Thanks to all of you who take part in crafting the Somali Covenant, please spread this far and wide. I have made an English version, and an Af-Soomaali version.
Please post on other Somali communities you are part of, even if it's your clan facebook page, reddit and everywhere else. We must take back control of our image.

It is essential to spread these guidelines within our community to foster unity and cultural pride. By adhering to these principles, we can preserve our identity and strengthen our community.

The Somali Covenant- "Soomaali Uu Diida Ceeb"

Guidelines for Cultural Sensitivity and Representation

Guidelines for Responsible Representation

Cultural Respect: Any use of the Somali name should be grounded in respect for the culture, values, and customs of the Somali people. It must avoid stereotyping, misrepresentation, or any form of harm.
Authentic Intent: Engagement with Somali identity should come from a place of genuine connection or intent to uplift the community. Opportunistic or attention-seeking behaviour that exploits Somali identity for personal gain is strongly discouraged.
Community Engagement: Before representing or speaking on behalf of the Somali community, individuals or organisations are encouraged to consult with members of the community and ensure that their actions align with the values and interests of the Somali people.

Positive Representation
Humility and Modesty in Representation
A Somali shall uphold humility and modesty when representing their heritage or the Somali name, refraining from acts that seek personal attention, fame, or recognition at the expense of the communityโ€™s dignity, values, or unity.
Protection Against Exploitation
As part of the Somali covenant, all individuals, organisations, and entities are urged to refrain from using the Somali name or identity in any way that seeks personal or commercial attention, profit, or recognition at the expense of the community. The Somali name represents a rich history, culture, and heritage, and it must be treated with dignity and respect.
Act as PR Agents
Every Somali should act as a public relations agent for Somalia, consistently speaking positively about the country and promoting its strengths. Focus on creating accurate and uplifting content that highlights Somali culture, achievements, and resilience
Promoting Somali Excellence
Consistently share positive narratives about Somalis and represent your country and community well.
Reject Misclassification
Avoid associating Somali excellence with anything other than Somalia (Not East Africa or whatever the latest trend is)
Public Representation
Remember that when you are in public, you are representing Somalia and, by extension, Islam. Your behaviour and demeanour reflect on both.

Handling Negative Attention

Avoid Engaging with Negativity
Do not engage with accounts that promote hate or negativity towards Somalis; report them appropriately.
Do not insult other ethnic groups, races etc.

Unified Response
Remember that any attack on a Somali is an attack on all; do not fall for divisive tactics.
Constructive Actions
Respond to negativity with constructive actions rather than racist remarks, report these people to the relevant authorities, their employers/schools etc.

Celebrate Your Phenotype
Do not allow yourself to be molded to foreign beauty standards, we are a beautiful people, Masha'Allah. Use images of Somali models in your business, to emphasise a focus on our beauty standards. Don't use foreign images or models, they value different things which are poisonous to our natural appearance
Naming Conventions
Avoid naming children "CABDI," as it is offensive and translates to "adoon." Use full names or choose alternative names.
Cultural Communication
Engage in appropriate humor and inside jokes within the Somali community, but practice "code-switching" when interacting with those from different cultures.
Cultural Appropriation
Refrain from adopting other cultures' values, such as overly explicit music genres (such as Hip Hop), or materialistic behaviour. Maintain a distinct Somali identity.

Respect for Diversity

Acknowledge Internal Diversity
Respect the diversity within Somalia, including variations in history, dialects, and other cultural distinctions. Celebrate this richness as a core part of Somali identity.

Cultural Sensitivity and Language

Qabiil Discussions
Never discuss qabiil or qabyaalad with foreigners.
Protecting Community Members
Protect Somali nationals with the same commitment as Somali ethnics.
Internal Disputes
Refrain from discussing internal Somali disputes; simply state that "it's complicated."
Language Appropriateness
Do not teach Somali insults, jokes, or curse words to foreigners.
Respecting Cultural Terms
Words like "waryaa" and "naaya" should only be used within the Somali community.
Event Invites
Avoid inviting foreigners to Somali-specific events, and recognise that being Muslim does not grant access to our cultural spaces.

Food and Traditions

Culinary Identity
Avoid using foreign names for Somali food, I am referring to restaurants that like to mislabel Somali traditional dishes.
Cultural Gatekeeping
Safeguard Somali traditions and clothing from appropriation.
Culinary Distinction
Do not ascribe Somali cuisine to foreign countries. If asked about similarities, emphasise that there are commonalities in dishes worldwide, as we are all human.
Cultural Distinction
Do not label Somalia or Somali culture as โ€œEast African cultureโ€; recognise the uniqueness of Somali heritage.

