There are only 2 Non-Western/European 1st World countries and they're both in East Asia


look at Saudi Arabia holdings they are invested in global financial system and deal in interest everyday.
The other issue is Middle East is trying to diversify from oil but it’s taking long time. When you go there everything is imported phones , cars, shoes,food, and even weapons. It works because they are oil rich but it’s not sustainable


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
When I looked up the development index, muslim countries ranked in the bottom half in terms of HDI and the best of them ranked in the mid 30s-40s Turkey, UAE, Qatar, Kuwait, Saudi, Malaysia etc.

Why is the muslim world so behind and why is East Asia so ahead?

Japan and SK even with the labor shortage still keep their place as 3rd/6th biggest economies.

Muslims are allergic to intellectual education. or rather if they attain that- they become atheists.

The best of them- is an intellectual and a stead fast Muslim Shadid!

