There is no real Muslim unity in the current world

We see so many Somalis that simply do not understand this.

The truth of the matter is that in the current world dynamic, every sovereign state whether Muslim or not has particular geopolitic aspirations unique to their interests.

They also erect clear structural and legislative boundaries that work in the interest of preserving the sovereignty of their nation and ultimately their people before any traditional religious loyalty and adherence.

This simple truth has not been understood by Somalia and Somalis. The current world is a materialistic and secular power struggle. Therefore, unfortunately there is no real Muslim unity or any other traditional religious unity for that matter.

If you naively allow hordes of culturally and ethnically foreign people into your cultural, religious, and land spaces without protective measures, you will become subject to longstanding agendas and 3D chess moves from other extremely imperialistic and expansionist nations

We know that the only ones that will be capable of uniting the Muslims is the Mahdi and ultimately prophet Isa peace be upon him when he returns.

Before then please stop being so naive and don't fall for the words of wolves in sheeps clothing speaking sweet nothings into your ear.

The truth seeker

Life , liberty , and the pursuit of happiness
After the fall of the Ottoman Empire a Collapse that was engineered by the the west and world war two Arabs started to become nationalist and care more about there nation and less about there fellow Muslim brother no wonder Israel humiliated them in 1967

Nowadays gulf Arabs have become so addicted to there hedonistic lifestyle and have no urge to fight for any real islamic cause and besides they depend on a kafir western superpower for there continued existence as a nation

This is the century of Arab humiliation and the Jewish golden age
After the fall of the Ottoman Empire a Collapse that was engineered by the the west and world war two Arabs started to become nationalist and care more about there nation and less about there fellow Muslim brother no wonder Israel humiliated them in 1967

Nowadays gulf Arabs have become so addicted to there hedonistic lifestyle and have no urge to fight for any real islamic cause and besides they depend on a kafir western superpower for there continued existence as a nation

This is the century of Arab humiliation and the Jewish golden age
For one person to live a comfortable hedonistic life and all the perks that come with it. Another nation has to suffer and serve as the banquet for everyone to feast on.

We know that the treasures of Allah are never ending, but people without faith have a narrow mindset of oppression and poverty. They cannot fathom the infinite grace of the Lord.
One look at how Libiyans treat us and even other Muslim groups is so telling. I don't think anyone with half a brain would believe in the idea of "one ummah". This goodwill nature makes you look dumb. To survive this current climate, a lot of us need to change how we think about other nationalities.
I don’t know why Somalis care so much about things like this and are surprised. The major rich arab nations don’t care about their fellow Arabs being bombed and violated why are you just finding out they don’t care about you? Heck they even kill their own people in Yemen. Come on man
Somalis understand national interests; they’re just more sincere and straightforward about the Islamic principles of one ummah. Is that naïve? Maybe. But we can recognize that Somali interests and respect for other Muslims who don’t bring us harm can coexist. After all, even one’s own brother can be a worst enemy—and the same applies to Muslims.

Yusuf M

Somalis understand national interests; they’re just more sincere and straightforward about the Islamic principles of one ummah. Is that naïve? Maybe. But we can recognize that Somali interests and respect for other Muslims who don’t bring us harm can coexist. After all, even one’s own brother can be a worst enemy—and the same applies to Muslims.
Many Somalis love others more than each other. I once saw this Somali guy in a Somali restaurant insulting another Somali guy's clan and parents. Then an Arab came in and started kissing @ss. He even offered to pay for the Arab's lunch. These people have been mentally colonized.
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Yusuf M

Somalis need to forget about the so called ummah, and start worrying about their dirt poor country. Ain't no other Muslims worried or cares about yall.
Somalis understand national interests; they’re just more sincere and straightforward about the Islamic principles of one ummah. Is that naïve? Maybe. But we can recognize that Somali interests and respect for other Muslims who don’t bring us harm can coexist. After all, even one’s own brother can be a worst enemy—and the same applies to Muslims.
Somalis don’t even respect their own. Let’s first be able to coexist with our own people before we become charity cases for other people. Charity starts at home first. Can’t help other people when your homes in tatters.

Yusuf M


I'll give you another example. A few years ago after Friday prayers this Somali dude was acting tough in the parking lot towards other Somalis. He then accidentally bumped into an Arab guy and his child. I think that Arab was a Lebanese. Anyway, that Arab got mad and slapped the Somali man 2 or 3 times for bumping into him and his child. And instead of fighting back, the Somali cowardly took the slaps and walked away without even saying a thing to the Arab. I mean a few seconds prior to the slaps he was a Rambo. What a fucking weak cowardly b!tch. They only got energy for their own people.
Somalis don’t even respect their own. Let’s first be able to coexist with our own people before we become charity cases for other people. Charity starts at home first. Can’t help other people when your homes in tatters.

I'll give you another example. A few years ago after Friday prayers this Somali dude was acting tough in the parking lot towards other Somalis. He then accidentally bumped into an Arab guy and his child. I think that Arab was a Lebanese. Anyway, that Arab got mad and slapped the Somali man 2 or 3 times for bumping into him and his child. And instead of fighting back, the Somali cowardly took the slaps and walked away without even saying a thing to the Arab. I mean a few seconds prior to the slaps he was a Rambo. What a fucking weak cowardly b!tch. They only got energy for their own people.

