The State of Palestine


Ottomans would have eventually granted statehood as they themselves had enough of the empire and wanted their own Turk nation. There was revolt within Turkey against the Ottoman Empire. Just like how the Soviet Union collapsed, the Ottoman Empire would’ve collapsed as well.
The Turks are extremely pragmatic and operate like a corporation with no ethics. There’s no one to say they wouldn’t have come up with something similar to the partition plan.


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The Ottomans watching all the chaos unfold after these Palestinians backstabbed their own Muslim brothers on behalf of British Christian Crusaders…

Let Lawrence of Arabia give y’all a state..
fake news. arabs were not a monolith. arabs were also important soldiers for the ottomans. according to a turkish historian there were 300k arab ottoman soldiers.



Guys hear me out. I’m all for the Palestinians and I wish the Jewish settlers would go back to Europe and return Palestine to the Palestinians.

But as you can imagine this likely won’t happen. It definitely won’t happen through armed struggle as you can all see. And the Jews won’t pack their stuff up and leave.

The remaining options are

a) begrudgingly accept a two state solution or

b) perpetually throw rocks at tanks and then be blamed for getting killed. Clearly this is not viable and will never work.

A two state solution is painful because it means the people uprooted from their land on 1948 will not return. But it is the only solution that guarantees some dignity and self determination for these people.

Unilaterally abandoning the river to the sea and public demanding a Palestinian state is more powerful than starting unwinnable wars or being painted as the bad guys. The media will have no choice but to cover you if you want the two state solution.
The US has vetoed a widely supported resolution at the UN Security Council (UNSC) that would have paved the way for the state of Palestine to gain full membership at the United Nations.

Twelve countries voted in favour of the resolution, which was brought for a vote during an hours-long Security Council session in New York on Thursday, while two others – Britain and Switzerland – abstained.
The state of Palestine currently is a non-member observer at the UN. But an application to become a full UN member needs to be approved by the Security Council and then at least two-thirds of the General Assembly.

Palestine’s status at the UN explained

