There is no unified Culture in Somalia


Head of Somalia freemasonry branch
Things that are okay to do in Mogadishu is not okay to do in other cities
And Vice versa

the isolation period from 1989-present
Where each Clans sticked to their regions
Might have caused this

There are cultural differences within Somalia.
For example, the way people behave with in-laws etc. For example where I am from, it is ceeb for the girl's father to stay at her house for days. But it is okay for a father to stay at his sons house for however long he wants, as his sons money is his money. But I heard among some Southern Somali circles, they don't care.

This is just one example.

We have always had cultural differences, the same way we have linguistic differences.

Also, some things have been adopted through intermarriage and migration. For example, Buranbur is originally from Bari, but now all Somalis do it, even though you can see the variations even in the way they read the buranbur or the dance adaptions.

Dirac, I think from Djibouti.

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There are cultural differences within Somalia.
For example, the way people behave with in-laws etc. For example where I am from, it is ceeb for the girl's father to stay at her house for days. But it is okay for a father to stay at his sons house for however long he wants, as his sons money is his money. But I heard among some Southern Somali circles, they don't care.

This is just one example.

We have always had cultural differences, the same way we have linguistic differences.

Also, some things have been adopted through intermarriage and migration. For example, Buranbur is originally from Bari, but now all Somalis do it, even though you can see the variations even in the way they read the buranbur or the dance adaptions.

Dirac, I think from Djibouti.

Buranbur is basically poetry women composed for weddings . Thats not really something that could have originated from one region in somalia like a local dance could
Every country in the world even the most homogenous one has variations/differences in culture from region to region.
This. People from Tokyo/Kanto region have stereotypes of how Japanese people from Osaka/Kansai behave. And that is the most homogenous country in the world.
Buranbur is basically poetry women composed for weddings . Thats not really something that could have originated from one region in somalia like a local dance could

No it is not. Buranbur is a dance AND poetry and every Somali dance has a region where a particular dance originated from. Zaylici- Saylac. Dhaanto-Ogaden, Central Hawiye have their own dances etc.

Buranbur dance is from Bari. In fact, Buranburs origin is called Mingis, which is exactly like Buranbur but pagan. Instead of praising families, it has a spiritual element.

Watch with sound off people, this is pagan/jinn related.

Find me one place/community in Somalia that does a pre-islamic dance that is exactly like buranbur. You won't.

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Buranbur is basically poetry women composed for weddings . Thats not really something that could have originated from one region in somalia like a local dance could
Why not? Most Somali dances involve some form of poetry and chanting. Buranbuur is no different and just like other dances which originate from specific regions, Buranbuur is from Bari.

It has just become so popular that it’s been adopted by Somalis from other regions. Same way dhaanto is now becoming more mainstream.
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Why not? Most Somali dances involve some form of poetry and chanting. Buranbuur is no different and just like other dances which originate from specific regions, Buranbuur is from Bari.

It has just become so popular that it’s been adopted by Somalis from other regions. Same way dhaanto is now becoming more mainstream although.

Even when Somalis from other places do buranbur they add their own cultural twist, which shows the regional adaptation. The umbrellas which is from Saylici. Also the acrobatic jumping, flips etc, is not true buranbur.
Some clans were more civilized than others if you look at history. These uncivilized clans should therefore not be given any power to govern over others.
Why not? Most Somali dances involve some form of poetry and chanting. Buranbuur is no different and just like other dances which originate from specific regions, Buranbuur is from Bari.

It has just become so popular that it’s been adopted by Somalis from other regions. Same way dhaanto is now becoming more mainstream.
I've never seen anyone call buranbuur a regional dance. I've always only heard it aa the general name for poetry and dancing women do at weddings. I mean have you ever heard of a poetry genre called zaylic, or dhanto ? Everything I've read about sugaanta has buranbuur classified as one of the basic types of poetry.
No it is not. Buranbur is a dance AND poetry and every Somali dance has a region where a particular dance originated from. Zaylici- Saylac. Dhaanto-Ogaden, Central Hawiye have their own dances etc.

