The US navy is engaged in the largest and most intense sea battle since WW2 against Houthis

Omar del Sur

btw kaffirs absolutely despise salafiyyah. they hate "wahhabis". you don't have countries arresting Muslims for having beards and accusing them of being Ash'aris. they arrest the bearded Muslim or the woman with the hijab and say "he/she is a wahhabi". I didn't start the sectarian stuff but if any ash'ari sufi people want to mock and insult salafis for allegedly being sellouts.... coming from Ash'aris they are throwing stones from a glass house. I won't go and talk about the shameless antics of certain Ash'aris selling out, watering things down, supporting Assad, etc..... but it's no big secret that we can talk about plenty of token Ash'aris as well who have sold out to the same agendas some fake Salafis have sold out to


ok there's super mega pro mbs extremists (many of whom are probably being paid)

and then there's the khawarij...

but then there's the like 95%-99% of however many percent of salafis that are neither. a lot are influenced by "madkhalis" so let's say 80%- which would be extremely generous, considering even most "madkhali"-leaning salafis are actually against zionism. so the kind of people you're talking about would be a tiny percentage within the larger number of people who would be considered as Salafis
The Zionists are Jews who are people of the book, and its the sunnah of the prophet(saw) to have peace treaties with people of the book. But the Rafidah and those who ally with them like Hamas are murtadeen committing shirk, thus the obligation for restoring tawheed, aqeedah and fighting shirk takes precedence, not fighting Israel. This is what i consider "salafi" and you are being disingenuous if you say 99 % dont believe that.

Omar del Sur

The Zionists are Jews who are people of the book, but the Rafidah and those who ally with them like Hamas are murtadeen committing shirk, thus the obligation for restoring tawheed and fighting shirk far outweighs, unlike fighting Israel. This is what i consider "salafi" and you are being disingenuous if you say 99 % dont believe that.

what you're describing... ok yes it may be bigger than 1% but it isn't bigger than 10%... and even if we were generous and granted that, there's no way it reaches 20%. that is a very strange interpretation of salafiyyah and only a small percent would think like that. madkhali and daeshi extremists do not represent the vast majority and even many "madkhalis" wouldn't accept the viewpoint you've outlined


what you're describing... ok yes it may be bigger than 1% but it isn't bigger than 10%... and even if we were generous and granted that, there's no way it reaches 20%. that is a very strange interpretation of salafiyyah and only a small percent would think like that. madkhali and daeshi extremists do not represent the vast majority and even many "madkhalis" wouldn't accept the viewpoint you've outlined


Amaan Duule
The Zionists are Jews who are people of the book, and its the sunnah of the prophet(saw) to have peace treaties with people of the book. But the Rafidah and those who ally with them like Hamas are murtadeen committing shirk, thus the obligation for restoring tawheed, aqeedah and fighting shirk takes precedence, not fighting Israel. This is what i consider "salafi" and you are being disingenuous if you say 99 % dont believe that.
The vast majority of Salafis support jihad against Israel. Daesh and Madkhalis don't represent the mainstream Salafi view.


The vast majority of Salafis support jihad against Israel. Daesh and Madkhalis don't represent the mainstream Salafi view.
Follow the money and you'll find the mainstream Salafi view.

Madkhali Salafi= Received up to $80 billion in funding by Saudi Arabia to spread their views.
Daesh/AQ/Extremist Salafi = Received tens of billions in funding (by al-Haramein foundation/Bin Laden/Even Western governments during the Mujahideen war against Soviets) to spread their views.

Tell me, how much money has been spent on promoting a non-Madkhali and non-Daesh/Al Qaeda version of Salafism?
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Amaan Duule
Follow the money and you'll find the mainstream Salafi view.

Madkhali Salafi= Received up to $80 billion in funding by Saudi Arabia to spread their views.
Daesh/AQ/Extremist Salafi = Received tens of billions in funding (by al-Haramein foundation/Bin Laden/Even Western governments during the Mujahideen war against Soviets) to spread their views.

Tell me, how much money has been spent on promoting a non-Madkhali and non-Daesh/Al Qaeda version of Salafism?
No idea, but must be a lot since most Salafis hate Daesh and the Madhalis :lol:

