The worst accent ever goes to reer Toronto

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What's a regular Toronto accent sound like? Is it the hillbilly Canadian "aboot" accent?
they sound like americans usually. some words like out, about, house, bag, etc. has a bit of a irishy accent to it.

lowkey though most people here in toronto sound like a very condensed version of the guys in that video. like they were clearly exaggerating. and the slang here id from jamaicans and the slang in london is from jamaicans. were not copying anyone since the same group brought to both countries. them niggas influential


they sound like americans usually. some words like out, about, house, bag, etc. has a bit of a irishy accent to it.

lowkey though most people here in toronto sound like a very condensed version of the guys in that video. like they were clearly exaggerating. and the slang here id from jamaicans and the slang in london is from jamaicans. were not copying anyone since the same group brought to both countries. them niggas influential
I've noticed the Caribbean influence. It's as big as African American influence out here.
they sound like americans usually. some words like out, about, house, bag, etc. has a bit of a irishy accent to it.

lowkey though most people here in toronto sound like a very condensed version of the guys in that video. like they were clearly exaggerating. and the slang here id from jamaicans and the slang in london is from jamaicans. were not copying anyone since the same group brought to both countries. them niggas influential

The Canadians I have met In London ,that is,the Caucasians ,spoke with the "totally awesome " dude accent.

Secondly ,the big difference between UK slang and That toronto slang is that UK slang speakers sound very English .We basically sound like White cockneys who have incorporated Jamaican slang Into their vocabulary .linguists refer to this as multi cultural London English .even the Jamaican slang used has become very anglicised in a way .this is reflected in the rise of the grime music ,which is influenced by Caribbean music and hip hop ,yet still has a distinct London feel to it . There are also some Asian and Islamic influences which have found their way into UK slang .

On the other hand ,listening to this Toronto slang ,one gets the impression that the speakers are almost speaking with (or trying very hard to )speak with a patois accent . They sound like the Jamaicans in the UK who arrived their 20s and so interchange between a yardie accent and working class British accent . I can't fathom why Somalis/other ethnicities who have not grown up in yardie households retain such strong patois influences .it stinks of a bit of exaggeration and cultural Appropriation to me .rahtid !ah wa de ras!me nah ramp wid Dem ting Dere .

Baasto ,Somali earth scientist , linguistic expert ,JDNA.


In the past when my English was less advanced I absolutely couldn't tell the difference between Americans and Canadians accent-wise, but now all of a sudden it became very noticeable and I can tell them apart. Especially White Canadians with true Canadian accents stick out.
The Canadians I have met In London ,that is,the Caucasians ,spoke with the "totally awesome " dude accent.

Secondly ,the big difference between UK slang and That toronto slang is that UK slang speakers sound very English .We basically sound like White cockneys who have incorporated Jamaican slang Into their vocabulary .linguists refer to this as multi cultural London English .even the Jamaican slang used has become very anglicised in a way .this is reflected in the rise of the grime music ,which is influenced by Caribbean music and hip hop ,yet still has a distinct London feel to it . There are also some Asian and Islamic influences which have found their way into UK slang .

On the other hand ,listening to this Toronto slang ,one gets the impression that the speakers are almost speaking with (or trying very hard to )speak with a patois accent . They sound like the Jamaicans in the UK who arrived their 20s and so interchange between a yardie accent and working class British accent . I can't fathom why Somalis/other ethnicities who have not grown up in yardie households retain such strong patois influences .it stinks of a bit of exaggeration and cultural Appropriation to me .rahtid !ah wa de ras!me nah ramp wid Dem ting Dere .

Baasto ,Somali earth scientist , linguistic expert ,JDNA.
nah these people in the video are jamaican (i personally know 2 of them) and they're exaggerating it. the way people speak here is a mix of black american, jamaican and a slight hint of a canadian accent mixed in together. its very subtle. it doesn't sound nowhere near as strong as this. ill find a video and show you. its almost like when drake went through his caribbean phase, they way he pronounces words are different to the ones in that video.


Nine kitaabs on a bookshelf
somalis dont sound like this tho. these dudes are jamaican, and are exaggerating the accent weliba
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