Buranbur dance is from Bari. In fact, Buranburs origin is called Mingis, which is exactly like Buranbur but pagan. Instead of praising families, it has a spiritual element.

Watch with sound off people, this is pagan/jinn related.

Find me one place/community in Somalia that does a pre-islamic dance that is exactly like buranbur. You won't.

But nobody considers buranbuur about spefic regional dance. I've never heard anybody use it in that context. It'd be pretty weird for all of women's poetry to be called the name of a specific regional dance.

Also mingis has a completely different context which it is used in. I dont think we can really say they have much to do with each other.
But nobody considers buranbuur about spefic regional dance. I've never heard anybody use it in that context. It'd be pretty weird for all of women's poetry to be called the name of a specific regional dance.

Also mingis has a completely different context which it is used in. I dont think we can really say they have much to do with each other.

I don't know why you are being stubborn about basic facts that Buranbur is a regional dance, every Somali girl/woman knows this, you're man, is that why you are confused?

Moreover, every dance has its roots somewhere, and Mingiis is the pre-islamic version of Buranbur. If you watched the videos, knew what Buranbur was, you would see that it's the same dance. Except one is Pagan/spiritual and unisex and the other is sanitised and women only. It's clear that the dance changed to accommodate the adoption of Islam.

I can't imagine someone watching both mingis and buranbur and denying that it's the exact same dance.
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Somalis stil retain pagan rituals/practises such as Fircooni/FGM, and I suspect different communities have different 'hidden' practices. I need to make a thread on pre-islamic traditions in modern Somalia.

More on mingis, Mama Malyuun had it done.

SOUND OFF- this is not islamic and I don't want to take responsibility for what you may hear.

*The North-Eastern version of 'Saar', called Mingis- same as buranbur in the drums, dances, but there are men also taking part.

I don't know why you are being stubborn about basic facts. Buranbur is a regional dance, every Somali girl/woman knows this, you're man, is that why you are confused?

Moreoever, every dance has its roots somewhere, and Mingiis is the pre-islamic version of Buranbur. If you watched the videos, knew what Buranbur was, you would see that it's the sam dance. Except one is Pagan/spiritual and unisex and the other is sanitised and women only. It's clear that the dance changed to accommodate the adoption of Islam.

I can't imagine someone watching both mingis and buranbur and denying that it's the same dance.
Are you telling me that the name everybody uses when they talk about women dancing and reciting poetry and is considered one of the basic genres of poetry along with gabay and Geraar. Is actually just a regional dance from Bari?

Mingiis is a spirtual/ritual type of dance. Buranbur is used for weddings. The similarities between them make much more sense if you assume that buranbur is also pre Islamic and they both retain common elements. Espciaally since wedding dances are a basic aspect of a culture and are often quite old. (Their are images of people doing the dabke in the Levant thosuands of years ago)
Are you telling me that the name everybody uses when they talk about women dancing and reciting poetry and is considered one of the basic genres of poetry along with gabay and Geraar. Is actually just a regional dance from Bari?

There are cultural dances and poems recited across Somalia and everyone knows this. I didn't call 'all somali dances/poetry' "buranbur".

I am talking about a particular dance called Buranbur, and yes, it's from Bari originally. All Somali communities have dances that have roots in their community and region, and Buranbur is no different.

Mingiis is a spirtual/ritual type of dance. Buranbur is used for weddings. The similarities between them make much more sense if you assume that buranbur is also pre Islamic and they both retain common elements. Espciaally since wedding dances are a basic aspect of a culture and are often quite old. (Their are images of people doing the dabke in the Levant thosuands of years ago)

Buranbur and Mingis are the same dance, except one is spiritual and the other is for celebrations. It would also make sense that both existed simultaneously. I don't take issue with that.