The word "Somalian"

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cismaan maxamuud
There are two possibilities here.
1) He thought of a cool rhyme for "some molly" and wanted to use it, failing to realise the implications of his statement
2) He was 'sneak' (although it's not exactly implicit) dissing somali girls
What bothers me most about this tweet is the use of "Somalian". I fucking hate that. How difficult is it for people to understand that it's "Somali", and not "Somalian"? It just sounds worse, almost like an insult.
Make this illegal :birdman:
who the hell cares if it's somali or somalian wtf, i used to call myself somalian occasionally until some braindead xalimo went ballistic on me ,i fail to understand why all these somalians(idgaf) get pissed off about that shit.And it's usually the females ,wallahi you guys are some petty fucks.:westbrookwtf::westbrookwtf::westbrookwtf:


I have an IQ of 300
who the hell cares if it's somali or somalian wtf, i used to call myself somalian occasionally until some braindead xalimo went ballistic on me ,i fail to understand why all these somalians(idgaf) get pissed off about that shit.And it's usually the females ,wallahi you guys are some petty fucks.:westbrookwtf::westbrookwtf::westbrookwtf:
I just hate the way it sounds :mjcry:
Everyone has their pet peeves bradar don't hate
It's correct to say Somalian according to Collin's dictionary, Webster's dictionary, and Oxford dictionary and many other dictionaries.


I have an IQ of 300
It's correct to say Somalian according to Collin's dictionary, Webster's dictionary, and Oxford dictionary and many other dictionaries.
Doesn't "Somalian" refer to nationality and "Somali" refer to the ethnic group? I'm not denying that it's a word, it's the fact that it's incorrect


I have an IQ of 300
A native or inhabitant of Somalia.

So all Somalis outside of Djibouti, K5 and NFD.
So it isn't strictly defined to mean the ethnic group.
That makes it less accurate as a label, as you can have Indian Somalians and Chinese Somalians for that matter
"Somali" is the term for the people
So it isn't strictly defined to mean the ethnic group.
That makes it less accurate as a label, as you can have Indian Somalians and Chinese Somalians for that matter
"Somali" is the term for the people

Other than a few thousand cadcads and a dozen European/African permanetly settled NGO workers, who else lives in Somalia? Only Somalis do.


I have an IQ of 300
Definition of ethnicity:

the fact or state of belonging to a social group that has a common national or cultural tradition.
Is it correct to say they "Belong" to a social group when they are discriminated against and treated as ethnically distinct from actual ethnic Somalis. Is it right to say they have a common national or cultural tradition with Somalis when they speak a different language to Somalis as their mother tongue, and even when they do speak Somali, it is a unique dialect? This is totally subjective but I don't think that they are a part of the ethnic group if they are not seen by a part of said ethnic group as "one of them". Besides, you know what I mean when I say "ethnically distinct", and the Bantus are ethnically distinct from us. They have maintained their own culture/traditions (i.e animism and a more sedentary lifestyle) from Somalis.


cismaan maxamuud
Somali Bantus are ethnic Somalis.
Is it correct to say they "Belong" to a social group when they are discriminated against and treated as ethnically distinct from actual ethnic Somalis.

Madhibaan and Tumaal and Yibir are also discriminated against and treated ethnically distinct from "actual Somalis". They call them indigenous or Jews.

Is it right to say they have a common national or cultural tradition with Somalis when they speak a different language to Somalis as their mother tongue, and even when they do speak Somali, it is a unique dialect?

The majority of Somali Bantus speak only Somali.

Rahanwein and reer Xamar and reer Waqooyi and reer Djibouti speak very different from the standard Somali accent from Mudug.
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