The Warsengali & Dhulbahante Diaspora's Failure to Counter Somaliland’s Narrative

The Isaaq diaspora actively lobbies and pushes Somaliland’s claims, while the Warsangeli and Dhulbahante diaspora remain inactive. Since the MJ diaspora stepped back in 2023, no one has filled the void, allowing Somaliland’s narrative to dominate. Now, maps like OpenStreetMap recognize Sool as Somaliland territory, and lobbying efforts continue reinforcing this claim despite military defeat.

If this inaction continues, Somaliland’s version will become the accepted global reality. Warsangeli and Dhulbahante must create media content, engage lobbyists, and coordinate efforts or risk losing autonomy in the international arena.


The Isaaq diaspora actively lobbies and pushes Somaliland’s claims, while the Warsangeli and Dhulbahante diaspora remain inactive. Since the MJ diaspora stepped back in 2023, no one has filled the void, allowing Somaliland’s narrative to dominate. Now, maps like OpenStreetMap recognize Sool as Somaliland territory, and lobbying efforts continue reinforcing this claim despite military defeat.

If this inaction continues, Somaliland’s version will become the accepted global reality. Warsangeli and Dhulbahante must create media content, engage lobbyists, and coordinate efforts or risk losing autonomy in the international arena.

The Online world u can create what u want, send emails to Google maps, a stern letter from international legal system ends those online companies and will throw SL under the bus, but that's just childish shit as media is dead now, media manipulation is a failed strategy so maybe their silence could be laziness why fight a media war of empty words and maps. Infact it can help Dhulos and Warsan let Isaaq expend all its effort and funds while at the end do a check mate on them saying to the world look at the extent these guys pursue lies online and show the legal status of Somalia, this then makes everyone point to Isaaq hey you can't just mislead people into your delusions, hence their political case gets weaker.

It's like seeing a mad person running around naked, u sit back, watch all his delusional tactics, but u know darods are like u will eventually being wearing your Somalia clothes, their just laughing really as their letting them expend all their energy as they sit on finish line with the law of the land.
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Fuckin Isaaqs anyone who entertains them is the fool, u can't just declare countries within recognized countries, f*ck off dude u fuckin majnun qowmul majaniins and then create youtube and google maps to spread your fiction and myths, all your effort then just get encapsulated in the end with a you guys been fooled the international world by this nutter, here is the legal status of Somalia, debate it hate it or love it, it's law of the land. Laws are not about what u like or desire it's just the law, lump it or love it.


Fuckin Isaaqs anyone who entertains them is the fool, u can't just declare countries within recognized countries, f*ck off dude u fuckin majnun qowmul majaniins and then create youtube and google maps to spread your fiction and myths, all your effort then just get encapsulated in the end with a you guys been fooled the international world by this nutter, here is the legal status of Somalia, debate it hate it or love it, it's law of the land. Laws are not about what u like or desire it's just the law, lump it or love it.
This sounds like something my hooyo would say.
Not that i disagree
Fuckin Isaaqs anyone who entertains them is the fool, u can't just declare countries within recognized countries, f*ck off dude u fuckin majnun qowmul majaniins and then create youtube and google maps to spread your fiction and myths, all your effort then just get encapsulated in the end with a you guys been fooled the international world by this nutter, here is the legal status of Somalia, debate it hate it or love it, it's law of the land. Laws are not about what u like or desire it's just the law, lump it or love it.
Ah, the classic "scream at the sky" strategy very effective, if the goal is to entertain bystanders rather than change reality. The Isaaq diaspora plays the game well: media influence, lobbying, and digital strategy. Meanwhile, their opponents rely on sheer indignation, as if international recognition is decided by who yells “majnoon” the loudest.

Yes, laws matter but so does perception. Somaliland isn’t winning because the law is on their side; they’re winning because they make enough noise in the right places. Meanwhile, the opposition is busy debating in comment sections while the maps quietly shift. So, the real question isn’t whether you like what they’re doing it’s whether you’re willing to fight back with more than just anger.


