There was a female user on this site what happened to her

she used to post threads about old stars and music. i hope she's doing well. i remember her posting about her abusive household.
She told me she had no one to turn to for emotional support. When I reached out to her she told me about her situation. I actually cried with her. She was a kind,intelligent, pretty young lady.
she was an unproblematic user i wish we had an update on her. i hate that some of the users would downplay the abuse she was facing at home.
Yes she was a sweetheart. She had low self esteem and she thought she was ugly and unintelligent. I told her excuse me? You are very intelligent and attractive.
I'd also like to add that she never thought that any man would genuinely like her because apparently a guy who showed interest in her left her for another woman and she was very upset about it. She had no one, it's very heartbreaking.
Yes she was a sweetheart. She had low self esteem and she thought she was ugly and unintelligent. I told her excuse me? You are very intelligent and attractive.
I think her OG name was @Princefan. she was a very interesting person and seemed to have an admiration for vintage pop culture. i really hope she's doing well for herself; she is a very kind person. i understand that it's hard to live in an expensive city like London. i hope she gains her independence and finds her tribe. if you don't mind me asking, what was your prev acc name?
I think her OG name was @Princefan. she was a very interesting person and seemed to have an admiration for vintage pop culture. i really hope she's doing well for herself; she is a very kind person. i understand that it's hard to live in an expensive city like London. i hope she gains her independence and finds her tribe. if you don't mind me asking, what was your prev acc name?
She told me that her mother would tell her she is dumb and worthless all the time. She definitely internalised that because whenever we'd have conversations she would doubt her intelligence.


Plotting world domination
she was an unproblematic user i wish we had an update on her. i hate that some of the users would downplay the abuse she was facing at home.

"wish we had an update on her. i hate that some of the users would downplay the abuse she was facing at home."

I always hated this shit as well.

Personally I think it's just cope tbh. These niggas are tired of hearing negative things about the Somali community so they get defensive whenever they see someone talking about the bs their dealing with at home.

One of the first threads I saw on here was about a Jasmin osman. A chick that had a bad dhaqan celis experience.

Niggas on here were attacking her after reporting her mother to the authorities
"wish we had an update on her. i hate that some of the users would downplay the abuse she was facing at home."

I always hated this shit as well.

Personally I think it's just cope tbh. These niggas are tired of hearing negative things about the Somali community so they get defensive whenever they see someone talking about the bs their dealing with at home.

One of the first threads I saw on here was about a Jasmin osman. A chick that had a bad dhaqan celis experience.

Niggas on here were attacking her after reporting her mother to the authorities
She felt like she was stupid and worthless. I guess growing up in an abusive home environment does that to you.
Also her not having anyone at all made her feel like she wasn't meant to have personal relationships with people (famial platonic and romantic) since ,in her words,she had bad experiences in all 3 areas.
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"wish we had an update on her. i hate that some of the users would downplay the abuse she was facing at home."

I always hated this shit as well.

Personally I think it's just cope tbh. These niggas are tired of hearing negative things about the Somali community so they get defensive whenever they see someone talking about the bs their dealing with at home.

One of the first threads I saw on here was about a Jasmin osman. A chick that had a bad dhaqan celis experience.

Niggas on here were attacking her after reporting her mother to the authorities
Our lovely sspot troll posted this to a girl that was chained up for 14 days:
