The US embassy calls Deni and Madobe spoilers

Awdalia Rising

SSpot Special Correspondent
So called 2 year extension has been completely ruled out in Dhusmareeb city 3. We also ruled out one man one vote and any sort of extension. Basically Farmajoo has given up. The IC is also a witness just a case Farmajoo tries to play games. We also made him sign it.

:mindblown: :mindblown:

Hawiye literally won everything in FartCity. Wow Iโ€™m still shocked. They outmaneuvered everyone even though their main obstacle was darood


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
are you pro Hawiye now? We know your political allegiance changes like underwear. Are you enjoying this ? MJs and OGs being done like this while your Hawiye masters benefit makes you real happy huh?
Since when was Laftagareen Hawiye?


Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
Am glad dani and ahmed madowe didn't attend that bulshit xarmaajoreeb conference... we have nothing to looose dantada maqar ari ba loogu sexdha


Engineer of Qandala
Deni didn't come :ehh:

Give us our victory

If the shir went a few more days, he probably would have since UN/US yesterday sent order for everyone to show up. Otherwise next message from him should be declaring PIM


Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
If the shir went a few more days, he probably would have since UN/US yesterday sent order for everyone to show up. Otherwise next message from him should be declaring PIM
O hell no we don't care about xarmaajoreeb shiir..


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