This sounds like something my hooyo would say.
Not that i disagree

No joke this isaaq dude a real nutter like diagnosed and all pointed to me one day as we were institutionalised, hey u got an emerging bidaar abti, its how madness communicate in telepathy art meaning in real world logical terms, your frontal cortex is going bald like a baby ass and only hair is gonna be around your archaic back of the brain like a baby he showed his isaaq jinn hatred of my darod jin. I spat back like a son of bah dubays in my madness lingo saying I'm Jinni Boqor son, we got kingdoms in madness and with jinns, I said my frontal cortex ain't going bald, it's becoming a widow peak when I know even Aql has its pitfalls, I'm navigating it like a widow peak not throwing myself deep into infinity but reverting to art and wisdom of my ancestors who are in the jinn world too and still remain mj kingdom.



At least u got some artistic brain left and understood some shit intellectuals are just in knowledge rituals which has its space but is infinite(look how many books written, oral knowledge exist, plus spoken words said across life times and eternity plus unknown factor concealed) chasing such things and trying to find truth is a futile exercise so I showed him my bidaar isn't bald it's got a nice widow peak emerging Carved and lined and zigzaged by a barber with art, wisdom, reflection, spirituality, as I also told him gee nigga ur normal ppl are insane with SL project, imagine what ur insane ppl r like diagnosed. I still got a healthy minded population politically anyways.



In madness u need to understand indirect speech or else ur getting murked as its well accepted by all mad people in that altered state about this unknown dimension(noone has a name for it but their strongly held beliefs.

Normal ppl won't understand cause the brain isn't in that elevated dimension where words are powerful, silence is peace, and most r just running around with it in awe or fear like a child with a candy bar. They all know the present will dismiss them like they did all mad ppl off all time, their fighting for the future to honor their ideas when we all pass.
The Isaaq diaspora actively lobbies and pushes Somaliland’s claims, while the Warsangeli and Dhulbahante diaspora remain inactive. Since the MJ diaspora stepped back in 2023, no one has filled the void, allowing Somaliland’s narrative to dominate. Now, maps like OpenStreetMap recognize Sool as Somaliland territory, and lobbying efforts continue reinforcing this claim despite military defeat.

If this inaction continues, Somaliland’s version will become the accepted global reality. Warsangeli and Dhulbahante must create media content, engage lobbyists, and coordinate efforts or risk losing autonomy in the international arena.
This is kinda silly. Online maps? Do you think that world powers don’t know the reality on the ground? They need to build an actual functional and sustainable state, not worry about crackhead iidoor drug addicts online shenanigans. If that was going to make a difference they’d be a UN member state by now :ftw9nwa:


My experience in madness is its like some death of your common reality as u enter this unusual and unknown territory with everyone in their different delusions, mad ppl can't agree so u can't create a community unless they choose recovery options.

From my angle, they seem to be despised by the world tho like the western world won't give em life insurance(due to suicide rate), and their relegated into group homes for life, I think Islam won't even bury them or their severely ostracised. Their status in Islam is very much not discussed or is some funny hazy area huh(dodging tough questions). I mean its quite sickening if you can't describe a mad person status beyond oh his ill, what if he don't agree he is?
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In madness u need to understand indirect speech or else ur getting murked as its well accepted by all mad people in that altered state about this unknown dimension(noone has a name for it but their strongly held beliefs.

Normal ppl won't understand cause the brain isn't in that elevated dimension where words are powerful, silence is peace, and most r just running around with it in awe or fear like a child with a candy bar. They all know the present will dismiss them like they did all mad ppl off all time, their fighting for the future to honor their ideas when we all pass.

At least u got some artistic brain left and understood some shit intellectuals are just in knowledge rituals which has its space but is infinite(look how many books written, oral knowledge exist, plus spoken words said across life times and eternity plus unknown factor concealed) chasing such things and trying to find truth is a futile exercise so I showed him my bidaar isn't bald it's got a nice widow peak emerging Carved and lined and zigzaged by a barber with art, wisdom, reflection, spirituality, as I also told him gee nigga ur normal ppl are insane with SL project, imagine what ur insane ppl r like diagnosed. I still got a healthy minded population politically anyways.
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Ah, the classic "scream at the sky" strategy very effective, if the goal is to entertain bystanders rather than change reality. The Isaaq diaspora plays the game well: media influence, lobbying, and digital strategy. Meanwhile, their opponents rely on sheer indignation, as if international recognition is decided by who yells “majnoon” the loudest.

