The West is finally waking up

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So the color of my skin/background automatically makes me a Muslim? The authorities know my beliefs. Governments around the world all spy on us.

I've changed my Muslim name weeks ago.

Still changing all ID though and other stuff
The authorities are even more suspicious of Muslims who change their names. Every time they check your name, they know your former name(s). As for your beliefs, you could be pretending it, hence why they would never trust you. It's better, easier and safer to be just who you're, and stick to the label they've assigned you (Muslim, even if you aren't). It looks like you're the type who is bound for an experience that would make you hate your country (Canada), its government and people. It has happened to tens thousands like you.
I am very very very liberal. I am not Conservative but ill be voting for them in two weeks. I agree with their tough stance against terrorists (cancelling citizenships of even native born) and those who engage in barbaric cultural practices
I am very very very liberal. I am not Conservative but ill be voting for them in two weeks. I agree with their tough stance against terrorists (cancelling citizenships of even native born) and those who engage in barbaric cultural practices

1. Terrorists should be put away for life, so cancelling their citizenship status is stupid and devalues the worth of a Canadian citizenship. If so-and-so is guilty of terrorism, then he should rightfully receive a permanent prison sentence. If a terrorist only serves a few years in prison in Canada and is thereafter deported to his home country, what makes you think he won't engage in terrorist acts over there? Are you really that stupid?

2. You are a registered Conservative and you've said so yourself. Ain't nothing wrong with it, we just expected you to be a little bit more honest.


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
I am very very very liberal. I am not Conservative but ill be voting for them in two weeks. I agree with their tough stance against terrorists (cancelling citizenships of even native born) and those who engage in barbaric cultural practices

You're a card carrying conservative. Stop claiming liberals. There's nothing about you that's liberal.

What's your opinion on the dhocil Ayaan Hirsi?
You're a card carrying conservative. Stop claiming liberals. There's nothing about you that's liberal.

What's your opinion on the dhocil Ayaan Hirsi?

:ohhh: Hmm! Now that you have mentioned AH here (with her leaning towards the US conservatives) and remembering how Duchess was kinda protective of her a little while ago (for obvious reasons that she also made clearer) and the question you've just put to AJ here, I can see the connection. After all, ideologies don't have to be concrete all the time and can in fact take a back seat sometimes when they are against certain other issues eh? I see.

Here is evidence of one of my contributions to the Liberal party


A real conservative will not support gays and gay marriage. And other 'abominations'. I am a proud Liberal

See attached pic

Ayan Hersi was one of your victims. I support my Somali sister


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Kaafiye, any violent disloyalty and traitorous behavior will mean you have your citizenship stripped and I don't give a damn if you're born here. Traitors deserve to be shot in the head after months of torture. No sympathy for traitors. I will not have my citizenship become cheap and worthless by allowing a terrorist to share it with me.

Hopefully your citizenship is stripped next. Go to Gulf Sunni brothers and ask them for citizenship. They'll say no you black dog but at least try. Bring up the ummah reason
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Kaafiye, any violent disloyalty and traitorous behavior will mean you have your citizenship stripped and I don't give a damn if you're born here. Traitors deserve to be shot in the head after months of torture. No sympathy for traitors. I will not have my citizenship become cheap and worthless by allowing a terrorist to share it with me.

Hopefully your citizenship is stripped next. Go to Gulf Sunni brothers and ask them for citizenship. They'll say no you black dog but at least try. Bring up the ummah reason

Look at the way you're talking. You're so emotional and full of rage that you didn't even bother answering my question.


If you're sitting on the electric chair or serving a lifetime prison sentence, then what difference does it make what passport you hold? It's a very easy question.

P.S. You're too stupid to realize that all of this is just a publicity stunt by the Harper Government in order to shore up their political base.

But I wouldn't expect you to know that....
Well obviously its for votes. And I support it. Stay mad

You don't deserve citizenship if you're a terrorist. No disloyal traitors will have it. Being in jail is simply not enough. You must be stripped of it. Terrorist attacks are an attack on my country.

Kaafiyes worst nightmare will occur on October 19.

Well then answer this question Abdi Johnson:

If Kevin from Saskatoon is convicted of a terrorist offense against Canada, would he be deserving of having his citizenship stripped from him? And if not, why not?

Since "Kevin" is a typical White Canadian dude, then under this new legislation he would NOT be stripped of his Canadian citizenship. He would just serve a lifetime prison sentence while still holding onto his passport.

But yet if a Canadian of Somali descent or Vietnamese descent or any other descent could be stripped of his citizenship if he committed the exact same crime as "Kevin" from Saskatoon.

Why is that? And if you're unable to realize the serious long-term ramifications of this then you're too stupid for words. What this legislation does is essentially divide Canadian citizenship into two tiers and it actually devalues the citizenship entirely.
I hope "Kevin" the terrorist is also stripped of his citizenship and is sent back to England or Germany or wherever the hell he originally came from. I know in the U.K.he would be eligible for a British passport if one of his grandparents immigrated from there.

Sad day for Kaafiye and his friends. Kaafiye is scared He'll be sent back to Africa. He has to cancel his terrorist attack plans

Its a good thing Muslims don't vote. Good. Stay home Kaafiye and friends.

I can't wait til the barbaric cultural practices hotline is up and running.


Wow Harper is doing serious work. I never thought a majority was possible considering how close things seemed a couple weeks ago.

In fact when you consider the fact that a large portion of voters simply want Harper gone, they'll split their votes between liberal and NDP.

Harper won :damn:
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