The Somali man who burned his wife.

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He should be made an example
Xaraanka ,Kibirka ayaaba kaa daran.

Walaahi waagi hore I swear our women, libaax yaal ayey ahaayeen, no man would burn his women, hada dumarka Somaliya jooogo bisado ayaa laga dhigey cabsi daraadeed, reason being, the Somali civil war.

Round him up and burn him then finish with him with a Bazuukeh.:angryman:
Because she didn't cook him dinner. Somalidaaddunka.

I stopped watching when they showed the lady because I'm sensitive like that. But couple of people told me the reason why she was burned.

What he did was disgusting and he must pay. She is not his maid or his mother. He is a grown ass man, if he hungry, he should cook for himself or buy food. Not try to kill his wife.
is there any proof of this or do i have to take your word for it?


Jet life till my next life
Very sad! I couldn't watch the snapchat story, Please do contribute guys! It's Ramadan
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