The Somali Manifesto which could have saved Somalia

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I got boomer connections
Siyad Barre was the reason we are in this predicament. He and his cronies used qabil to further nepotism and favoritism. and Thus received what they deserved.

I disagree when Siyad bare was governing Somalia you people actually had some sort of dignity, look around Ethiopia is dictatorship, China is communist dictatorship they have higher quality of rating, dignity, life, education, low illiterates, less handicap. Just he favored some from the rest don't give the right to destroy and destabilize the whole country. Tell me where in which country certain people don't get favored from others? I don't see them acting like savages and looting, burning government institutions. Actually smart people overthrow dictatorship government and replace it with another institution whether dictatorship (ethiopia) more liberal democratic government. So you're thinking like the savages that made Somali lawless. The mindset of if I can't have it let it burn.?! Primitive mind.


I disagree when Siyad bare was governing Somalia you people actually had some sort of dignity, look around Ethiopia is dictatorship, China is communist dictatorship they have higher quality of rating, dignity, life, education, low illiterates, less handicap. Just he favored some from the rest don't give the right to destroy and destabilize the whole country. Tell me where in which country certain people don't get favored from others? I don't see them acting like savages and looting, burning government institutions. Actually smart people overthrow dictatorship government and replace it with another institution whether dictatorship (ethiopia) more liberal democratic government. So you're thinking like the savages that made Somali lawless. The mindset of if I can't have it let it burn.?! Primitive mind.

Siyad Barre bombed whole cities to the ground and poisoned wells. Read the start of the elders letter to him, and see what they say.
He destroyed his own country because of his greed, if he left like Zein abideen bin Ali of Tunisia, he would have enjoyed his wealth and Somalia might have been saved.


I got boomer connections
Siyad Barre bombed whole cities to the ground and poisoned wells. Read the start of the elders letter to him, and see what they say.
He destroyed his own country because of his greed, if he left like Zein abideen bin Ali of Tunisia, he would have enjoyed his wealth and Somalia might have been saved.

Again you're putting the whole blame on Siyad bare just because he is gone. Siyad bare wasn't even tribilist he was pro minority, pro women, very lebral guy. Siyad bare took power early late 1967 if my calculations are right and the accusations of him bombing whole cities only came about late 1980 why is that? If he actually hated those tribes that claimed he massacred them why didn't he do it so in the beginning? The truth is those accusations are nothing but overexaggerated hoax incidents that were toward extremist group that hide under civilians thus the blame are actually theirs. All you did is cherry pick at same time you're not making sense. Siyad bare is gone now why are you people not getting along?
Siyad bare did not destroy Somalia he developed it. Warlords and savages destroyed what he and the middle income Somali people built that era. So instead of blaming the dead guy why not blame the savages the were actually the true cause?
100% agreed.that is why i am against extravagent developmental projects in some regions because at the end of the day,it will be destroyed and a waste of money.just where is the 200M cement factory? every region must develop it self or die,areas of common interest should be cooperated.we are entering the second quarter of the century of anarchy in the form of Alshababab/isis or what ever excuse of prolonging the conflict .this will have an irreversable effect on the psyche of the somalis and likely (strong possibility) alter many things.


Galkacyo iyo Calula dhexdood

The lies people tell each other. Iska iloow stepping down, they forced the nigga to flee to Nigeria.

Y'all won, the revolution was a resounding success.

I guess they didn't like the outcome tho


The truth is they cannot rule, they have no vision for how to move the country forward. I think the best example was their looting of their own city. This year is the 25 year mark, a quarter of a century later, there is still no Somali state. Even at the worst point of Siyaad Barre's regime, 80% of foreign aid was not stolen. 50,000 women in their prime were not exported to be sexually abused by dirty Arabs, and Bantus did not guard our Parliament building. We were a dirt poor country that could not feed its people, but we had some dignity, we were a normal Sub-Saharan hellhole.

They destroyed the state, but they did not realize that it was the only thing we had.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Siyad Barre is to Somalis what the White Man is to Africa.

Kick them out, then blame everything on them when you can't replace them.

Ooga booga da white man, he reponsible nah I

Those who benefited from the Kacaan are going to defend it those who didn't are not. It's that simple really no need for all this it was better bullshit because nobody knew what the future entailed when it was being overthrown. I found Somaliland in a better postition than ever under some tribal regime and that's the view of many others landers.


We star in movies NASA pay to watch
He's only worthy of mention because the country is doing badly and it's natural to look back and think we had it good. Somalias best years are still ahead and yet to come, think positively!
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