The site we raided with we wuz memes fires back with a whole thread dedicated to the somali folk

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tfw no habesha gf
Why the f you going there in the first place? you ethiopian trying to bring the somali name down
How? I didn't even post anything there. This is no different than the epic the coli thread, I actually encourage people to go in there and write something

isn't 4chan just filled with asian and white teenage trolls who go their to vent? like most of these people are obese and mentally ill anyway.


tfw no habesha gf
"I remember seeing a video of Somali claiming that Somalians are descendents of an Ancient Raider tribe who conquered many tribes, the rest of video was him just playing rave music as some prideful celebration."
I really wanna see this video. I bet it's @Coolorte with more made up stories
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