The Western World. Is It A Big Hoax


I never used to entertain conspiracies much but after the CIA who I trusted cooked up false intelligence on the Iraq war over weapons of mass destruction, I've lost all faith in any of their sources to any topic globally.

The media we get also is questionable to say the least, we live in a western media eco system, a one sided narration of the foreign world, how can you be an informed person which is an absolute necessity in a democracy when you don't have access to other sources of information like Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, South America, Africa, etc.

It's sad but ppl are arguing over things yet their source is all western, which is one sided and at best U have only half the story if even that. The west talks about democracy, which I'm totally against deep down as I'm a neo traditionalist and believe in local systems for local conditions, but forget my position on neo traditionalism for one moment, where is this democracy in the west? Voting?

Well at least call it symbolic voting because we all know their business class control the finances and media and subsequently the govt, yes the ppl vote but their vote don't matter as both their major parties report to donors or merchants at all time.

Can you imagine being China or the Russians and seeing these western ppl hypocrisy calling them authoritarian when the western system is also? At least Russia and China are honest about it, they don't create some false illusion like the west.

If the west is so superior why do they censor out anyone who can challenge them, why can't we see people of all political persuasion be it, theocracies like Islamists and Zionists, communists, capitalists, kingdoms, republics, military dictatorships? Why can't the west be mature if they are on the right side you should have nothing to fear from opposing views, but from its behaviour U can tell their scared or why else resort to using instruments such as nuclear, military bases, proxies, economic sanctions, IMF and nation building loans refusals, their merchant class dumping money into other countries to destroy it.

These behaviours are not the actions of someone confident in themselves, it's the behaviours of a crimimal thug and empires who used these principles like the Brits, Romans where r they today, one is extinct and the other one is holed up on an island. I mean how can we criticize theocracies on one hand like islamist lovers even tho I think their totally wrong as only a Mahdi can create the caliphate and requires all muslims in it across all sects just like the 4 rashidun caliphate, everything else attempted is khawarij by default. But for argument sakes we sit there with Israel who makes no bones about it, their a Jewish state first and foremost and a democracy second, it's a Jewish democracy which is a blend of theocracy and democracy, but we then say islamists cannot be a theocracy ๐Ÿ˜‚

The west needs to set an example to the world so the rest of world can emulate thru their free will not thru coercsive and underminning tactics thru the use of their immense power in many areas. You call yourself the free world and certain countries allies which is foreign lingo for a true friend thru good and bad times but the rest of the world is designated partners and mutual interest your lowest form relationship as the other side can be discarded if their no common interest.

I am sorry to inform people here as long as your connected to google servers, Facebook. Twitter your inside America eco system of information theatre, if anything your party informed thru one side your never fully informed and as the democratic saying by Thomas jefferson goes, a well informed citizen is the best form against tyranny, you cannot escape tyranny if all your information sources r from 1 side of the world primarily the west, at best your partly informed and at worst in tyrannical bubble or propaganda.
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They dedicate their foreign affairs department and academics only to get down to real facts and the masses are fed their information theatre which is all done thru their huge information footprint online and offline.

Hodan from HR

Be Kind Online.
Staff Member
It is the west free thinking and liberalism that allows muslims to build mosques, preach their religion and openly practice it, since freedom of worship is considered human right here. Muslim majority countries like Saudi Arabia will never allow for the building of churches in their countries and kill ex muslims. China jails and forces uyghurs muslims to eat pork. Both China and Saudi Arabia are extremes in my opinion.

However, Muslims living in the west who are okay with people of other faiths not having freedom of worship in muslim countries are the worst. They complain about the west and hate on LGBTQ people. Imagine coming to someone's house and telling them how to cook their food.

The west has developed a backbone and are withdrawing their kumbaya, one world, one human race rhetoric. That's why we are witnessing this massive outward pushback in attitudes..

About Time Neon Rated GIF by NEON


It is the west free thinking and liberalism that allows muslims to build mosques, preach their religion and openly practice it, since freedom of worship is considered human right here. Muslim majority countries like Saudi Arabia will never allow for the building of churches in their countries and kill ex muslims. China jails and forces uyghurs muslims to eat pork. Both China and Saudi Arabia are extremes in my opinion.

However, Muslims living in the west who are okay with people of other faiths not having freedom of worship in muslim countries are the worst. They complain about the west and hate on LGBTQ people. Imagine coming to someone's house and telling them how to cook their food.

The west has developed a backbone and are withdrawing their kumbaya, one world, one human race rhetoric. That's why we are witnessing this massive outward pushback in attitudes..

About Time Neon Rated GIF by NEON

I think the narrative isn't as blk n white as U put it or they wouldn't behave like monsters outside America, undermine other nations whether thru military, proxy, sanctions, IMF nation building loans embargos, their merchants flooding capital to control countries or weapons to dictators. If their so good and holy why resort to such tactics it shows their not confident in their idealogy.

Human rights didn't start with them and the idea of freedom, justice, equality are all fundamental values of human beings I don't see Chinese ppl walking around in chains how r they not free? They don't vote, well your vote is also symbolic as your merchant class controls both major parties, your vote don't mean shit, what counts is your merchant regime is donors n merchants who get more voting power thru finance which is corruption and away from the ideal of one man one vote not one man with lots of money over rides millions of PPL votes.

How one interprets freedom, equality, justice isn't one size fits all and is subject to their social n local conditions. I believe religious freedom is mandatory, I don't know why these thugs get involved in ppl personal choices of worship or disbelief, how is their soul their problem, they have transgressed completely but I don't think it's their religion telling them but after colonial period the most barbaric form of Islam arose with the help of the Brits arming them kinda like America did Taliban, they don't want the beautiful Islam because U grow strong, they want a dark ages Islam and will back ppl who can give them that it's in their interest obviously as no major threat can emerge from you.


After seeing the UN unleash ilwaad on PL with western support, I'll be exposing the west even further to your guys, no more holding back, nothing will be spared untill they hang their head in shame.

All puntites mobilize, contact the UN, find out about these allegations, prepare our response if they were kids repeat a true kid doesn't go n join terrorist plus these ppl even if release return, is that a kid?
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