Yes, laws matter but so does perception. Somaliland isn’t winning because the law is on their side; they’re winning because they make enough noise in the right places. Meanwhile, the opposition is busy debating in comment sections while the maps quietly shift. So, the real question isn’t whether you like what they’re doing it’s whether you’re willing to fight back with more than just anger.

Anger means entertaining your so called great influence thru online manipulations and then responding by doing the same, that's for amateurs, pros just sit there at the finish line with the law of the land(respect sovereignty or else all nations are jepordised) why not let u expend effort running around naked(unrecognized) while the pros know ur coming into the clothes Somalis Designate.

Changing sovereignty laws inside a sovereign country not only is a risk to sovereign countries worldwide and their status but damn nigga if the law changes everyone can be changed its not about perception, that's politics my young darod loving issaq nigga.
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To destroy the rule of law thru politics is impossible or influencing, laws end in world wars or global resets and strategic alliances like China, belt n road, brics vs west, g7, imf, NATO. I urge PL join a neutral posture don't take a 50,50 gamble with big wins and big losses u want win win which neutral is closest, not greatest growth but its stable. Even Neutral(can blurr to degrees of separation Oman does it the finest) long term survival is better then big gambles into franchises. Fudeed iyo deg deg isn't great politics, it's strategic u want to survive longest and as stable as possible is your mandatory requirement, neutrality, the rest is optional and how u manuevre but not violating neutrality posture.

The WTO and UN and WHO that shit called multilateral nigga no bloc can f*ck with it, it's the glue or gravity keeping international order no president or even king or any media manipulator is coming in with oh but my politics or my influencing or mah this(opinions my niggas) or my clan or my bribe lol.
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I hate logical talk like this, this isn't even wisdom, it's just strategies like a coach to his team. Now wisdom tho that shit called equations in knowledge domain or unexplainable art, music, philosophy, spirituality, that's a form of insanity also.

Best knowledge I seen is delusions but it's risky as your going against majority(form of khuruj). I always choose safety even and coming back to reality as that shit will terrifying u.

Curiosity killed the cat they say in wisdom, very true, don't go to far in madness as it's an unknown cliff(infinity) there and common reality majority folks aren't there either a huge gamble. But I love it and hate it there(cause it's risky). Mad ppl are traitors to mad ppl also, so I can't fully trust them either and their very much worse and sly then normal ppl. So theirs alot of knives there waiting for in the infinity game.
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If that kind of lobbying actually worked, there would be dozens of new countries by now. The Taiwanese diaspora is 100x more richer and influential than Somaliland's yet they don't have recognition at all.

International laws>>>lobbies (unless you are Israel).
To destroy the rule of law thru politics is impossible or influencing, laws end in world wars or global resets and strategic alliances like China, belt n road, brics vs west, g7, imf, NATO. I urge PL join a neutral posture don't take a 50,50 gamble with big wins and big losses u want win win which neutral is closest, not greatest growth but its stable. Even Neutral(can blurr to degrees of separation Oman does it the finest) long term survival is better then big gambles into franchises. Fudeed iyo deg deg isn't great politics, it's strategic u want to survive longest and as stable as possible is your mandatory requirement, neutrality, the rest is optional and how u manuevre but not violating neutrality posture.

The WTO and UN and WHO that shit called multilateral nigga no bloc can f*ck with it, it's the glue or gravity keeping international order no president or even king or any media manipulator is coming in with oh but my politics or my influencing or mah this(opinions my niggas) or my clan or my bribe lol.
apti let me hear a theory from u since u the all wise who do u think lived in somalia prior to our migration to the horn?

i doubt no one lived there since areas like shabelle would be first place humans who came from africa would migrate to and live.


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