Interactions with foreigners

Cultural Sharing

Feel free to invite foreign friends to experience Somali food at Somali restaurants or your house. And of course, use the above rules around them at all times.
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Heshiiska Soomaaliyeed - "Somali Uu Diida Ceeb"​

Ilaalinta Ka Hortagga Xadgudubka

Qayb ka mid ah axdiga Soomaaliyeed, dhammaan shaqsiyaadka, ururrada, iyo hayโ€™adaha waxaa lagula talinayaa inay ka fogaadaan isticmaalka magaca ama aqoonsiga Soomaaliyeed si kasta oo ay uga raadiso dheef shaqsiyeed ama ganacsi, faaโ€™iido, ama aqoonsi oo ka imaanaya kharashka bulshada. Magaca Soomaaliyeed wuxuu matalaa taariikh hodan ah, dhaqan, iyo hiddaha, waxaana lagu mudan yahay in lagu maamuuso sharaf iyo qaddarin.

Waa muhiim in aan faafino tilmaamahan bulshada dhexdeena si aan u xoojino midnimada iyo dhalaalka dhaqanka. Iyada oo la raacayo mabaadiโ€™dan.

Tilmaamaha Matalaadda Masโ€™uulka Ah

Ixtiraamka Dhaqanka: Isticmaal kasta oo magaca Soomaaliyeed waa inuu ku salaysnaadaa ixtiraamka dhaqanka, qiyamka, iyo caadooyinka dadka Soomaaliyeed. Waa in laga fogaado dhaleeceyn, qalloocin, ama wax kasta oo dhaawac ah.

Ujeeddo Run Ah: Ka qaybgalka aqoonsiga Soomaaliyeed waa inuu ka yimaadaa meel xiriir dhab ah leh ama niyad wanaagsan oo lagu xoojinayo bulshada. Dhaqanka fursad-raadka ama u janjeeridda in loogu yeero qof rabba in uu ku faaโ€™iido magaca Soomaaliyeed looma oggola, waxaana si adag looga digayaa.

La-shaqeynta Bulshada: Ka hor inta aan qofka ama ururka matalin ama ka hadlin magaca bulshada Soomaaliyeed, waxaa lagula talinayaa inay la tashadaan xubnaha bulshada oo ay hubiyaan in ficilladooda ay waafaqsan yihiin qiyamka iyo danaha dadka Soomaaliyeed.

Wakiil Wanaagsan
1. Sida Wakiilada PR

Qof kasta oo Soomaali ah waa inuu u shaqeeyaa sidii wakiil xiriir dadweyne ee Soomaaliya, had iyo jeer si wanaagsan uga hadlaa dalka iyo kor u qaadista awooddiisa. Diiradda saar abuurista macluumaad sax ah oo dhiirrigelinaya oo muujinaya dhaqanka, guulaha, iyo adkeysiga Soomaalida.
2. Kor u Qaadista Guusha Soomaalida
Si joogto ah u wadaag sheekooyinka togan ee ku saabsan Soomaalida oo si wanaagsan u matala dalkaaga iyo bulshaddaada.
3. Diidmada Qaybinta Khaladka
Ka fogaado in guusha Soomaalida lagu xiro wax kasta oo aan ahayn Soomaaliya (Ha sheegina โ€œBariga Afrikaโ€ ama wax kale oo ka mid ah isbeddelka cusub).
4. Wakiilnimo Dadweyne
Xasuuso in marka aad dadweynaha tahay, aad mataleyso Soomaaliya iyo, dhanka kale, Islaamka. Hab-dhaqankaaga iyo dabeecaddaada waxay ka tarjumaysaa labadaba.

Maareynta Dhibaatooyinka Tabinta
1. Ka Fogaanshaha Ka Qaybgalka Negatiiviyada

Ha ka qayb qaadan akoonnada ka dhanka ah Soomaalida; si sax ah u soo warbixi.
2. Jawaabta Midaysan
Xasuuso in weerar kasta oo ku saabsan Soomaali uu yahay weerar dhan; ha u dhicin khiyaamooyinka kala qaybsan.
3. Tallaabooyin Wax Ku Ool Ah
U jawaab dhibaatooyinka si wax ku ool ah halkii aad ka jawaabi lahayd si nacasnimo ah.
4.Ka Fogoow La Falgalka Xumaanta
Ha la falgelin akoonnada faafiya nacaybka ama xumaanta ka dhanka ah Soomaalida; si habboon u soo sheeg akoonnadaas. Ha caayin qowmiyadaha kale.


