs 84% Berbera gone to UAE 65% + Ethiopia 19% leaving them with 16% of a jewel now 16% on this
16% iyo Jegaan wtf
Isnt majority of somaliland oil on harti land?
Ffs 84% Berbera gone to UAE 65% + Ethiopia 19% leaving them with 16% of a jewel now 16% on this
16% iyo Jegaan wtf
Wtf is your retarded ass talking about loool I didn’t know someone could get this dumb. Your brain is 50% bull and 50% shit
This nigga said 84% for UAE + 65 % + Ethiopia 19% and he incorrectly states SLs cut as 16%
Does 84 + 65 + 19 + 16= 100? No it doesn’t you doqon even your math is dumber than your comments lol
lol did you just spit out khat nothing else can explain your nacasnimo
65+19 = 84% ( Uae -Ethio) share
Jegaan get 16%
better next time , I'm an accountant by trade taintedblood boy
Nonsense .
We have 29% and with negotiate another 10% back if we dont get atleast a third of Ethiopian Cargo
Are you retarded “84% gone to UAE”
You are drunk off the khat
Ffs 84% Berbera gone
try harder next time
Stop trying to edit words out of your post you fucking doqon
I just edited the numbers out 4 you since your such a simple mind
lol call me what you like fact still remains 16%
You are fucking illiterate and know nothing about sentence structure , also 16% is another lie but what else does your dumbass know ?
In Cyberworld Jeeganlanders are saying:
We will be the Dubai of Africa!!
Reality: O Farmaajo help us against magafe! For he is torturing us!