These Ethiopians made Gospel Dhaanto

Somalis failed in conquering or Dominating the Horn

I am certain if it was Arabs or Persians/ottomans who inhabited Somalia, they would have assimilated all of East africa forget the horn
No they wouldn't. Somalis were literally invaded by more than one European country.
Did you know Somalis are one of the few people groups in the world to be colonized simultaneously by many different european powers? English, Italian,France...
Dervishes were the first to be air bombed in all of Africa. In the 1977 war, Russia gave Ethiopia 11billiion dollars worth of Weapons plus their top generals plus they imported 19K cuban footsoldiers. I mean how are we supposed to beat those adds?
The English created Liyuu police paramilitary group in 2007 to fight the ONLF, on top of providing Ethiopia aid and weapons.
Let's be honest, we Somalis were aways getting sabotaged and ganged up by everyone and their mamas. If the west stayed out of our affairs and let us battle it out with Ethiopia and Kenya today, I think we would win IF were united and not divided.
No Waarya. Somalis in Ethiopia have the highest birth rate in Ethiopia. They are already now the third largest tribe in Ethiopia. Somalis are the sleeping giant of Ethiopia

the non Somalis won’t be able to grab Somali Peoples land.
Bro, our issue isn't our numbers or lands. The biggest issue we have is anytime we fight another group of people, they get support from the west, mostly UK and U.S.A while they call us terrorists and attack us. I trust Somalis to come out on top against anyone in Africa if it's a fair fight, and both sides have access to the same resources.


Bro, our issue isn't our numbers or lands. The biggest issue we have is anytime we fight another group of people, they get support from the west, mostly UK and U.S.A while they call us terrorists and attack us. I trust Somalis to come out on top against anyone in Africa if it's a fair fight, and both sides have access to the same resources.
I know all this. In 1977 USSR backed Ethiopia and in 2006 America orchestrated the Ethiopian invasion on Somalia by claiming ICU was a terrorist government.

but now we are not in American dominated world order.

many countries in the world are on the side of Somalia. Turkey Arab league even my country Eritrea. Eritrea would never allow
Ethiopia to invade Somalia.

yes Somali peoples birth growth in Somalia and Ogaden/Galbeed, will make Somalia and all Somalis a force to be reckoned with.
I know all this. In 1977 USSR backed Ethiopia and in 2006 America orchestrated the Ethiopian invasion on Somalia by claiming ICU was a terrorist government.

but now we are not in American dominated world order.

many countries in the world are on the side of Somalia. Turkey Arab league even my country Eritrea. Eritrea would never allow
Ethiopia to invade Somalia.

yes Somali peoples birth grow in Somalia and Ogaden/Galbeed, will make Somalia force to be reckoned with.
Turkey and those countries you mentioned will show their support by mouth only. no one will give us the weapons we need to go to war, besides, the world still see Ogaden as part of Ethiopia. They would side with Ethiopia if we tried to get it back, like they sided with us after Ethiopia tried to get access to our sea.
Eritrea isn't superpower, Somalia would need a superpower best friend. Russia, China, America and I don't see that happening.
Turkey and those countries you mentioned will show their support by mouth only. no one will give us the weapons we need to go to war, besides, the world still see Ogaden as part of Ethiopia. They would side with Ethiopia if we tried to get it back, like they sided with us after Ethiopia tried to get access to our sea.
Eritrea isn't superpower, Somalia would need a superpower best friend. Russia, China, America and I don't see that happening.

You're forgetting the fact the the current "government" in Mogadishu is an american puppet which was brought in by ethiopians, and which is currently guarded by them.


Turkey and those countries you mentioned will show their support by mouth only. no one will give us the weapons we need to go to war, besides, the world still see Ogaden as part of Ethiopia. They would side with Ethiopia if we tried to get it back, like they sided with us after Ethiopia tried to get access to our sea.
Eritrea isn't superpower, Somalia would need a superpower best friend. Russia, China, America and I don't see that happening.
Eritrea trained Somalias armed forces air and navy. And even supplied patrol boats to Somalia.

do you think Eritrea would led Somalia down if Ethiopia was to invade e Somalia, when Eritrea supported ONLF and alliance of Reliberation of Somalia led by fmr President Sheikh Hassan, during the Ethiopian invasion in 2006

besides that all the other allies of
Somalia would do it too. Eritrea has 1.700 tanks
The place he was born is inhabited by somalis, all the important people in Futux are somalis, the army is mostly somali, there is not a single question the man is somali. No other ethnic group can prove it and they are larping.

What would he be if he wasn’t somali? Harari? These folks didn’t even exist when he was born. Ethio-semite? Many became muslim due to somali traders and Imams Axmed Gureys conquest. Oromo? These guys only came into the area after the wars between somalis and habash, so they are out of the question.

Walaal, don’t entertain any other idea that he wasn’t somali. Waa nin somaali, his descendants are somali, qabiils fight over him.
Thank you Walalo I had doubt in my heart about the situation for a while people make us seem like we’re crazy hoteps who latch on too any type of glory in the horn


Forza Somalia!
We could have seriously assimilated the whole horn to become muslims and somalis but only 1 man Allah yerhama had that idea, the great, the geesiest somali man ever, Imam Axmed Gurey AUN to this man.

Even when somalis are not exporting their culture we got folks around the world listening to us and mimicking us. Imam Axmed Gurey AUN mission should have been repeated multiple times but figures like him never happened. We need a man like him again.
That would actually made it worse, they would have hidden themselves under Islamic ummah the same way Oromos do. Dadkan iska ilaaliya.
Wherever you see Ethiopians mimicking Somali culture, just know 90% they are Oromo.

Somalis resisted Orthodox Christianity, for 100 plus years under brutal occupation.

But you think a few lost Oromo gospel singers are going to make a difference, by adding subpar dhaanto to their routine.

get real people :mjlaugh:
Wherever you see Ethiopians mimicking Somali culture, just know 90% they are Oromo.

Somalis resisted Orthodox Christianity, for 100 plus years under brutal occupation.

But you think a few lost Oromo gospel singers are going to make a difference, by adding subpar dhaanto to their routine.

get real people :mjlaugh:
Season 1 King GIF by The Spanish Princess
OK what's wrong with habesha people, they are always culturally appropriating somalis 😂😂😂. You will never see in your whole life a domali mimicking habesha in any fashion, that is an absolute truth