Agree. Somalis are shisheeye kaalkaals and that's the biggest form of self-hatred. Our egalitarian culture has its downsides—one being that internal conflicts often run deeper than any tension with ajnabis.

Yusuf M

Agree. Somalis are shisheeye kaalkaals and that's the biggest form of self-hatred. Our egalitarian culture has its downsides—one being that internal conflicts often run deeper than any tension with ajnabis.
I would've had some respect for them had they had the same energy towards ajnabis as they do towards fellow Somalis.
Only insecure broke Muslim men from shthole countries talk about the "one Muslim ummah."
I've never met a single mali nigga who talks about the 'one ummah' stuff in real life. But then again, I’m not from Britishstan.

Also, some do it for race-mixing purposes "give me ur spicy white turkish daughters saar we’re one ummah saar fear Allah saar.'"

Yusuf M

I always have the same energy for Ayrabs or other Ajanabis. Probably even more towards Ajanabis than Somalis. I ain't like the many idiotic mentality colonized Somalis.

I'll give you another example. A few years ago after Friday prayers this Somali dude was acting tough in the parking lot towards other Somalis. He then accidentally bumped into an Arab guy and his child. I think that Arab was a Lebanese. Anyway, that Arab got mad and slapped the Somali man 2 or 3 times for bumping into him and his child. And instead of fighting back, the Somali cowardly took the slaps and walked away without even saying a thing to the Arab. I mean a few seconds prior to the slaps he was a Rambo. What a fucking weak cowardly b!tch. They only got energy for their own people.
Irrational fairytales. What was he doing in a parking lot harassing people? Where is this parking lot that has so many Somalis all at once?


I disagree muslims unity exist because gaza would have been completely wiped by Israel if it was not for Islamic resistance coming from all corners. Jordan, Qatar and others arab states dropping aid, Saudis backtracking from recognizing Israel, Houthis seizing the red sea. Palestine struggle showed muslim unity. Everyone paid their part regardless of how small it was.

Muslims today are as said nationalistic as well and only care for respective interests and protection of sovereign states. Nothing wrong with that.

Caliphate will still come into fruition albeit in modern senses not interfering in local nation. For instance Saudi Arabia will still be ruled by a saudi but will have to bend the knee to the Caliph who has not only been sent to muslims alone but to all mankind in general as grace from the almighty creator.

Yusuf M

Irrational fairytales. What was he doing in a parking lot harassing people? Where is this parking lot that has so many Somalis all at once?
Dude, it was at the Mosque's parking lot after Friday's prayer. Lots of people were there leaving the Mosque in case you've never been to a Mosque's parking lot. Why was he harassing people?
Because Somalis are a bunch of uncivilized assholes who can get loud and aggressive towards each in public. Not saying he was bothering everyone there. But certain people close to him. But hey, if you think it is an irrational fairytale then that's on you.


I disagree muslims unity exist because gaza would have been completely wiped by Israel if it was not for Islamic resistance coming from all corners. Jordan, Qatar and others arab states dropping aid, Saudis backtracking from recognizing Israel, Houthis seizing the red sea. Palestine struggle showed muslim unity. Everyone paid their part regardless of how small it was.

Muslims today are as said nationalistic as well and only care for respective interests and protection of sovereign states. Nothing wrong with that.

Caliphate will still come into fruition albeit in modern senses not interfering in local nation. For instance Saudi Arabia will still be ruled by a saudi but will have to bend the knee to the Caliph who has not only been sent to muslims alone but to all mankind in general as grace from the almighty creator.
I forgot to mention our shia brothers contribution to the palestinian struggle for justice. Lebanon opening front on the Southern borders to ease the pain and great warriors iranians directly hitting the enemy zionist state for the first time and with supersonic missiles.

Trust me when i confidently say this: the zionist state had never been more weakened and awakened a giant empire with their blunders of strategies which resulted in negative effects. Todays Israel is much weaker than before the october 7 attacks. Just like uncle sam blunders after 911, Israel made the mistakes which are irreversible. Todays USA is weaker than pre 911 USA and so is Todays Israel weaker than pre october 7 Israel.

When in emotions be careful of how you react. Because of 911 uncle sam USA went on endless muslims wars in Iraq and Afghanistan up to no good in the long terms. USA lost its premier place on top of the world in the last decades. Now they are struggling to contain China and Russia. Same thing happened to Israel as well.

Their idiotic reactions resulted in genocide with 50 000 humans killed by israelis. Israelis are highly wanted on the International criminal courts arrest list for crimes against humanity and they lost the support of the whole world included their own fanactics western allies.

Israel just like the united states are a former shadow of themselves and on their last legs because of strategic blunders of epic proportions.
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There never was. Not long after the prophet died there was a civil war between the sahabas. So if those “best generation” were so divided why do you expect us to be any different?

The fact is we are all human and tend to be divided. Everyone is divided.


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