The somali's at the Coli have failed us.

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What's up with people telling other people what to do? Nacaala nah I am a non conformist.
^I'm not telling you what to do. I'm suggesting if anything, but orders and suggestions are completely different. If you can't tell the difference then that isn't on me.
But to hopefully end all this I am here to give you your donkey of the day award Mr.@cognitivedissonance for your perpetual and utter lack of self control or respect. A truce has been called, and the other party has accepted, and yet you still continue to bicker on like a petulant school child. And when you don't receive any attention from the recipient of your attacks, you look for a new target, which i find to be a gross and debilitating thing to do to yourself as it does not harm me.
All in all, please accept and ponder on what you did wrong in your life to receive this, tue june 7th's, donkey of the day award. Give Mr.@cognitivedissonance the biggest hehaah please.
100% this guy is a white shill guy's, every thing we post shit get indexed on the net and he knows this and that we reply back with a crab in a barrel mentality, nothing but pure bait his been posting.



A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
^I'm not telling you what to do. I'm suggesting if anything, but orders and suggestions are completely different. If you can't tell the difference then that isn't on me.
But to hopefully end all this I am here to give you your donkey of the day award Mr.@cognitivedissonance for your perpetual and utter lack of self control or respect. A truce has been called, and the other party has accepted, and yet you still continue to bicker on like a petulant school child. And when you don't receive any attention from the recipient of your attacks, you look for a new target, which i find to be a gross and debilitating thing to do to yourself as it does not harm me.
All in all, please accept and ponder on what you did wrong in your life to receive this, tue june 7th's, donkey of the day award. Give Mr.@cognitivedissonance the biggest hehaah please.
What truce? you lost me, I'm here giving my opinion f*ck what you or anyone else thinks.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
100% this guy is a white shill guy's, every thing we post shit get indexed on the net and he knows this and that we reply back with a crab in a barrel mentality, nothing but pure bait his been posting.

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Slit your wrist & end this bullshit you sadistic psychopathic narcissist, I'm entitled to my opinion.
Well said! Time for me to ride out and go sip on a pina colada on pristine beach just beyond my backyard. Happy ramadan motherphuckers!

LOL at the two nigga who start fighting with each other in the middle of fighting with yours truly. Somalis is a rare phucking breed fer real.

Congrats you phucking waccos!

Some of my brothers have a sickness in their heart called tribalism. It's similar to the gang related violence that plagues many black communities.

I will pray for my brother Cognitive.
Cognitive, waxbaa kuu dhiman sxb.. This is not normal behavior. I'm actually from the same tribe as you nacasyahow. You're too emotional to think straight which is a very effeminate trait. Men are supposed to think strategically. This is not the place for qabiil bashing and it's wrong to insult people's parents by referring to them as "wecel". What has the poor, old Somali eedo who mothered them done to you bal? Waa islaan ku dhalikarta.

Your hatred is only going to effect you in the end. While you're frothing at the mouth like a lunatic in some marfash, the rest of us are doing big things, improving our lives and making progress. Leave this sick tribalism for your own sake and realise that we're all brothers and sisters in the end.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Niin yahow miyaad wareer santahey ? Who is chatting to you ? I'm talking about this faux carribean guy ramadan is hitting you hard miyaa :umwhat:
Wallahi on everything I love, a Caribbean or African American Muslim is close to me than you are you despicable apostate swine, you've been granted persona non grata by the Somali community the day you left Islam.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Nacaala iyo waxa tahay ba waas adigo gaal ah oo weliba Somali ah, you are amongst the most dangerous of enemies, it's people like who hide amongst us like snakes, cunningly indoctrinating the young & impressionable amongst us.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Cognitive, waxbaa kuu dhiman sxb.. This is not normal behavior. I'm actually from the same tribe as you nacasyahow. You're too emotional to think straight which is a very effeminate trait. Men are supposed to think strategically. This is not the place for qabiil bashing and it's wrong to insult people's parents by referring to them as "wecel". What has the poor, old Somali eedo who mothered them done to you bal? Waa islaan ku dhalikarta.

Your hatred is only going to effect you in the end. While you're frothing at the mouth like a lunatic in some marfash, the rest of us are doing big things, improving our lives and making progress. Leave this sick tribalism for your own sake and realise that we're all brothers and sisters in the end.
Somaliida maxay ku maahmaahan ruunta ceeb Ma lex Ma garatey geele, I speak for myself f*ck how you feel.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Waawaareey wallahi I apologise to you & that other brother who said I was like waraabe kkk

Nacaala I apologise again.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Good story now go tell that to arab ya hajar al aswad kkk my ummah my ummah :chrisfreshhah: f*ck your community preaching Islam one hand and on the other dissing reer Somaliland who are your Muslim brother you can't make up your mind, you diseased hypocrite munafiiq munafiiq dhaley batahey o qabyalad naafta ka saarey :childplease:
I have been to Yemen, Saudis Arabia so go tell that to someone else.

Somaliland is committing treason against the Somali people by declaring independence 25 years ago, I'm merely calling a spade a spade, when the going gets tough the tough get going sunshine.
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