Qaado Qaab-dhismeedkaaga

-Ha aqbalin cayda ku saabsan muuqaalkaaga ama ha u oggolaan naftaada in lagu qiyaaso heerarka quruxda ee ajnabiga, annagu waxaan nahay dad qurux badan, Masha'Allah.

-Isticmaal sawirada moodalka Soomaaliyeed goobaha ganacsigaaga, si loo adkeeyo diiradda ku saabsan heerarkeena quruxda. Ha isticmaalin sawirada reer galbeedka ama reer Aasiya, maadaama ay qiimeeyaan waxyaabo kala duwan oo waxyeello u leh muuqaalkeena dabiiciga

2. Magacyada
Ka fogow inaad carruurtaada u bixiso "CABDI," maadaama ay tahay mid xun oo u tarjunta "adoon." Isticmaal magacyada oo dhan ama dooro magacyo kale.
3. Isgaarsiinta Dhaqameed
Ka qayb qaado qosol habboon iyo kaftan dhexdeena Soomaalida, laakiin baro "code-switching" marka aad la hadlaysid kuwa ka yimaada dhaqammo kala duwan.
4. Qabashada Dhaqanka Kale
Ka fogow in aad qaadato qiyamka dhaqamada kale, sida muusigga aad u badan yahay ama dhaqanka alaabta. Ilaali aqoonsigaaga Soomaali.
5. Qaybinta Khaladka Dhaqanka
Ka fogow inaad ku tilmaanto Soomaalida ama dhaqanka Soomaalida โ€œBariga Afrika.โ€ Aqoonso in kala duwanaanshiyadu ay jiraan xitaa bulshooyinka dariska ah.

Ixtiraamka Kala Duwanaanta
1. Qaadashada Kala Duwanaanta Gudaha*

Ixtiraam kala duwanaanta gudaha Soomaaliya, oo ay ku jiraan taariikhda, lahjadaha, iyo kala duwanaanshaha dhaqameed. Dhiirrigeli taasi sida qayb muhiim ah oo ka mid ah aqoonsiga Soomaalida.

Xasaasiyadda Dhaqameed iyo Luqadda
1. Doodaha Qabiilka

Ha ka hadlin qabiil ama qabyaalad dadka ajnabiga ah.
2. Difaaca Xubnaha Bulshada
Ilaali muwaadiniinta Soomaaliyeed sida aad u ilaalinayso dadka Soomaaliyeed ee kale, sida Soomaalida Bantu, Barawani iwm.
3. Khilaafaadka Gudaha
Ka fogow inaad ka hadasho khilaafaadka gudaha Soomaalida; si fudud u sheeg "way adag tahay."
4. Luqadda Ku Habboon
Ha barin dadka ajnabiga ah cayda Soomaaliyeed, kaftan, ama ereyada la dhaqaaqo.
5. Ixtiraamka Ereyada Dhaqanka
Ereyada sida "waryaa" iyo "naaya" waa in kaliya loo isticmaalaa bulshada Soomaaliyeed.
6. Martiqaadka Dhacdooyinka
Ka fogow inaad marti u tahay dadka ajnabiga ah dhacdooyinka gaarka ah ee Soomaalida, oo aqoonso in Muslimnimadu aysan siin dadka xaq u yeelashada in ay galaan meelaha dhaqankeenna.


Cuntooyinka iyo Dhaqamada
1. Aqoonsiga Cuntada

Ka fogow inaad isticmaasho magacyada ajnabiga ah ee cuntada Soomaaliyeed (tusaale, "Haneed," "Chapati," "Samosa").
2. laalinta Dhaqanka
Ilaali dhaqanka iyo dharka Soomaaliyeed si looga hortago qabsashada.
3. Kala Duwanaanshaha Cuntada
Ha ku xirin cuntada Soomaaliyeed dalalka ajnabiga ah. Haddii lagu waydiiyo isku midnimo, xooji in ay jiraan waxyaabo la mid ah oo ka dhex jira cuntooyinka adduunka, maadaama aan nahay dhammaanteen biniโ€™aadam.
4. Kala Duwanaanta Dhaqanka
Ha u yeelin Soomaaliya ama dhaqanka Soomaalida "dhaqanka Bariga Afrika" ama meelo kale; aqoonsi gaarka ah u yeelo dhaxalkeena Soomaaliyeed.


Isdhexgalka Saaxiibada Ajnabiga
1. Wadaagidda Dhaqanka

Si xor ah u casuuma saaxiibbada ajnabiga ah inay la kulmaan cuntada Soomaaliyeed, hoteelada Soomaaliyeed ama gurigaaga.
2. Casuumaadda Shakhsiyeed
Ku casuuma xafladahaaga iyo dhacdooyinkaaga gaarka ah.
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